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So really? WOW killer?


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It's Star Wars. It's Old Republic.


I play because it's Star Wars. I like it, but I learned long ago that the secret to happiness is management of expectations.


Thinking it was going to be a "WoW Killer" is, at best, incredibly naive.


Why not just enjoy it for what it is?


Thinking it was going to be a "MMO" at all, was incredibly naive.


What it is is a single player game that was marketed and sold as a MMO, it is a decent single player RPG, but until it becomes completely F2P it isn't worth a second glance, sorry.


If the secret to happiness is never expecting what something is billed as to be what it actually is (in this case, a single player game being billed as an MMO) then I'm sorry, but thats a pretty pitiful way to find happiness. Sounds like you spend a lot of time telling yourself that something really sucks, that way when you finally get it, you aren't disappointed.


I do enjoy it for what it is, when I reach a point where I have absolutely nothing left to do with myself, there are about 2 hours per week in which SWToR is a last ditch chance at entertainment, at least for another month until my free time is up, maybe by then they will have made the jump to F2P.

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I kinda feel stupid for ever expecting this game to do well. I honestly believed that the masses would flock to it and appreciate it as a far superior game to what's currently on the market. Turns out it's WAR all over again, with lackluster implementation ruining an otherwise brilliant opportunity. The game is no giant slayer & I'm pretty curious to see if it will weather the storm of MMOs coming out this year with a lot of potential.


1). WoW cant be killed, That game is like a sick who can get deep into your soul, i feel sry for the people playing that game.

2). swtor is still new, MMO get better with the time, in 1 year this game could be just great. One single expansion could bring people back to the game, the main problem with warhammer was that, they didnt get any expansion in all those years.

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1). WoW cant be killed, That game is like a sick who can get deep into your soul, i feel sry for the people playing that game.

2). swtor is still new, MMO get better with the time, in 1 year this game could be just great. One single expansion could bring people back to the game, the main problem with warhammer was that, they didnt get any expansion in all those years.


In one year this game will be a painful, distant memory for most of us.

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I usually don't post twice in a row, but this hit me.


I have five 85s and left WOW months before the swtor launch. I recently downloaded the free to play 20 level version and from time to time find myself logging off of swtor and onto WOW. WOW in some ways just feels so old and tired and I well know the end of the road and why I unsubbed. But geez, it is nice every so often to get on and feel an open world and see life (bunnies hopping around and cows mooing and birds flying overhead and so on). It is nice to walk once again through SW after spending time in the dark shopping mall like fleet. It is so so nice to actually feel responsive combat and know if I push a button, my cast will go off without my swtor SI having a few tick internal debate over whether or not to actually do what I told him to. Sometimes the debate does not go my way and the spell is never cast - I forgot what it felt like to fight and not mash buttons multiple times while yelling fire darn you fire.


Edit - I just remembered the stange feeling that I had the first time I logged onto WOW. Then I realized that my character actually had a shadow (beyond my 1 1/2 year old $ 4,500 rig in swtor).


I know it's rose coloured glasses and all that... but as I was reading your post it made me think of my Enchanter in EQ. After spending a week or so and finally smashing the orcs in Crushbone and teaching DIvinn a lesson or two (well he taught me a few things as well... like /shout "Train to zone!") Grabbing the boat to Freeport.... fighting for a few more weeks on the orc highway in oasis. And then the really scary part. Making our way to South Karana through Kithcore Forest at night. The adventure of just getting there... well.. was an adventure.


It's been over a decade and that memory stil persists so strong... I have a few of those in SWToR, mostly the train wreck from Tatooine... I just wish there were more =/

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Thinking it was going to be a "MMO" at all, was incredibly naive.

What it is is a single player game that was marketed and sold as a MMO, it is a decent single player RPG, but until it becomes completely F2P it isn't worth a second glance, sorry.




I still don't get this. I've played WOW for 7 years.... it's always been called an MMO. No one has ever really called it anything else that I've seen. With that said, I can do all of the same things in SWTOR that I could do in WOW. The only big difference is that SWTOR has a much better questing experience than WOW did. I'm still doing FPs and Dungeons. I still group up for group quests (as I did in WOW). I still see people out and about while questing, etc.


I realize that a lot of servers are dead, so a lot of people don't have this same experience, but to me, if this game is a SPRPG, then so is WOW.

