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Why do you think swtor has population issues.


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I think it's a lot of different issues for different people. Everything from no night/day cycles to lack of open world pvp.

Myself, i'm still playing pending we get transfers very soon, so i'm not unhappy enough with it to quit. Unless we don't get transfers that is.

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from my understanding, from various readings, its wasn't released 'completed' though technically MMO's are never /complete/ since there primary benefit is the constant adding of new content, stories, and area's over the years when they're at a point that 'bugs' and various other issues are reduced to the point that noone notices them that much anymore.


it'll slowly take its own path as they fix all the bugs, and start releasing more aspects into the game. i don't consider it a re-hash though i've never played WoW so i can't really say how similar they' are or aren't.


hm, though typically speaking its because game design classes and courses tell people what 'works' and what doesn't and most companies do away with orginality and creativity, in the name of profit. which originality and innovativeness tend to possess some what more risk then designing a game that has the same concepts and themes as another successful game does.


though i imagine in a few years ToR will be its on unique aspect though it is extremely difficult to be truly original anymore. since almost everything that can be done with modern tech has been done.

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One thing I would love to have is in game voice chat. Lord of the Rings Online has in game voice which makes it easy to communicate, escpecially when running pug groups. I was actually shocked first time I logged in and there was no in game voice chat. Plus the lack of sound options. I like to keep only my vent and npc voice coming through headphones and all other game sound effects coming through my speakers. Lotro has options to set it up like that. This game lacks options for sound, graphics, controls, etc etc.
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So what you guys think.


Personally I think the game hasn't delivered original content but is more a rehash of wow like material.

Wow still had 8 million subs last time I checked, so being like Wow isn't necessarily a bad thing. This only caused problems because a large percentage of SWTOR's audience is the people who were sick of Wow.


I think it makes more sense to look at SWTOR as a plane crash investigation. It's problems aren’t caused by a single issue, just the convergence of many issues and events.


Issues like:

  • Bugs
  • Unrealistic expectations
  • Over hyped launch
  • Conservative game play
  • underdevelopment of key features
  • Very fast levelling


Events like:

  • Staggered launch
  • Competitor releases


None of these things singularly are major issues, but together they can be erosive.

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It is technically incomplete,very demanding on PC resources,and overall it is in no way near WoW neither as a game nor as a game service.

I was full on SWTOR,got a 6 month sub and had the highest expectations from it.

But now although I still got 2 months left I don't even bother to log in and I'm back to WoW.

There are some fundamental flaws in SWTOR and from my experience although some aspects of a game can be improved and new content can be added the very core of the game with it's pros and cons cannot be changed.

I've seen this happening to WAR.

And now it's all over the same again in SWTOR.

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It is technically incomplete,


But now although I still got 2 months left I don't even bother to log in and I'm back to WoW.



This is what I don't understand. If TOR is "incomplete" why in God's name would you go back to WOW, which hasn't had a major content update in nearly 2 years? Even the content that will be added this year (MoP) doesn't even equal the size and scope of a single planet on TOR.

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As this is a thinly veiled rehash of a zillion other similar threads ...


BW bent over backwards for the community during early access when the people who cried for more servers to avoid login queues were granted their wish with 6 dozen shiny new servers at launch - only to find out their overblown concern wasn't a real problem. Not when dev had the queues resolved within weeks. They rerolled on the new servers (thinning out the populations in the process) realized they screwed up and snuck away with tails betwixt shanks.


Because Bioware responded to the community the way the community wanted them to, there is now a server population imbalance. A population issue that would not have existed had BW simply /ignored them and stuck to their rollout plan. That's where it started.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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As this is a thinly veiled rehash of a zillion other similar threads ...


BW bent over backwards for the community during early access when the people who cried for more servers to avoid login queues were granted their wish with 6 dozen shiny new servers at launch - only to find out their overblown concern wasn't a real problem. Not when dev had the queues resolved within weeks. They rerolled on the new servers (thinning out the populations in the process) realized they screwed up and snuck away with tails betwixt shanks.


