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Update 1.3 revealed


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it doesnt matter if you cant get a q. i was qed up for about 30 minutes before i just logged off. we need cross server qs today, or yesterday. waiting for 1.3 or 1.4 wont cut it. dont do what mythic did please
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"Legacy (in 1.2) was the biggest hit by far and Tython specifically saw a large influx of Sith Pureblood Jedi recruits." -Erickson

This is absolute horsepoop. No one cares about the current legacy system. It seemed like a COOL idea, but ended up having minimal impact, at least from a pvp standpoint. I am hopeful that some of the legacy 1.3 changes will actually be something that will positively affect gameplay (somehow).


"If you're a hardcore PvPer, this makes it much less necessary for you to do that other content you don't like so much in order to advance your character."

I'm not sure what this means, exactly. I'm guessing that they're saying that you'll be able to lvl your character by perhaps doing pvp (WZ) content exclusively via exp bonuses provided by the legacy system? That would be ok, but only if server consolidations are in effect and at least TWO more pvp warzones are introduced. I'd use this system to lvl, no doubt.



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Bioware is afraid to mention server merge...they think it will scare away people who might come to the game.


The game is failing! STAY AWAY!




Whatever. They won't need server merges soon. There won't be anyone left to merge.


And I got news for BW. It's not my fault my server went empty. It may not be theirs, but I refuse to pay for character transfers. Of course, my server actually says standard during peak time...so we probably would be transferred TO instead of FROM.


But just sayin...I won't pay for it. I will spend that money on a game I KNOW will be around this time next year. I am not saying TOR will fail...but I can't see it going on like this for long.


And I also agree that they should be releasing things often, rather than waiting for one large update every couple of months. I mean, 1.2 didn't really give us new content...so to this point, we have nothing new to do.


Something...anything is better than nothing.


If they mention "server merge" I would re-sub. Hurry up Bioware I only have like 10 days left!!!

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"Legacy (in 1.2) was the biggest hit by far and Tython specifically saw a large influx of Sith Pureblood Jedi recruits." -Erickson

This is absolute horsepoop. No one cares about the current legacy system. It seemed like a COOL idea, but ended up having minimal impact, at least from a pvp standpoint. I am hopeful that some of the legacy 1.3 changes will actually be something that will positively affect gameplay (somehow).


"If you're a hardcore PvPer, this makes it much less necessary for you to do that other content you don't like so much in order to advance your character."

I'm not sure what this means, exactly. I'm guessing that they're saying that you'll be able to lvl your character by perhaps doing pvp (WZ) content exclusively via exp bonuses provided by the legacy system? That would be ok, but only if server consolidations are in effect and at least TWO more pvp warzones are introduced. I'd use this system to lvl, no doubt.




The legacy release patch was a success. It just wasn't a success for those of us that want PvP changes. You've gotta realize that the bulk of MMO gamers prefer to kill internet monsters. Playing against people whose actions aren't pre-calculated and controlled doesn't hold a lot of appeal. Seriously, why did so many people buy Diablo 3? It isn't like Diablo came back and is being run by some fat dude in a cubicle. So, 1.2 added a bunch of fluff that PvE players wanted. Have you not played WOW only to realize how much people go after the carrot on a stick when it comes to pets, titles, and other fluff? I swear, its like people lining up for a turd folled in powdered sugar cause they want a doughnut.


As for your last quote, 1.3 is releasing a legacy unlock that will improve your XP gains from PvP, space battles, or PvE quests only. So, if you got 1000 xp from a WZ win or a completed space mission or quest, if you chose the appropriate unlock, you'd get an additional 30% xp for that specific category. I leveled my Op 100% in PvP matches (and the character only quests for story advancement and companions). With this, I'd have leveled up faster instead of the current pace.

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When you have to wait 2-5 hours for pvp queue and they are worried about Legacy something is very wrong! Hell I cant even find people to do Flash Points with on my server! This game has turned into level a toon to 50 then do it again because cant pvp cant Flash Point whats the point!?!
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Taking bets now on what feature is pulled at the last minute.


Wait you mean other than the ones they already pulled can't wait for pvp in 1.6....to bad i already unsubd and wont see it

Edited by mikedee
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As for your last quote, 1.3 is releasing a legacy unlock that will improve your XP gains from PvP, space battles, or PvE quests only. So, if you got 1000 xp from a WZ win or a completed space mission or quest, if you chose the appropriate unlock, you'd get an additional 30% xp for that specific category. I leveled my Op 100% in PvP matches (and the character only quests for story advancement and companions). With this, I'd have leveled up faster instead of the current pace.


Ye, I've done the same levelling most of mine largely through WZs and the class only quests. This will be a huge boost, only problem is the cap on saved WZ comms winds me up. I can only convert them after lvl 40 to ranked, and yes WZ medpacks are decent, but still feels like a waste once you are grinding a character into BM or WH and you know you spent 8000 comms on medpacks pre lvl 40 just to get rid of them. They need to consider raising this cap for people who want to level alts via WZs, or allowing us to convert to ranked sooner.


All I can say is, it better be a free unlock. If it's 2.5m credits to unlock all hell will break loose on the forums.

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IGN: First off, what was the reaction like to 1.2? Did you find a lot of players returned to check out the content? Did more players check out the high level dungeon content or go back and create additional characters to take advantage of the Legacy updates?


