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Why do you think swtor has population issues.


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People don't understand that they had to open a lot of servers because of the lagging issues.


50+ in one instance starts lagging issues in this game and its formidable Hero engine. Was more so in 1.0. It improved in 1.2 and may be today it is about a threshold of 100.

But it is still a problem for merging a lot of servers.

Edited by limenutpen
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People don't understand that they had to open a lot of servers because of the lagging issues.


50+ in one instance starts lagging issues in this game and its formidable Hero engine. Was more so in 1.0. It improved in 1.2 and may be today it is about a threshold of 100.

But it is still a problem for merging a lot of servers.


It did at first. They expanded it. And it wasn't the HERO engine to blame. The HERO engine, itself, is capable of 200 in one location.

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Actually, they DID have character transfers in closed beta, and it tested out great. But you were very close with Legacy being an issue because that too was in the works at the time. It simply hadn't reached the alpha stage yet so it wasn't included in the transfer tests.


Which stage? I was in the final 3 wipes full time and I don't recall that at all. I'm not saying they weren't there, but I don't recall them in the least. The closest they got was when they put the random 40's on the test server to try end-game content...with only like enough cash to buy 1/5th of your skills and no companions, no ship...just spawned on the Fleet. That last all of like a day. I assume this was well prior to those phases? Before early August?

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It being too much like wow is exactly the problem, why would people looking to leave WoW want something that's nearly identical ,with fewer features, less polish and repetitive quests and no community. People didn't want WoW in Space, they wanted KOTOR Galaxies. And they got WoW in Space. So naturally they would not stay.


KOTOR Galaxies now that would of been the best thing ever created.

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So what you guys think.


Personally I think the game hasn't delivered original content but is more a rehash of wow like material.


When Tor came out, it was definately not like wow. No LFG, No addons, No boring grind quests like kill 30 dogs and loot 15 tongues...

A lot of trolls and whiners at the forum, actually want Tor to be like wow ;( as they are bored at wow too and dont like if another MMO is better as their "holy grale".


The population issue is simply said the fault of the gamers themself, they did cry so badly at release that the servers had a queue - so BW wanted to help them and gave new ones... everyone who is a little bit experienced and smart did know that going to these servers will result in beeing alone.


My server had 40 min queues and is very healthy today.

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The population issue is simply said the fault of the gamers themself, they did cry so badly at release that the servers had a queue - so BW wanted to help them and gave new ones... everyone who is a little bit experienced and smart did know that going to these servers will result in beeing alone.


My server had 40 min queues and is very healthy today.


So you are actually saying that it was Biowares intention from the start to give the shaft to it's non experienced and unsmart playbase? Really? Makes no sense whatsoever to me.

Edited by Helistin
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Incorrect. They didn't open too many. Refer to my above post.


You're just wrong, man. If that had been Bioware's intention, they would have made guild names and character names global rather than server-based. It's not technically difficult to transfer players. It does, however, create a logistical nightmare of common player / guild names. And legacy doesn't help. When you /whisper a player, you don't have to type that player's legacy name because that player's first name is unique to your server. Get two players with the same first name on a server and suddenly you have issues. Start telling players which servers they can and cannot transfer to, and suddenly you have a new problem, since players will not separate from their guilds and friends.

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You're just wrong, man. If that had been Bioware's intention, they would have made guild names and character names global rather than server-based. It's not technically difficult to transfer players. It does, however, create a logistical nightmare of common player / guild names. And legacy doesn't help. When you /whisper a player, you don't have to type that player's legacy name because that player's first name is unique to your server. Get two players with the same first name on a server and suddenly you have issues. Start telling players which servers they can and cannot transfer to, and suddenly you have a new problem, since players will not separate from their guilds and friends.


Be that as it may, they did test server transfer software in beta quite successfully.

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When Tor came out, it was definately not like wow. No LFG, No addons, No boring grind quests like kill 30 dogs and loot 15 tongues...

A lot of trolls and whiners at the forum, actually want Tor to be like wow ;( as they are bored at wow too and dont like if another MMO is better as their "holy grale".


The population issue is simply said the fault of the gamers themself, they did cry so badly at release that the servers had a queue - so BW wanted to help them and gave new ones... everyone who is a little bit experienced and smart did know that going to these servers will result in beeing alone.