Because Bioware responded to the community the way the community wanted them to, there is now a server population imbalance. A population issue that would not have existed had BW simply /ignored them and stuck to their rollout plan. That's where it started.


^ This. Plus, people want all this fancy stuff that 2012 WoW has, that 2004 WoW didn't have, much like 2012 TOR doesn't have yet.


They're trying to make their consumers happy as fast as they possibly can, but no, people still complain. If they merged servers together into, say, 10 super large servers, people will complain again that they can't wait to get into the server and the Bioware needs to make new servers again.


Bioware is damned if they do and damned if they don't.

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I came over here with about 25 people from my WoW guild and I am the only one still playing SWTOR, they all left within 2 months. 5 or 6 of them took off almost immediately (within a week or so) and the rest all lvld a char to 50 then left. Within days of capping lvl. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM cited "too repetitive to play alts" or "I dont want to do the same quests again on an alt" or something to that effect as their reason for leaving.


What is sad about it is that other than the handful who left right away they all just loved the game. Once through.



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The game doesn't have post 50 content that is worth $15 a month.

It is as simple as that. It has always been like this even at the launch of the game.


Creating alts become very tiresome when there is nothing to look forward to at 50.

Edited by xxdragonragexx
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So what you guys think.


Personally I think the game hasn't delivered original content but is more a rehash of wow like material.


WoW, you stay busy. I can't read a single thread without... arcdaemon:"this games no WoW, herp derp, WoW is great herp derp, derpity, no server transfers derp"

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It being too much like wow is exactly the problem, why would people looking to leave WoW want something that's nearly identical ,with fewer features, less polish and repetitive quests and no community. People didn't want WoW in Space, they wanted KOTOR Galaxies. And they got WoW in Space. So naturally they would not stay.
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I am very optimistic that this game will sort itself out and flourish, but things need to change. I can't look on the forums or watch an interview without BW saying "Sorry, can't talk about that". Well... that hasn't worked out so far so maybe try telling the people who pay for the game what you're planning so we can either say scrap it or go for it and stop wasting time on features that nobody wants (yet).


I really do love Star Wars, and I just hope BW don't make a mess of this opportunity they were given.

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There are some issues with the game, some bugs etc, but overall this game was the most complete out of the box game I have ever played.


The real issue is with all the self entitled brats who play mmos, who cant grasp the concept of MMORPG, that it takes time to develop and implement things. Because of this, and BIoware not planning for a population drop, the remaining playerbase is suffering.


Im tired of WoW gen MMO players, they have subsequently ruined every mmo since WoW. Miss the old days of the UO and EQ players.

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This is what I don't understand. If TOR is "incomplete" why in God's name would you go back to WOW, which hasn't had a major content update in nearly 2 years? Even the content that will be added this year (MoP) doesn't even equal the size and scope of a single planet on TOR.

Last major content update was 4.3 on November 29th 2011, I hated a lot of what was released in that patch but saying the last major content update was 2 years ago is asinine. Also, while I hate MoP especially those f***ing pandas, saying one planet in TOR has more content than the entire expansion is laughable.

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Promised rated warzones, pulled last second


promised 8 man ques. Im sick of raging in teamspeak because we are having to carry 12k HP, green geared **** heavy armor specc'd players wearing light armor , no buffs and dont follow objectives.


Skill cap- far to many classes are being forced to spam 1 ability to keep up, its usually the back peddling clueless players as above. Its very hard to pick out the best players because the **** ones are carried by overpowered mindless repetative spamming.



No end game competition. Once 50, we log in, que. There is no sense of adventure in the game, no reason to grab a squad of your guildies and aggro the other faction anywhere. Unless your just a grifer, ganking lower levels. Wich is pathetic.



There isnt enough variety in game, not enough ability of customization to make you different to the next players your class. Hybrid specs are just not viable.



