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Why do you think swtor has population issues.


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Because the game sucks, and because of this too many players on too many separate servers left the game too abruptly for BioWare to have enough warning (I suppose around 2-3 months would have been enough for BW since ever since EA hired them they all seem to have been smoking weed around the clock in the office) to merge the servers or offer server transfers.
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I'm gonna tritto this sentiment. Modern product requires modern features now, not in 6 years.


Yes, I certainly don't agree with the sentiment that it's okay modern MMOs don't have features for another 6 years. I do think, however, that with the sheer size of the game itself, the need to get the MMO out the door, and the fact that the average of modern MMOs to implement these features are more along the lines of around 6 months. LFG, customizable UI, server transfers, etc. have been averaging 6 months lately.


There is a need, too, to always be progressing, the push to get more and more into an MMO in the same 5 to 6 year development timeframe, which is a very tight squeeze. So, as time goes on, more and more features will be implemented for launch, it won't be all-inclusive, but rather a prioritizing method, however.


And there won't be a sudden leap in the number of feature inclusions at launch, either, we must understand this. It's, as I stated, progressive.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I think the IP brought in a lot of people who had never played an MMO before, and I don't it think it's a stretch to say that the retention rate for those people is significantly lower than it is for people who are MMO vets.


Also June is right around the corner. I mean come on.

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Their business model and game design is horribly outdated. Even WOW wouldnt work if it was released today. People stay on it because they have become part of the community and feel comfortable there. Sure...some people like the grind. But not enough to keep this game above a few 100k subs.


When I pay $50 or whatever for a game and then have to pay $15 a month to keep playing then I have VERY VERY high standards. And others are the same. Swtor is a good game but in the end if you are going to charge so much it needs to have almost never ending content and alot of features.


Games without a sub (as even now MMO's are doing) get more slack than ones with a sub. This isnt a surprise.


The world has changed and EA/BW didnt change.

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1. While does this game have mailboxes? They have spaceships, but they havent invented a little cellphone to read your emails? Why just dont have a email in your gui?

2. Why do I buy skills from a trainer? Ever watched a Star Wars movie where a jedi says to his padwan, "no I cant train you this skill because you dont have enough credits!"

3. Why does this game have durability system and exact the same copy as in WoW? Already happend to me many times that if your grp wipes more then 3 times, people leave because they cant loosing money on wipes. I mean they could have a durability system on your speederbike where it had to get repaired then and again or pay for the repars of your ship after a space mission. But this? Now words....

4. Why does my Jedi Guardian play like my Warrior on WoW? It has taunt, aoe taunt, sunder armor, thunderclap, charge and you can spec stunning charge like in WoW. Charge also gives you focus point like in WoW. Then I have buble and and the ability that gives me 30% hp etc etc...

5. Why does my mount/speederbike feel and controls like a mount in WoW? How the hell can my bike with just a click of a mouse button turn 180 degrease? Even the mount in AoC didnt do that. Damn I want speederbike to feel like a speederbike! Why did they copy the jump ability from WoW? I mean I understand that horses can jump, but a speeder bike? Why didnt take the best ideas from Rogue Squadron how speedbike works (or SW galaxies). Use space to boos instead of jump? Here is a video how speederbike should work in a SW game:

Real Speeder bike


It has been stated numerous times that this game is too similar to Wow. People have argured that it's because of Wow's success. Rarely does anyone go into detail and explain why copying the most successful mmorpg is a bad thing.


1. Mailboxes fit the Wow universe, but in Star Wars it's so silly and laughable.

2. Credit sinks are a necessary evil, but Jedi/Sith buying skills is silly.

3. Do the developers think Wow's success is partially attributed to item durability? I think it's unnecessary.

4. I think the point is to make the transition from the Wow warrior easier.

5. You have a point here. I watched your video post and realized that speeders could be much more exciting.

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