My server had 40 min queues and is very healthy today.


Yeaaahhhhh, definitely not like WoW...


- Dailies for "endgame" content

- Instanced EVERYTHING (WZs, FPs, Ops)

- Talent tress with cookie cutter specs

- Static quest hubs

- Below average character creation customization

- Sitting at the fleet/Org/SW standing around

- BoP/BoE gear with the same color coding


on and on and on...WoW 2.0 with Star Wars IP.

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The cost of everything is just way too much in the game.

Buying augment gear.

Extraction costs.

Legacy perks.

Respeccing to play pve and pvp.

It is a given that no person needs to do this. But when that is the new content released. People want to do that. But with nerfs to Warzone credit payouts and daily missions that give you barely enough credits to buy augment gear and extract from 1 piece of gear. This will take weeks to complete. For a casual player, this is not worth doing. 1-2 hours doing dailies is nearly half if not all the time a casual player has. So forget raids and forget pvp if your planning on doing dailies. Some would rather not log on then have to do dailies instead of pvpin like they want to.

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This is what I don't understand. If TOR is "incomplete" why in God's name would you go back to WOW, which hasn't had a major content update in nearly 2 years? Even the content that will be added this year (MoP) doesn't even equal the size and scope of a single planet on TOR.


By major content do you mean - reblancing of all classes, 5 more levels to grind, whole new areas/ remapping of old areas plus lots and lots of new gear/tier gear


Cause i think that happened not so long ago

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So what you guys think.


Personally I think the game hasn't delivered original content but is more a rehash of wow like material.


Easy. On PVP servers, it was faction imbalances. Why run with a faction that loses 98% of its matches?


Reference: Infinity Gate


The population was huge. But for every 200 WZs you ran, you got 4 wins. Not just close loses either, major blowouts. Pubs getting 2 kills total, Imp specs that dont even have heals putting up huge healing numbers.


All the Pubs quit. And by all, I mean most. Last night, there was 4 level 50 Pubs, and 40 level 50 Imps. So....its gotten even worse. We may get 1 queue pop per week, they can run all day. Why pay for that? Lost a lot of subs because of it....

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The cost of everything is just way too much in the game.

Buying augment gear.

Extraction costs.

Legacy perks.

Respeccing to play pve and pvp.

It is a given that no person needs to do this. But when that is the new content released. People want to do that. But with nerfs to Warzone credit payouts and daily missions that give you barely enough credits to buy augment gear and extract from 1 piece of gear. This will take weeks to complete. For a casual player, this is not worth doing. 1-2 hours doing dailies is nearly half if not all the time a casual player has. So forget raids and forget pvp if your planning on doing dailies. Some would rather not log on then have to do dailies instead of pvpin like they want to.


Dev screen shots on preview videos APPEAR to be showing cost reductions for many things.

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All the posts about "too many servers" fail to address why many servers that had healthy populations are now ghost towns as well. Why did all the folks on those healthy population servers quit? If that question is not answered and dealt with server merges/transfers will just prolong the agony as the new healthy servers continue bleeding subs.
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All the posts about "too many servers" fail to address why many servers that had healthy populations are now ghost towns as well. Why did all the folks on those healthy population servers quit? If that question is not answered and dealt with server merges/transfers will just prolong the agony as the new healthy servers continue bleeding subs.


At first? Typical dropoff of concurrent playtimes. Then, servers weren't consolidated/culled soon enough, and low morale took hold. The low morale then caused those affected to look at the bugs and minor issues the game has as a bigger deal than they really are, they unsub, and you have our current situation.

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All the posts about "too many servers" fail to address why many servers that had healthy populations are now ghost towns as well. Why did all the folks on those healthy population servers quit? If that question is not answered and dealt with server merges/transfers will just prolong the agony as the new healthy servers continue bleeding subs.


Yeah i really dont understand how people can be so short sighted or just blind. The servers emptied for a reason, merging servers may slow down the amount of people leaving the game, but the fact doesnt change that even the "full" servers are still losing people.

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At first? Typical dropoff of concurrent playtimes. Then, servers weren't consolidated/culled soon enough, and low morale took hold. The low morale then caused those affected to look at the bugs and minor issues the game has as a bigger deal than they really are, they unsub, and you have our current situation.



