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No cross server lfg. THANK YOU BIOWARE!!


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If they don't have transfers then how in the hell did they do it in the Asian-Pacific market?


Back on topic. So if WZ are any indication, might be a bit better, I will be able to do FP but it will just take about 30 minutes to pop, oh wait nvm my sub is over with and I am posting on free time.


They did those transfers by hand, that's why it took so long. They do in fact lack the ability, or did at least, to have an automated system.

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I wish it wasnt true either, but the devs have said repeatedly that they dont want a x server lfg tool, I thought maybe they were coming around and figuring out how to run an mmo and they just said it again today.


They said that in beta and not since.


People have been clinging to the "community" lie since that time. I am sure it must be clear to even these dimwit devs that X-server is needed for the games longevity.

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There's two things that everyone needs to realize:


1) Limited free transfers are not going to fix the population issues on the vast majority of servers, only make them worse.

2) A LFG tool that is NOT cross server is a complete waste of time at this point, which is not surprising since the entire 1.3 patch sounds like a waste of time. It's waaay past the point of arguing about what a cross server LFG tool does to a community, because what good is a community WITHOUT PLAYERS.


This is exactly how I feel. We are well past the stage of worrying about cross server LFG tools damaging a community. Most servers don't even have enough players to make a valid claim to even have a community now. Server transfers won't solve the problem either, unless you pile everyone onto just a few servers and then a same server LFG tool might actually work. Other than that same server LFG is pointless, BW forgot one thing, a tool is useless if there are no people to use it.


Cross server LFG might have actually done something to help with the problem and stem the tide of people leaving. So really the OP is thanking BW for dooming their own game. Congratulations.

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They said that in beta and not since.


People have been clinging to the "community" lie since that time. I am sure it must be clear to even these dimwit devs that X-server is needed for the games longevity.


I love following Real Time WWII on Twitter. Its in 1940 now, which means Germany has invaded France at this point. 11 days into the invastion, today in 1940, the newly appointed French General would not order his troops to act until he had a chance to tour the front lines.


Waiting to solve a problem before the worst happens is usually a recipe for disaster.

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They said that in beta and not since.


People have been clinging to the "community" lie since that time. I am sure it must be clear to even these dimwit devs that X-server is needed for the games longevity.


Sorry again, i too wish it were true and bioware magicaly pulled their heads out of you know where.


They said it in beta

The said it at the guild summit

And they said it again today on ign "We still want to respect the communities that have developed on servers so it does not support cross-server play. ---Daniel Erickson


Now i know it doesnt say "we hate x server lfg tools", but they also didnt say "we are just going to see if this works", or "we are working on x server tech".

Edited by Mallorik
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Sorry again, i too wish it were true and bioware magicaly pulled their heads out of you know where.


They said it in beta

The said it at the guild summit

And they said it again today on ign "We still want to respect the communities that have developed on servers so it does not support cross-server play. ---Daniel Erickson


Now i know it doesnt say "we hate x server lfg tools", but they also didnt say "we are just going to see if this works", or "we are working on x server tech".


They said it today? Wow I did not see that.


Well, I guess they don't want to break up those 5 guys that made friends on my server LOL.

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Funny how people are afraid of ninja's when the game is setup so you can need on every piece of gear and claim it is for a companion...


How difficult would "Need" "Companion" "Greed" options have been on the roller with loot gated on need for class only?

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They said it today? Wow I did not see that.


Well, I guess they don't want to break up those 5 guys that made friends on my server LOL.


In their zeal to respect communities, how about the community many of us have lost as people have fled the server? XLFG could potentially have reunited us.

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Sorry again, i too wish it were true and bioware magicaly pulled their heads out of you know where.


They said it in beta

The said it at the guild summit

And they said it again today on ign "We still want to respect the communities that have developed on servers so it does not support cross-server play. ---Daniel Erickson


Now i know it doesnt say "we hate x server lfg tools", but they also didnt say "we are just going to see if this works", or "we are working on x server tech".


holy balls are they dense.

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holy balls are they dense.


I guess they are bigger dimwits then I thought.


The .001% from the summit should be happy though, you know, the people who don't need a FP finder at all because they are in active guilds.

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I guess they are bigger dimwits then I thought.


The .001% from the summit should be happy though, you know, the people who don't need a FP finder at all because they are in active guilds.