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The only thing that can kill WOW is WOW... Other than that a Great MMO is coming out that will try to re-define the genre... IT is not this grindy crap we are all use to hating. It is GW2 and it will in a sense be better than the grind to get the +1 stat boost we are all use to. This game (GW2) will actually take skill to play. I know GW2 will be around for a long time just like GW1 has been. Will it kill wow no.. Will it kill SWTOR no. Will it drain subs from both sure. But WOW could loose 300,000 subs and still do fine. I don't know how many TOR has sub wise but I'm sure it is not 500,000. Specially when they want to screw us over on PVP ect..


Go look at some youtube vids of GW2 Yogscast is good and shows everything off well. Reminder I AM NOT SAYING IT IS GOING TO KILL WOW OR TOR. Just that it is a different kind of MMO. (if thats what your all looking for)

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In one year this game will be a painful, distant memory for most of us.


Maybe, but not a single MMO in the near future will be better than what we have in swtor now. GW2 is just too casual and people will know the truth about the game after playing it for 1 week, TSW looks good, but is not that great, and thats pretty much all till the next year.

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lol the more people that leave the worse, look at the servers already, they really can't afford losing people. LMAO


I'm not sure why everyone just assumes that, since they don't see people on their server anymore, that they have quit?


They could've rerolled to a more popular populated server. I don't expect people to quit their fun game because of a pop drop. They'd more than likely go feel out a server they plan to move to.

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WoW is dead.

This is correct. It only has about 1 million legitimate subs.


The other 9 million are a combination of gold sellers, character sellers, and gold sellers who also sell characters.

Edited by Blistrich
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I like how your post when off on a completely random and totally off-topic rant about vent and not having mics.


Odd fellow is odd.


Not odd at all. Another quote spoke for me, without me having to rehash his thoughts in different words. My thoughts afterwards correllate with the quote i responded to. Sorry if i didnt stick to the original posts topic. But i already dont expect much reason from someone looking to start a WoW Killer thread. StarWars as a franchise makes WoW/ Blizzard look like a blip on a radar. Satisfied?

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There are websites that track server populations and overall player populations have been declining.

Sure, some people re-roll on more populated servers. But many people are sick of the grind, and don't feel like re-doing everything again.

Plus, they lose all their Legacy, etc. if they re-roll on a server that has players on it.


As for being a WoW killer, you won't dethrone the king of you make a game that plays exactly the same, while not implementing all of the features that have become the norm for most players.


Only a real next-gen MMO can kill WoW. It will need to deliver new gameplay experiences and mgame mechanics. People don't wan't another WoW-clone. They have already put in a LOT of time into WoW.


If there is a WoW-killer, it will likely be a next-gen MMO released by Blizzard..

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This is correct. It only has about 1 million legitimate subs.


The other 9 million are a combination of gold sellers, character sellers, and gold sellers who also sell characters.


"While Asia accounts for roughly 50 percent of global users, we estimate the region contributes less than 10 percent of total WoW revenues, due to the licensing structure and timecard model," he wrote.


Blizzard uses a lot of trickery to make people believe they have "10million" subs.

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I kinda feel stupid for ever expecting this game to do well. I honestly believed that the masses would flock to it and appreciate it as a far superior game to what's currently on the market. Turns out it's WAR all over again, with lackluster implementation ruining an otherwise brilliant opportunity. The game is no giant slayer & I'm pretty curious to see if it will weather the storm of MMOs coming out this year with a lot of potential.


BW actually said back in 2006 that they would not a game meant to kill WoW, but they did say from then till about 09 or '10 that they were expecting to compete on the same level as WoW which means they set the expectation for their game extremely high.


As someone who's been following this game's development for 6 years now, BW sort of made their own mess with the unfair expectations of their fans. It's not really the fans' fault for thinking it would compete with WoW. I actually feel sorry for the masses that were expecting a solid title and got...well...this.


Still a fun game, despite the plethora of design flaws and failures in execution, but it could have been so much more. BW has smart people working for them, they're taking this failure of their own expectations seriously and I have no doubt they will be fixing all the major issues by the end of the year. Whether or not that's fast enough is something I would rather not speculate on.

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I'm not sure why everyone just assumes that, since they don't see people on their server anymore, that they have quit?