Tab targetting spam CC. Resolve does not build up quick enough, doesnt last long enough and how the **** can you not consider immobilize or sorc/sage KB root a CC effect is beyond me.


Lastly, asking your players to submit testing applications, inviting nothing but carebares to your test servers, then pulling pvp updates because of lack of testing???? idiots.




Ive was looking forward to TOR since it was announced back when SWG was dieing,. I was playing Aion and quit it to play this on release, wish i hadnt now tbh. SWTOR is not an mmo, it seems more like a ORPG

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Back to the original question: it was a multitude of things


- The game wasn't living up to expectations. We were promised a "WoW-killer" but it was pushed for a holiday release which meant they released an unfinished game.


- Server sizes were throttled and there were too many servers to begin with, because they didn't want servers to fail on Day 1. Then, they increased the server cap, causing Heavy/Full servers to look like they had a lower population than before.


- Then came the first exodus where people quit after their free 30 days were up, or after a few months when they found out the game just wasn't for them.


- Then came the second exodus around 1.2 which was supposed to be the saving grace of the game, but wasn't enough to keep people satisfied, and they viewed it as a band-aid instead of a fix. Around this time most light/standard servers seemed to have a decent population still and not many people noticed the effects. The Rakghoul Event helped a bit with that because for a time fleet and Tatooine were booming with players, in most cases rising back to or above 1.1 population levels for at least a week, and slowly started to taper off again.


- But soon enough, a great migration began. I don't know how it went on other servers, but on mine, the weekend before D3 released everything seemed to grind to a halt. We went from 120 people at Fleet during peak (down from 135-140 during 1.1) to a max of 65. This crash caused the game to almost halt. A lot of the guilds that were prominent (Drunk Tanks, Hammerfist Clan, etc) seemed to vanish. PVP queues dropped to 1 pop every 15-20 minutes if you were lucky, and it became extremely hard to find groups to run Flashpoints. Also, with a lack of players, the markets began to tank because there were less buyers. I have seen augments and augmented gear that sold like hotcakes at the beginning of 1.2 sit in the GTN at 3/4 their original selling price for a week or more without being sold.


Will population rise back up with 1.3 and when people get tired of the latest and greatest games that have come out? I hope so, but there's no real way to tell.

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In today's downloadable instant gratification world of gaming, SWTOR was championed as the next gen MMO with the best IP imaginable.


Here's why I think subs are down:


1.) Gamers more than ever have an insatiable appetite for content. If you're just starting you're back's up against a wall because of what the competition has already done. It's almost impossible to go backwards in lifestyle, and a MMO is no different.


2.) Chasing the rainbow. I'm sure EA was looking at their revenue and then to Activision, then to WoW. Look at all that money rolling in from subs, and EA wanted a piece of the action. So instead of innovating, taking risks, and truly defining a game's place in the genre, they went with a WoW 2.0 formula and slapped a SW skin on it. Dailies, raids, BGs/WZs, 2 factions, BoP BoE equipment even down to the same colors for unique, rare, and epic. Seems like gamers are growing tired of a formula that's quite dated.


3.) Zynga/Apps/Iphone/Ipad's dominance. There's only 24 hours in a day and we only have 2 eyes and 2 arms. You're time is capped (even if you live in your mom's basement) and with so many devices available and so much competition with so much content, perhaps the assumption is that if a game is released without a plentiful amount of bells and whistles, you find yourself in jeopardy of losing your competitive advantage.


The gaming community is a fickle bunch, and we have lots of demands, but make no mistake that innovation will be rewarded. There will be a drop off of subs from release to a few months out, but success depends on the vision of the devs and execution of the team in a timely manner before it's too late.

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For me it has to do more with the potential of the game to become great. It is not a bad game.. it just needs more work on certain aspects.


I think that there are many people who do not want to wait for the changes.. and would rather re-visit once they do get implemented.


At this point, Bioware should be smarter with the release of content. Give players from each group something to be happy about while also working on the key changes that need to happen.

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