No, they don't need the XLFD Tool because they have all the time in the world to play this game. It's the people who have limited game time that want the Tool.

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Sorry again, i too wish it were true and bioware magicaly pulled their heads out of you know where.


They said it in beta

The said it at the guild summit

And they said it again today on ign "We still want to respect the communities that have developed on servers so it does not support cross-server play. ---Daniel Erickson


Now i know it doesnt say "we hate x server lfg tools", but they also didnt say "we are just going to see if this works", or "we are working on x server tech".


Then it time to show what a "community" does with it wallet... I canceled last night and the only thing I will miss is my guild. But they have set up a cross game site... So we all will keep in contact...

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Cross-server anything just destroys any community whatsoever and it can be proven by looking at lolWoW.


Think this has become a cliche in the MMO world. WoW's populace was already rude, obnoxious, elitist, arrogant, abusive, and held a distinct lack of social ettiquette well before X-server grouping came in. X-Server grouping may have made things a little worse but not by any great margins that are being represented by some posters on MMO forums.


Personally, I would welcome X-Server grouping. To the poster that said it was fun fighting the same players all the time in PvP because he got to 'know them'. Firstly I doubt he 'got to know them' beyond a /dances with emote and secondly, if its anything like my server you'll be fed up to the back teeth of idiots, afk'ers, Quitters and Defender Point/Medal grinders who treat warzones like solo death match arena's. I want to play with other people on my team from different servers just to dilute the amount of idiots I am forced to group with. Yeah its a lottery but one I'd be glad to take part in. Also and to a degree other players on the opposing team from different servers and not the same old, same old would add some variety.


In short BW should create two options; Sign up for same server group or x-server group.

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Sorry again, i too wish it were true and bioware magicaly pulled their heads out of you know where.


They said it in beta

The said it at the guild summit

And they said it again today on ign "We still want to respect the communities that have developed on servers so it does not support cross-server play. ---Daniel Erickson


Now i know it doesnt say "we hate x server lfg tools", but they also didnt say "we are just going to see if this works", or "we are working on x server tech".


I would have loved to have done that interview. My follow-up questions would have been:


1) Can you explain what communities you think will be harmed, especially considering the game has so many servers that complain of such a small number of players online, at primetime?


2) Can you explain how you think cross-server play would be disrespectful to the communities that may have developed on servers on which populations actually are large enough to support communities?

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How difficult would "Need" "Companion" "Greed" options have been on the roller with loot gated on need for class only?


That would require BW to make a more complicated Loot system than they already have. The features department is not their strong point.


I think what we got here is a single-player Developer that is way out of their element. The lack of multiplayer features and tools is proof of that.

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Or just lacking in intelligence.


To this date with all the non stop arguing I have still never seen a valid reason against the X-server LFG. They either have no idea what they are talking about or they are trolling.


Yeah. I brought this up in another thread - give me one REAL reason against X-server LFG if it is optional to use. If you aren't going to use it...why would you care?

As far as "the community" as an answer...don't make me laugh. Ever since I rerolled from a depopulated RP server onto a populated PVE server, all I see in general chat is rampant misogyny, homophobia, ignorance, and general idiocy. That's the community you're trying to protect?

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I guess they are bigger dimwits then I thought.


The .001% from the summit should be happy though, you know, the people who don't need a FP finder at all because they are in active guilds.


The fanboy in me is screaming that they really are working on a cross server lfg tool and that they dont want to play down the hype for 1.3.(like the hype worked so well for them in 1.2) But really bioware has never shown since launch that they are changing their direction and im afraid they wont until who ever is in charge is replaced.

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The fanboy in me is screaming that they really are working on a cross server lfg tool and that they dont want to play down the hype for 1.3.(like the hype worked so well for them in 1.2) But really bioware has never shown since launch that they are changing their direction and im afraid they wont until who ever is in charge is replaced.


I think you're close.


They're working on cross-server LFW. Once that works, they'll have the tech for cross-server LFG.


But they won't implement cross-server LFG until they've seen that single-server fails to achieve their goal of more players in more group content more often. They have to learn for themselves. They may even try one or more other hairbrained ideas before they finally solve the problem via cross-server. *shrug*

Edited by DarthTHC
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Think this has become a cliche in the MMO world. WoW's populace was already rude, obnoxious, elitist, arrogant, abusive, and held a distinct lack of social ettiquette well before X-server grouping came in. X-Server grouping may have made things a little worse but not by any great margins that are being represented by some posters on MMO forums.