Daniel Erickson: Although there were the expected small stumbles that go hand in hand with a content release this large the reaction was extremely positive. We saw a huge uptick in concurrent players as people rushed around to see all that had changed since launch. Legacy was the biggest hit by far and Tython specifically saw a large influx of Sith Pureblood Jedi recruits.


Haha what, extremely positive? Is that why the game is hemorrhaging subs and my PVP guild died? The huge influx of Jedi recruits incidentally was all the Sentinel re-rollers because your class balance is so bad.


The Legacy updates don't even do anything aside from give you a class buff. That buff is good but not that big of a deal. You can get most of them by simply playing a WZ every hour.


All the XP modifiers are "coming soon" for some reason. I don't know why they couldn't just code that in, seems like it would be a simple change.


I would have more faith in these devs if they admitted that the patch was a mistake and they told us they were working around the clock to fix it. Instead all we get is nonsense about how great the patch was and how everyone loves it, and that they feel absolutely no panic or sense of urgency at all towards making any changes. They literally just go in, get coffee, and sit around relaxing. That's the impression they give us from these interviews or have flat out told us.

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No pvp content for 1.3? Awesome way to lay a big, smelly, steaming one on my chest :confused: Sadly I won't be resubbing after my free subscription ends, which is in about 5 days :( Looking forward to the transfers though, maybe that will get me to pay for another month. :p
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Transfers will be nice, but the PvP community would value X Server queuing much more. Transfers are in no way a long term resolution.


If we, as a community, could get this one point across to BioWare the game would be more successful. Very few people on these forums care about any aspect of the legacy system. We want practical long term improvements to end game PvP.


There have been so many suggestions to improve PvP, but they are being blatantly ignored.

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Transfers will be nice, but the PvP community would value X Server queuing much more. Transfers are in no way a long term resolution.


If we, as a community, could get this one point across to BioWare the game would be more successful. Very few people on these forums care about any aspect of the legacy system. We want practical long term improvements to end game PvP.


There have been so many suggestions to improve PvP, but they are being blatantly ignored.


1, Speak for yourself. PvP Server Merge > X Server queues IMO.


2. Talk about starting at the top and working your way down. You sound like one of those clowns that goes to Autozone for all the cool doo-hickies you can get for your ride, but your car barely runs.

Edited by Stradoo
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Getting people off dead servers should be the main priority they are working on. It is a joke they mention legacy with it. This would fix a lot of pvp qing issues. But its even more funny maybe by 1.8 they will have what they promised the pvp community in 1.2.
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The important thing is that players can play with their friends and with the type and size of community they enjoy.


No, the most important thing is that there actually is a community - something not possible with low pop servers. Friends are great, but they are not always on and MMO is about being able to do group content, and sometimes meet new people. This goes double for long PvP QUEs, and PvP requires playing against people who are not in your immediate circle of friends. BW is great at PR, but I really hope DE does not actually believe the nonsense in his IGN interview.

Edited by Torcer
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i dont like this at all i chose my server at random and ened up liking it but i heard that over half of my guild was transfering and that kind of made me a bit mad but why doesnt everyone just play on one server? i would like the ability to change my advanced class
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i dont like this at all i chose my server at random and ened up liking it but i heard that over half of my guild was transfering and that kind of made me a bit mad but why doesnt everyone just play on one server? i would like the ability to change my advanced class


HeroEngine cannot handle a million people on one server. Bioware would need to hire the Eve developers just to get the servers to 300K or so.


"In stunning statistics revealed today at GDC, EVE Online developers CCP announced that the game currently has over 360,000 subscribers.


Distributed Systems Architect Jacky Mallett explained that “we hit a new peak of online usage, 63,170 users online concurrently” on January 23. That’s 63,170 pilots sailing across the black in EVE’s online universe.


We can support up to 1800 users in our most popular solar system,” explained Mallett, going on to say that 200 severs run together to create Eve’s universe. Each one of these severs is a behemoth in itself, being able to “host anything up to a hundred solar systems on a single server”. The most popular solar systems are hosted on dedicated, singular servers as to cope with the 1800 potential users."

Edited by Vudu
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HeroEngine cannot handle a million people on one server. Bioware would need to hire the Eve developers just to get the servers to 300K or so.


"In stunning statistics revealed today at GDC, EVE Online developers CCP announced that the game currently has over 360,000 subscribers.


Distributed Systems Architect Jacky Mallett explained that “we hit a new peak of online usage, 63,170 users online concurrently” on January 23. That’s 63,170 pilots sailing across the black in EVE’s online universe.


We can support up to 1800 users in our most popular solar system,” explained Mallett, going on to say that 200 severs run together to create Eve’s universe. Each one of these severs is a behemoth in itself, being able to “host anything up to a hundred solar systems on a single server”. The most popular solar systems are hosted on dedicated, singular servers as to cope with the 1800 potential users."


The fact that the average server handles about 2000 concurrent users is a legacy of EQ1, because the first MMORPG did it that way nobody ever questioned if that was the best way to do stuff.


Diablo 2 has far more concurrent users on Battle.net on their 4 major region servers. Now of course the "US West" Diablo 2 server is probably a lot of computers but that's technical stuff for the network admins to figure out. I remember they say the WoW server actually has 3 computers during vanillia, 1 for each continent and one to handle instances, which is why you got loading time when transitioning between these 3 major areas in the game. There's nothing stopping BIoware from making some kind of mega server with 10 times the capacity if they use 10 times the computer to build it. Server technology isn't exactly some unsolved science in gaming.

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