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Why do people crave open world PvP?


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I see a lot of mentions of open world PvP, and I don't fully understand what players want.

I know many people hated Ilum but I had some good fun there because we had a semi-balanced server.


But... In terms of comparing open world to WZ's:

  • Open world seems to always be heavily influenced by numbers
  • Open world seems to invlove less skill than WZ's
  • Open world does not seem to have the basic concept of a Win/Loss or Beginning/End


I know most of you will bash Ilum, but rather than bash Ilum, can someone explain what you do in an ideal open world PvP? So, yea, I enjoyed Ilum between WZ's but felt like it was a side dish as opposed to a main course. I have watched footage of GW2 as well and don't get it, it looks like 50 V 50 with no real skill or strategy involved.

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Well I came from swg and thats all we had as open world. It was fun, fast and could last hours. There was faction imbalance in that game as well. It was a different element but here there is no reason to have open world anymore but to have fun. They said they are working on adding a reward system but is not ready to release details.
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Just to be clear, there are two types of open world PvP:

  • Objective-based
  • Non-objective-based


I like objective-based open world PvP. Basically, defending or attacking targets that become vulnerable during certain parts of the and/or week. A recent example that comes to mind are the fortresses in the Abyss in Aion.


I don't like open world PvP that doesn't have objectives, where I'm just free roaming looking for people to kill. That is boring and lifeless. Sure, you get the occasional spurt of fun when someone's friends or guildmates come back for retaliation, but that is very short lived and unrewarding.

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as of right now i dont think any planets are stable enough to stand a massive amount of people in one area. they need to fix that issue before adding world pvp or else it will be nothing but laggy crap.


they did something wrong when designing the planets cause pretty much all them have issues. weather they made them too big or the coding is crap something was done wrong.

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The thrill of it all is just more fun, I didn't see what the big deal was until I did it.


EDIT: Not so much Ilum tho, I like random battles throughout lvl'ing planets and such.

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In my experience, when someone mentions open world pvp, they mean ganking newbies.


They try to dress it up like "Oh, we want him to call in others from the zone/guild and it evolve to a giant fight" and then they spawn camp the guy until the logs out.


But they mean they want to gank lowbies.

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For me, the allure is simply to get away from the fakeness of a WZ.


It's hard to feel like you're actually fighting a war, when you're simply fighting for control over some worthless gulch in an infinite time loop.


But yes, open world PvP can have its issues (especially performance ones!), so it's not an easy problem to tackle.


For me, the best open world PvP I've ever experienced, was when it had faction wide consequences. If your faction controls XXX, it benefits everyone in your faction. If you lose control of XXX, everyone in your faction suffers.


Unfortunately, in a game with only 2 factions, this type of thing can't really work, since one side will almost always outnumber the other.

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"Open World PvP" is code for "I am a skilless loser who can't win straight up fights against skilled players, so I want to be able to roam around ganking newbies."


Speak for yourself, I don't even attack people that I know stand no chance against me unless I am attacked first.

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Because they want uneven odds.... and in their favor. (number wise, since they can not win vs equal numbers. Safety in ZERGING right? )


Face it, world pvp blows... that's why nobody is actually doing it. All smoke no fire.


Ill give you an example.


Introduce arena and/or ranked WZ, with absolutely zero rewards, just a ranking ladder. Ppl will play them.


Open world pvp rests upon being able to pvp on planets (aka pvp server). You can already do that. -> nobody does it.

What they want is to force people into open world pvp with items /tokens.


Sorry but if you have to force ppl to do something, it is not fun for them.

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There will never be true open world PvP in ToR, the Place is to static.

IB4 "Well theres quest that intercept each other"

thats not true open world, thats a determined place where you have a chance of meeting players.


Lets Take SWG for Example, I could flag myself for PVP and Might find Imperials In Bestine, or Theed. Chances are i might not find any one, and forget about being "Special Forces", and Go use the Player Cities for some Consumable shopping where i might meet a PvP guild full of SF imperials..


SWG also had a Guild War System, where everysingle planet became a Open battlefield, Logging in Mos Eisly to get a Entertainerbuff(Doctor Buff, medic Buff, depends pre-nge or post) and see a Cantinia Full of RED names. They kill me, i alert my Guild, and we will have a Battle in Mos Eisly.


You wont have that In tor for the simple fact everything is too Static, as a Sith i cannot Go to Anchorhead to find Republic players to fight. On Voss theres a Chance i might find them in Voss-Ka area. Theres No "I hope im not going to get Load gank" when i load in a City.


PvP servers are a Joke, I see maybe 2 or 3 sith during Launch when my server was alive, and if i did it was in a Determined area, like the Czerka base on Tat.

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Because people do not know what they want...


open world pvp sucks 99% of the time. Anyone who has actually done this knows this... it's all lag, zerg, and aoe. not to mention it is absolutely terrible for melee players.


Can you imagine 10 sorcs putting force storm down on top of one area? Think about that. Or even worst 10 death from aboves in one area?


TL-DR Kids do not know what they are asking for because they can not separate what they believe the reality will be and actual reality.

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It's another way to pvp when you get tired of grinding the same warzones.


It doesn't have to be a replacement, you can do both. I like warzones and queue for them a lot. I still get bored standing in the fleet sometimes and if I had the option to do world pvp I would go do that some also..

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Open world PvP is baseless without objectives. I just don't see the point. Need to make it worth your while. Sure there is the FUN factor but it's nice to get something out of being sent to a respawn point numerous times. But this a double edged sword too. Making it objective based with rewards for owning the zone will make server imbalance outcries rage even more than they are right now.
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Open pvp is ruffer and has consecuenses. Meens wining actuly meens some and losing realy herts.

This is my experience of open pvp from other games.


Open pvp has both the best and the worst part of pvp.


Open pvp use to only work when people can handle to lose

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there is no reason to add open world rvr in swtor, its not designed for pvp or rvr and has only 2 factions.


Wow/swtor players will not understand open world pvp (see OP's post, he is lost) and it will be about grinding a daily at best.

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Lack of objectives/character progression from doing world pvp turn enough people away that the remainder that don't care cannot find sufficient targets to fight against.


Isn't pvp supposed to be just about pvp? Find some players and kill them. Illum is still there.


Funny tho, as soon as the honey pot of only way to get BM gear (best pvp gear pre 1.2) disappeared from illum, so did the ppl.


Short version, nobody actually wants to do World pvp, but devs can force them, with promising best gear and only source to get it.


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND even then, they prefered to kill trade, than do crap world pvp.

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I've heard multiple people say DAoC had the best pvp system in an MMO, and given what was described, I assumed that's what people meant when they say they want world pvp. Since there were three factions if one faction became too powerful, the other two could have a temp alliance to take down the bigger faction, and if a faction held XYZ, their faction had access to a special raid dungeon. So pvpers and pvers were connected in the goal of keeping that dungeon available for their faction.
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They will never attack somebody unless they have numbers, gear, or skill on their side.


You're right, why aren't all these undergeared, outnumbered, unskillful players instigating world pvp? I just can't figure it out.

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