As someone who is opposed to XLFD, I would like to offer praise for your at least accepting that the XLFD had AN impact on the community. Far too many who are on your side pretend it had zero effect. Do I think it's overblown by those who are on my side of the fence?? You bet. I also think it's glossed over or completely dismissed by folks on the other side of the fence. But little impact is more than zero impact.


In my opinion they will need to cull about 20-30% of the light servers to make this work. But it CAN work. Don't forget that LFD did not take off in WoW until they put in the extra rewards just for using it, which made it a no-brainer decision for loners since they didn't have to put forth any effort AND get more stuff for not doing anything.


Rift faced the same issue SWTOR is facing, too many servers with not enough people. They too opened up a lot of them right at launch because of the queue whining. I bet if they had waited til 1 year in to bring same server LFD to the server cluster they have now it would have done just fine.

Edited by BucMan
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As someone who is opposed to XLFD, I would like to offer praise for your at least accepting that the XLFD had AN impact on the community. Far too many who are on your side pretend it had zero effect. Do I think it's overblown by those who are on my side of the fence?? You bet. I also think it's glossed over or completely dismissed by folks on the other side of the fence. But little impact is more than zero impact.


In my opinion they will need to cull about 20-30% of the light servers to make this work. But it CAN work. Don't forget that LFD did not take off in WoW until they put in the extra rewards just for using it, which made it a no-brainer decision for loners since they didn't have to put forth any effort AND get more stuff for not doing anything.


Rift faced the same issue SWTOR is facing, too many servers with not enough people. They too opened up a lot of them right at launch because of the queue whining. I bet if they had waited til 1 year in to bring same server LFD to the server cluster they have now it would have done just fine.


Just going to look at the bold.


First, they are offering extra rewards in the form of Black Hole commendations for using LFG random heroic.


Second, do the math on the servers. The most densely populated server SWTOR can support has LESS players at peak than the average WoW server. Single-server LFG failed in WoW.


There is no way single-server LFG is going to succeed in SWTOR, especially not for the sub-50 crowd and especially not at off-peak times.

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As someone who is opposed to XLFD, I would like to offer praise for your at least accepting that the XLFD had AN impact on the community. Far too many who are on your side pretend it had zero effect. Do I think it's overblown by those who are on my side of the fence?? You bet. I also think it's glossed over or completely dismissed by folks on the other side of the fence. But little impact is more than zero impact.


In my opinion they will need to cull about 20-30% of the light servers to make this work. But it CAN work. Don't forget that LFD did not take off in WoW until they put in the extra rewards just for using it, which made it a no-brainer decision for loners since they didn't have to put forth any effort AND get more stuff for not doing anything.


Rift faced the same issue SWTOR is facing, too many servers with not enough people. They too opened up a lot of them right at launch because of the queue whining. I bet if they had waited til 1 year in to bring same server LFD to the server cluster they have now it would have done just fine.


I do find it strange that a person that so big on community has a join date of just 4 months ago.... Funny how that seems to me that you just joined the game or didnt want to join this community til you had to...

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I do find it strange that a person that so big on community has a join date of just 4 months ago.... Funny how that seems to me that you just joined the game or didnt want to join this community til you had to...


Or they created the account when they bought the game. Too many assumptions and too much attack there. :(

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I do find it strange that a person that so big on community has a join date of just 4 months ago.... Funny how that seems to me that you just joined the game or didnt want to join this community til you had to...


I had initially tuned out the game because I thought there was no way to balance Jedi and Smugglers, Sith and Bounty Hunters. Friend of mine let me play for a little while and I was impressed with how they did it. SWTOR was never on my radar until about a week before I joined......



Strange you would imply that out of a join date. I was also in Rift until they brought out the PVE scoreboard. Then I unsubbed.

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I would have loved to have done that interview. My follow-up questions would have been:


1) Can you explain what communities you think will be harmed, especially considering the game has so many servers that complain of such a small number of players online, at primetime?


2) Can you explain how you think cross-server play would be disrespectful to the communities that may have developed on servers on which populations actually are large enough to support communities?

I would add one more:


3) So you want to respect the already developed communities by adding a singe-server LFG. But aren't you completely destroying most of the said communities by implementing the Character Transfer Service right before LFG? How does this make any sense?


This guy has clearly no clue what he's talking about.

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