It was too many to start. We wouldn't need a consolidation if they didn't open way too many to begin with. That was the point.

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It was too many to start. We wouldn't need a consolidation if they didn't open way too many to begin with. That was the point.


Here's the kicker, though: BioWare actually tested server transfer software in closed beta. Worked very well, I might add. Some here remember that as well (other players have posted so in other threads). So, while they were hesitant to open more servers at first, they probably thought they could just cull them back later.


Now, we don't know what happened for sure, but here's what I think: The software that was tested in closed beta was tested before they were done enough with Legacy to test with that. Along with dev comments that "Legacy complicates server transfers", I think someone seriously dropped the ball on the compatibility of that transfer software with Legacy.


Now, one could reasonably still view that as opening too many servers at launch. But it could also be that they opened that many thinking they had the transfer software ready, but didn't think Legacy would break it. After all, we really didn't need transfers until after 1.2.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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^ This. Plus, people want all this fancy stuff that 2012 WoW has, that 2004 WoW didn't have, much like 2012 TOR doesn't have yet.


They're trying to make their consumers happy as fast as they possibly can, but no, people still complain. If they merged servers together into, say, 10 super large servers, people will complain again that they can't wait to get into the server and the Bioware needs to make new servers again.


Bioware is damned if they do and damned if they don't.


Every time I see this argument I laugh... The ridiculousness of the assertion this is that by 2020 SWTOR will be almost as good as WoW is in 2012 in terms of features and content... ?


If IBM released a computer that was as good as you average HP was in 2004 people would laugh, but for some reason this is the de facto supposed reasonable defence for BW/EA in this game and it amazes me.


I get that you feel it's ok, I don't. I think it's reasonable to expect that a game released in the current market will be current with the existing games of the current time.


Some of these things are very, very basic, Customizable UI as an example. I know WoW didn't have it's own customizable UI, but they did have have third part UI mods, but the fact was at least the UI was modifiable. I think the idea is brilliant! Hey you get motivated competent programmers to provide multiple UI's to your customer base for duh da duh.. FREE. No one pays for it. Blizz/Activision didn't have to invest resources into third part add-ons, to either develop or maintain.

Edited by Drakkip
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Every time I see this argument I laugh... The ridiculousness of the assertion this is that by 2020 SWTOR will be almost as good as WoW is in 2012 in terms of features and content... ?


If IBM released a computer that was as good as you average HP was in 2004 people would laugh, but for some reason this is the de facto supposed reasonable defence for BW/EA in this game and it amazes me.


I get that you feel it's ok, I don't. I think it's reasonable to expect that a game released in the current market will be current with the existing games of the current time.


Some of these things are very, very basic, Customizable UI as an example. I know WoW didn't have it's own customizable UI, but they did have have third part UI mods, but the fact was at least the UI was modifiable. I think the idea is brilliant! Hey you get motivated competent programmers to provide multiple UI's to your customer base for duh da duh.. FREE. No one pays for it. Blizz/Activision didn't have to invest resources into third part add-ons, to either develop or maintain.


That arguement has always seemed very strange to me too, has anyone seen that arguement used for any other product besides mmos?


WHY is it such a strange concept for people to accept that to release a successful mmo you need to be up to par with your competition.


WHY do people think this is just an impossible dream? its not like the tech is a mystery, its not like the devs cant see what their competition has already.

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That arguement has always seemed very strange to me too, has anyone seen that arguement used for any other product besides mmos?


WHY is it such a strange concept for people to accept that to release a successful mmo you need to be up to par with your competition.


WHY do people think this is just an impossible dream? its not like the tech is a mystery, its not like the devs cant see what their competition has already.


I'm gonna tritto this sentiment. Modern product requires modern features now, not in 6 years.


My other issue with the game is that the multiplayer stuff is so underdeveloped compared to the solo questing that it is almost insulting to the multiplayer community. How many random Sith nobody has ever heard of are we going to accept as interesting bosses in flashpoints? How many more flashpoints are going to come out that exist in a complete vacuum with no ties to the game world at large? I'm sick and tired of fighting so called bosses that are no different from the trash mobs that come before them, and not even memorable enough to remember their names.

Edited by Gungan
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