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Do you support an in game version of Recount. Please give reasons for your answer.


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I would love it, not for dps or kicking purposes. But just to work out how someone died, how much damage they took during a certain phase, if we need more healers on the tank that phase or if my healing is good for this fight or not.
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You are either pulling the numbers you should be in your current gear or you are not, he said nothing about his e-peen.


Question is; who decides what dps is the correct number?


Have to remember, not everyone is using the same peripherals, dsl speeds or pc hardware. Not everyone spends the same time playing an dlearning a game.

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Maybe not absolute numbers, but some indication of whether a player was within the normal expected damage range.

I can see how it could be abused, but if you are in a raid and you keep failing because one player is doing sub par there should be a way to tell.

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Finally some honesty. They don't have to be a dbag when removing you though. The only time I would dbag remove a group member is if this is the 5th time he's attacked the CC target or if the player is in full epics and consistently last DPS on a fight we've been wiping on. His guild can continue to carry him but I won't.


Usually i'll say "Your DPS is kinda low or your gear is a bit low for this instance we are gonna replace you"


The problem was that my dps being low wasnt stopping us from finishing the instance though x.x I mean yeah I had bad gear but it wasnt stopping us from continuing on. It wasnt low to the point that were not doing enough damage to not finish it!


x.x no they just kicked me cuz i wasnt doing enough dps to their liking

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I don't know. Having the ability to point your mouse at the player portrait in your party or op and hitting 1 or 2 to heal, just seems to me to make the game far too easy (not that it's hard now).


Better group bars and targeting would be a better choice in my opinion, both of which Bioware could implement or UI customisation could handle.


At the moment i find the game easy, but the UI makes it harder (if you know what I mean). I'd like my UI to work for me, but not make my job easier or harder than it should be.


the problem with opening up the game to too many add-ons (ala WoW), is that the devs end up designing encounters based on popular add-ons. Thus making said add-ons almost mandatory to people wanting to play those encounters, which in the end takes away the "choice" that proponents of add-ons say everyone has and will have.


I disagree. I think Mouseover closer to the time DPSers and Tanks get to React to environmental dangers.


I agree with 2 as a healer i'd love to have my Companion in my raid UI. I play with the Raid frames on my Right(natural Hand). Having him bound to the left side of my screen is a pain.


They will still have a choice. You have a choice in WOW. Don't join that guild that requires you to have Addons. Just don't get mad when the guilds that do have better gear than you:)


I don't think Blizz is building around addons. The 1st tier of Cata was one of the most challenging Tiers ever in WOW. People were whining on the forums lol.

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Maybe not absolute numbers, but some indication of whether a player was within the normal expected damage range.

I can see how it could be abused, but if you are in a raid and you keep failing because one player is doing sub par there should be a way to tell.


Now to my mind, raiding and group content are two different entities.


Group stuff is and should be tailored to some sort of "average ability" or at least have the Normal, hard modes.


Add-ons for raids, in my opinion has ruined raiding over the years. However dps meters/parsers for raids (and raids only) is ok(ish).


But stuff like timers for AE's etc has just resulted in everyone having the timer and the devs making some of the most boring, long and stupid encounters I have ever raided against, in some vain attempt to make the content challenging again (at least till the next add-on is released).

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The problem was that my dps being low wasnt stopping us from finishing the instance though x.x I mean yeah I had bad gear but it wasnt stopping us from continuing on. It wasnt low to the point that were not doing enough damage to not finish it!


x.x no they just kicked me cuz i wasnt doing enough dps to their liking



Hmm that seems like an Odd reason. Could have been a full guild that used you to get to the end and then booted you to get gear for a guildee.

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I do support it , and they should add it soon.


I admit i simple abuse the system cause there is no recount , usually a group asks for a tank , i go and tank everything is fine , but if they are asking for a dps all i do is change my stance and spam hit buttons , i dont know if i hit hard or not , all o know is i can go like this until i go raids or until they add a recount.

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I disagree. I think Mouseover closer to the time DPSers and Tanks get to React to environmental dangers.


I agree with 2 as a healer i'd love to have my Companion in my raid UI. I play with the Raid frames on my Right(natural Hand). Having him bound to the left side of my screen is a pain.


They will still have a choice. You have a choice in WOW. Don't join that guild that requires you to have Addons. Just don't get mad when the guilds that do have better gear than you:)


I don't think Blizz is building around addons. The 1st tier of Cata was one of the most challenging Tiers ever in WOW. People were whining on the forums lol.


Well, i've enjoyed our debate (it's nice to find a reasonable and articulate person round here these days (just a shame it's also very rare)), but I really need to at least try and concentrate on not dieing in game for a bit before bed calls.


Personally I hope Bioware at least thinks before they act (in whatever way they choose to), and act in the interest of the game and the whole (if that's even possible) community. But I guess we will all have to wait and see; I believe they said it's a priority, but I hope communication before action is also a priority.


Still, I think the game has potential, and I am enjoying myself more than not. But it does need a good spit an' polish in places.


It will never be a WoW killer as it's more of a niche game (albeit to a large audience), people that hate Star Wars or Sci-Fi will be unlikely to try it. Well I am now rambling, so Good Night.

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I do support it , and they should add it soon.


I admit i simple abuse the system cause there is no recount , usually a group asks for a tank , i go and tank everything is fine , but if they are asking for a dps all i do is change my stance and spam hit buttons , i dont know if i hit hard or not , all o know is i can go like this until i go raids or until they add a recount.


Turn on your scrolling combat text...bingo numbers

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Is the game content really too hard for poeple without add-ons and gadgets. I realize the ability to judge rank and ridicule people is an important part of some poeples MMO expereince. That doesn't mean it needs to be a part fo every games experience.
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Now to my mind, raiding and group content are two different entities.


