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*** - Not one word about PVP


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So I just watched the video on the home page about all the wonderful new and exciting things coming up in 1.3. Not ONE word about PVP, Nothing, nada, zilch. They don't even give us any kind of bone by saying we are still working on 8 man ques, Ranked, etc... They give us nothing.
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So I just watched the video on the home page about all the wonderful new and exciting things coming up in 1.3. Not ONE word about PVP, Nothing, nada, zilch. They don't even give us any kind of bone by saying we are still working on 8 man ques, Ranked, etc... They give us nothing.


Your surprised :)?


I am not. Most pvp oriented players I know held out as long as they could and quit when legacy hit because it showed that the direction the game was going was not something they were really interested in. I am still holding out, but my friends are all gone. 1.3, still no pvp stuff. I suspect it is coming, but by then who knows where we will be.

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OVER AND OVER!!!! 8 man queues and ranked is going to be released before 1.3 that's why there's no MENTION of it in the 1.3 patch!


if this were still true, we would be hearing more about ranked warzone features than 1.3 features.


unless bioware intends to surprise us all on tuesday and patch ranked warzones to the live servers, we wont be getting ranked warzones before 1.3

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They are not putting in resources in the pvp of this game.


Unfortunately for the PVP community, there just aren't that many players doing it anymore. Was online earlier, had a 20 minute wait for the queue to pop, went in with 6 players and ended up playing verses a well known and established premade. The premade proceeded to utterly destory the 6 of us, we had one person join mid match, and then got kicked back to fleet. Looked at players currently online in the fleet itself, was 70+.


Face it guys, you kinda did it to yourselves. When you completely and utterly break any aspect of a game to the point where nobody wants to play it anymore... devs aren't gonna put resources into it. The same thing happened in AoC... where you had days go by without a single queue pop, until they finnally randomized the groupings and removed premades from the queue. Until something similar happens here, I wouldn't expect much participation, and what little remains will continue to dry up... along with dev resources.

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OVER AND OVER!!!! 8 man queues and ranked is going to be released before 1.3 that's why there's no MENTION of it in the 1.3 patch!


Indeed they most certainly said that several times but in last interview Schubert said they are working on it :/ so..

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