They could've rerolled to a more popular populated server. I don't expect people to quit their fun game because of a pop drop. They'd more than likely go feel out a server they plan to move to.


Rerolling is essentially quitting and then starting over.


The wise people stopped at the "quitting" part.

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BW actually said back in 2006 that they would not a game meant to kill WoW, but they did say from then till about 09 or '10 that they were expecting to compete on the same level as WoW which means they set the expectation for their game extremely high.


As someone who's been following this game's development for 6 years now, BW sort of made their own mess with the unfair expectations of their fans. It's not really the fans' fault for thinking it would compete with WoW. I actually feel sorry for the masses that were expecting a solid title and got...well...this.


Still a fun game, despite the plethora of design flaws and failures in execution, but it could have been so much more. BW has smart people working for them, they're taking this failure of their own expectations seriously and I have no doubt they will be fixing all the major issues by the end of the year. Whether or not that's fast enough is something I would rather not speculate on.


Lets just wait to see what group finder does for the game, if the reaction is positive then maybe good things will be in the pipeline. However, If patch after patch just keeps getting a negative reaction then it's definitely not a good thing.


As far as I'm concerned the game has fun combat and plenty of content (17dungeons, 3raids, 4warzones) but just doesn't have the systems in place to let people enjoy them properly.

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Lets just wait to see what group finder does for the game, if the reaction is positive then maybe good things will be in the pipeline. However, If patch after patch just keeps getting a negative reaction then it's definitely not a good thing.


As far as I'm concerned the game has fun combat and plenty of content (17dungeons, 3raids, 4warzones) but just doesn't have the systems in place to let people enjoy them properly.


It is amazing.


No longer are we touting this game as the next big thing, the wow killer, and so on.


We're simply hoping out of sheer desperation that the implementation of a basic mmo feature will save it.



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As for being a WoW killer, you won't dethrone the king of you make a game that plays exactly the same, while not implementing all of the features that have become the norm for most players.


Only a real next-gen MMO can kill WoW. It will need to deliver new gameplay experiences and mgame mechanics. People don't wan't another WoW-clone. They have already put in a LOT of time into WoW.


If there is a WoW-killer, it will likely be a next-gen MMO released by Blizzard..


I really do not understand why this leap in logic is continuing to thrive in the MMO community.


First of all, this game did not copy WoW in any of the major elements where it really counts. The UI is slow/clunky. There is little in the way of UI customization with no modding/macro support. No group finder utility. A general slower pace between levels which is a huge deal very few people are aware of (ask any I/O psychologist that consults for MMO's). Combat is a slower pace experience. Rewards in many of the games skinner box model dynamics like legacy/pvp take far more time than in WoW, in general (operations are an obvious exception). Artwork at times is uninspiring. This game is also very punishing on low end systems, which is a development staple point for all Blizzard games, including WoW...and the list can go on.


This is the same story for any other MMO that has failed where WoW has succeeded. Everyone that keeps saying that new MMO's are failing cause they copy WoW do not realize how much they ignore WoW's winning formula. The first developer that really learns this lesson and copies it correctly, wins.


The redeeming quality for me is the story telling, which is incredibly robust on empire side. When I am finishing in the leveling content, if there's nothing to do I may too end up taking off. We'll see what the LFG system brings.

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It is amazing.


No longer are we touting this game as the next big thing, the wow killer, and so on.


We're simply hoping out of sheer desperation that the implementation of a basic mmo feature will save it.




You might have expected it to be a "WoW killer" but I didn't, infact I thought he game was going to be a complete POS until I got a beta invite and had a good time. I just enjoy the game for what it is and hope it gets better, if it doesn't I'll play a different game.


I'm sorry that it failed to live up to your expectations. You should move on to some other MMO forums so you can repeat the process. :(

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I will contend this point.


SWG killed SWG long before SWTOR came along. CU/NGE was a double shot in the crotch that never fully healed.


SWG lasted 8 years. I honestly don't see TOR going that long.


You might have expected it to be a "WoW killer" but I didn't, infact I thought he game was going to be a complete POS until I got a beta invite and had a good time. I just enjoy the game for what it is and hope it gets better, if it doesn't I'll play a different game.


I'm sorry that it failed to live up to your expectations. You should move on to some other MMO forums so you can repeat the process.


I think he was more referring to how the general mindset of the community here has suddenly shifted.

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