Group stuff is and should be tailored to some sort of "average ability" or at least have the Normal, hard modes.


Add-ons for raids, in my opinion has ruined raiding over the years. However dps meters/parsers for raids (and raids only) is ok(ish).


But stuff like timers for AE's etc has just resulted in everyone having the timer and the devs making some of the most boring, long and stupid encounters I have ever raided against, in some vain attempt to make the content challenging again (at least till the next add-on is released).


I like long encounters personally. If a fight ends in 2 minutes it lacks that epic feeling. I can tell you for sure AE timers will not help everyone. It boggles my mind how a Healer can manage to dodge everything in a fight but 2 button pro DPSers that get to stare at their screens can't manage to not stand in fire.

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I don't know. Having the ability to point your mouse at the player portrait in your party or op and hitting 1 or 2 to heal, just seems to me to make the game far too easy (not that it's hard now).



Correct me if i'm wrong but doesn't that just save you one left click of the mouse? if that is too easy and 2 clicks is easy how many clicks will it take to become difficult? would 5 clicks to target and cast your heal be hard mode?

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Is the game content really too hard for poeple without add-ons and gadgets. I realize the ability to judge rank and ridicule people is an important part of some poeples MMO expereince. That doesn't mean it needs to be a part fo every games experience.


It has nothing to do with Difficulty. It's has to do with information. I don't want to be stuck in a Flashpoint for 3 hours because someone thinks just pressing 1 over and over is DPSing.

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Is the game content really too hard for poeple without add-ons and gadgets. I realize the ability to judge rank and ridicule people is an important part of some poeples MMO expereince. That doesn't mean it needs to be a part fo every games experience.


Maybe you should read the thread again because nobody said the game is too hard.

Damage meters have nothing to do with making an encounter easier or harder.

It's only purpose is evaluation.


Sometimes I wonder if people know what a damage meter is.

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im sorry but addons, macros and other stuff are not needed in this game.


the game is so easy its like a walk in the park.

if you need addons 3rd party tools and macros to be good in a game, then maybe you are just below average and not some sort of expert, "progamer" or whatever you want to call yourself.

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I don't think Blizz is building around addons. The 1st tier of Cata was one of the most challenging Tiers ever in WOW. People were whining on the forums lol.


Blizzard themselves consider addons to be problematic for Raid Content:



Especially note the "can't put the djinn back in the bottle" line ;)


I'd definitely like BioWare to improve the UI in SWTOR. I definitely don't want them to do it by allowing Addons.


But as far as the OP goes... reinstating Combat Logs is as far as BW needs to go to satisfy the "Hardcore/Min-Max" crowd.

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im sorry but addons, macros and other stuff are not needed in this game.


the game is so easy its like a walk in the park.

if you need addons 3rd party tools and macros to be good in a game, then maybe you are just below average and not some sort of expert, "progamer" or whatever you want to call yourself.


Recount helps to point out who's unde rperforming and attempting to be carried BY good players. You are sadly mistaken. We want to see who's pulling their weight and who's not interupting that shot of doom. Those are not the actions of someone wanting be be a so-called "progamer" that's actually asking to be protected from bad players.

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Correct me if i'm wrong but doesn't that just save you one left click of the mouse? if that is too easy and 2 clicks is easy how many clicks will it take to become difficult? would 5 clicks to target and cast your heal be hard mode?


Grr I can't just close my durned browser!!


I do see your point, and agree in a way. So I'll change my point of view a little (I'm old so can get away with it :D ).


In some forms macros can be ok, but I very much don't want this game to become the same as WoW with regards to the UI. So there has to be some clear limit, or at least set of guidelines about can and can't be accomplished thorugh add-ons.


But that is for another thread as we are now way off-topic from the recount and ilk debate.


On topic though. Look through the forums, there's not a great of threads that are polite or even not hostile. It seems to me that the younger the gamers get, the worse they become as people, and that I think is what worries folk that are dead set against add-ons and recount. There is a fear that given some tool that could potentially be abused by a few idiots could (and would) ruin the game for some.


Given that there is also a desire for some sort of auto group tools as well, that just throws random people together, then the potential for this is magnified as there is little accountability.

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Blizzard themselves consider addons to be problematic for Raid Content:



Especially note the "can't put the djinn back in the bottle" line ;)


I'd definitely like BioWare to improve the UI in SWTOR. I definitely don't want them to do it by allowing Addons.


But as far as the OP goes... reinstating Combat Logs is as far as BW needs to go to satisfy the "Hardcore/Min-Max" crowd.


The only Addon he alluded to was DBM and the like and, he's actually Alluding to having recount functionality in WOW.


He said this in response to combat logs:


"We would like to redesign the feature with more of a post-hoc analysis in mind. It can also be a resource hog if you have it up during combat and the filtering isn’t super intuitive. One thing we have done in the meantime is made it easy for the combat logs to be analyzed by third-party sites, which makes it easier to analyze results quickly."


They like the Log Analyzers apparently. Also even with DBM good Raid leaders will call out the dangerous attacks.

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I totally agree with combat logs and DPS meters.


Also, once the optimal spec and damage rotation has been identified using these, can we just have a mod which presses the keys in order for you? Perhaps one big macro to do it. Since everyone will have the same optimal spec it should be a very simple to accomplish.


I am currently reading this big 600 page book, and would love to get my epic operations gear while reading it. This way I wouldn't have to touch the keyboard for a few hours, except maybe to dodge out of "the fire" in boss battles. But the trash mobs would all be autopilot.


To all those people who want to go "freestyle" and "think for themselves", well, you clearly missed the point of the game. It is to get all purple gear and be the best MMO player ever, not to have fun.

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