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How Hard is it to Code Balanced No. of Forces Really ???


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and don't bother, i know they said it's because of ranked warzones, and it's logical, but i don't see ranked warzones atm.


Heh, they said it was supposed to be only for RWZ and that it affecting non-ranked was a bug...

Which they have failed to fix...


They really do need to stop using their dartboard of "What do we **** on next in PvP."


And for laughs (from darthHater):


Originally slated for Game Update 1.2, Rated Warzones is one of the more highly anticipated PvP features by the community. Can you update us on the team's progress towards its release, or explain any changes to the system since we last spoke at the Guild Summit?


Rob Hinkle, Senior Designer: We are continuing to make good progress on the Ranked Warzone feature, with refinements based on our internal testing and the feedback we got on PTS last time around. For example, one of the things that we’ve added is the ability to queue for both Normal and Ranked Warzones at the same time, so players who are waiting for a Ranked game can also continue to play in normal games. When a Ranked game has enough players to launch, it will wait until everyone is finished playing their current Normal game, so Warzones don’t randomly empty out as Ranked games are launched.


Lol @ the first. I'm sure all the level 50 hard core PvE guilds that got copied over did a wonderful job of testing the RWZ system.


*** are they thinking @ the second. Let's shove an 8-man, WH geared, pre-made into non-ranked. Yeah, that's not gonna discourage casual PvPers from playing.


As for the topic at hand, you'd think it wouldn't be that difficult wouldn't you? I'm still amazed at when there are 14 lvl 50s on that are queued (rest are in Ops, FPs, AFK, w/e) and you end up with same side vs and its 8v6.

Edited by CauldronBorn
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Design and coding are two different things. If your design bad, even if you have the best programmers in the world it's not going to somehow overcome it. For the most part programming things like this should be considered trivial when dealing with a company with Bioware's resources. Sure, it might still take time to implement some seemingly simple feature, but it's still something you can just throw money at it to solve it and as fans we should expect a problem to be solveable if all it takes is throw money at it.


At the heart of the queue problem is that it takes 1 minute for you to accept a queue but a WZ only has two minutes of preparation. With these parameters it is always possible one side start out with a lot less people just from waiting to confirm someone really didn't take the queue. The simple fix would be to make queue timer shorter, but then you risk too many people missing the queue while tabbing out. Here is where design comes in. Just steal RIFT's flashing icon when you're alt-tabbed out, and that way anyone who is at their computer should be able to see that their queue is up and join on time. While the programming effort to make the icon flash red is trivial, the design is not since nobody until RIFT thought of this idea. But you don't have to reinvent the wheel. What works for RIFT works for SWTOR too.

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reduce the timer on the pop box to 15 or 30 seconds


when you enter the war zone you are locked on 1 of 8 pads unable to move. Pads are unlocked 1 by 1 on each side, if for some reason there is no Imp on pad 7 and pad 8 then the two reps on pads 7 and 8 stay locked and cant enter, sucks I know but its not a perfect system.


You can leave the warzone pad (quit) or wait to be released by another Imp joining OR one of your players that has been released quitting.


This could also be extended to deal with quitters, on death you are gated in the same sort of way, though I don't like this so much, maybe for disconnects?


IOW a holding gate during the post-pop pre-game wait, simple enough to implement. Fixing the queuing system properly would be better but harder to do and you still end up with the problem anyway unless you gate entry prior to pop.


Hey, this idea is kinda awesome. +1 Internets for you.


I'd like to expand on it. First player to die on the team with more players gets locked to his pedestal and one of the locked guys "comes off the bench." Rotation proceeds in this fashion. This way everyone gets to play.


I also think same-faction matches with uneven teams should be rebalanced, maybe ~10 sec before the match starts. So an 8v6 turns into a 7v7 when one pugger is swapped over.


@OP: I don't understand how people still don't get what causes uneven teams. While Bioware could have taken greater pains to ensure this wouldn't happen (see above), the majority of the blame rests with the players not taking queues.

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It seems to be getting worse. Over the last week it went from 8v5's as a worst case, to 8v4. Now, I understand how that can happen given the current mechanics, and whether people go AFK while still in the active queue is besides the point. The point is, that the fundamental mechanics are sorely flawed, and while there's a myriad of ways to fix it and give us matched number of players, the point is, I don't care witch way you fix it, just fix it.
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I don't understand why the shutdown sequence for uneven teams was taken out to begin with?


One way to combat the problem (other than server merges/transfers and bring back the shutdown sequence) is to remove the 'Requeue for Warzones' option at the end of a match... or at the very least, have it unchecked by default!

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What should be done is this.


When you have 8 imps and 6 rep in the lobby, waiting for the match to start. At ten seconds to go, the last two to enter the match are moved to observer status. They can watch the match, they can talk to each other only.


If someone leaves, or another joins for the other team, one is released into the match.


In the case of people leaving a match, there isn't much you can do but enforce a quitter penalty.


Really, the largest issue with equal teams is that the system sees 8 people per side in the Q. So it starts a match and tags them to enter. But the game can't force you to enter. So if someone is afk, or decides not to enter, there may not be another player to take their place. Then you end up with unequal team numbers.


But doing what I suggest above would allow the server to remedy this, based on the knowledge of who actually entered the match.


If you have 6 people in on each side, and one more signs up they go to the observer mode until another player comes in. Or they could leave and get in the Q for the next match.


There are better ways to make equalized teams if Bioware just wants to put in the work...good luck with that.

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The easiest option would be just to give the underdog team a warning and an option to quit this queue. Something like "The other faction has 2 more players on thier team at this time" "Continue or Drop". If you continue you may or may not get backfill players. But at least you would have a choice to play or not. There would be no point in whining about it then! Edited by hankart
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The easiest option would be just to give the underdog team a warning and an option to quit this queue. Something like "The other faction has 2 more players on thier team at this time" "Continue or Drop". If you continue you may or may not get backfill players. But at least you would have a choice to play or not. There would be no point in whining about it then!


Ah, bravo... Took only 4 pages of posts to get to one that uses the affectionate characterization "whining". How refreshing.

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