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Will You Trust Bioware Again?


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Problem ismost people did not expect a WoW clone, infact the thought was at one time, almost insulting.




At least it's different enough. I played WoW for all of two months. Couldn't stand it. I'm here til they shut the servers down, though. Doesn't feel like WoW at all to me.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I've lost confidence in almost if not all game developers over the last five years, not just BW which I've never really liked their games that much in the past anyway. Yeah thats right, I generally have never liked bioware's games. So without any expectations, I bought this game under the assumption that I was throwing my money away out of boredom.


Even though bioware did far exceed my expected dissapointment with this game, I'm not a stockholder, I'm out something like 80 dollars in the end. Sure that sucks and I've got some buyers remorse going on, but its my own fault. I bought a game developed by people I already think make mediocre games. Before someone tells me thats just my opinion, I know that. My brother enjoys other BW games, I don't.


I don't feel betrayed, I feel stupid for not listening to my own inner voice of reason saying "don't buy, you won't like." If I needed to give example of a game developer that I feel legitimately betrayed by, that company would have to be blizzard. I feel that they fundamentally changed a game after I was already invested in it for multiple years.


I know plenty of people would disagree but I think WoW was a quality game during vanilla. It was still decent during TBC. By WoTLK it was a top 40 candypop shell of the game it used to be. You see, they fundamentally changed their product mid stride to be an over commercialized piece of garbage because 6 million subs wasn't enough. I also think that successful jack move so to speak has forever changed the way other game makers view the genre to be this weird delusion of grandeur that they will put out the next Green Day of MMOs. Anyone who has had the displeasure of playing D3 probably knows that game is an abomination as well.


I don't blame BW for making a game I don't like anymore than I'd blame a musician for playing music I don't care for. If anyone in this genre, its blizzard guilty of going from heavy metal to lady gaga.

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Any game with Daniel Erickson as a lead Dev, hell no. This guy is completely out of touch with his player base and current state of the game.


BW, so long old friend. EA, you still suck. Erickson, you are a joke.



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Any game with Daniel Erickson as a lead Dev, hell no. This guy is completely out of touch with his player base and current state of the game.


BW, so long old friend. EA, you still suck. Erickson, you are a joke.


I love old Bioware too, but at some point we are going to have to admit that Bioware is just as much at fault as EA. The same people who worked at Bioware pre-buyout now enjoy executive positions at EA.


Did EA hurt Bioware or did Bioware hurt EA?


I don't know, but either way, as a fan of both sports, fps, and mmo games, the lost of trust in the Bioware/ EA brand significantly affects my future purchasing decisions.

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At least it's different enough. I played WoW for all of two months. Couldn't stand it. I'm here til they shut the servers down, though. Doesn't feel like WoW at all to me.


You're totally right and here's why! --


- Grinding dailies

- Instanced EVERYTHING a.k.a. theme park from the ground up

- Talent trees with little to no diversity

- Classes

- Quest after quest after quest

- 2 factions

- Crowded cities, empty worlds/zones

- Almost zero penalty when you die


I'll stop there, but yea nothing like WoW...

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You're totally right and here's why! --


- Grinding dailies

- Instanced EVERYTHING a.k.a. theme park from the ground up

- Talent trees with little to no diversity

- Classes

- Quest after quest after quest

- 2 factions

- Crowded cities, empty worlds/zones

- Almost zero penalty when you die


I'll stop there, but yea nothing like WoW...


I'm guessing you didn't catch the word "feel"? Probably not. For some reason, reading comprehension is at an all-time low around here.

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You're totally right and here's why! --


- Grinding dailies

- Instanced EVERYTHING a.k.a. theme park from the ground up

- Talent trees with little to no diversity

- Classes

- Quest after quest after quest

- 2 factions

- Crowded cities, empty worlds/zones

- Almost zero penalty when you die


I'll stop there, but yea nothing like WoW...


You forgot:

little/no world pvp.



Decay on armour

No decay on armour in PVP





In fact the only 2 things that are different are companions and the fact that wow makes more money.

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Can't remember a game that never had problems during their first year, only to be followed by more problems. If you are going to ragequit everytime something new isn't completely refined (which is laughable) you'll be forever downloading new games. You want to see problems, go do some research on indie games like Mortal Online at the beginning, damn that was messed up, or even better, check what games were like 12 years ago, back then you'd be lucky if you got a major update in the first 3 years. Don't forget the lag that 56k modems caused. I played Mir which game me lag every second step, and that went on for 2 years till I got 128k optical fibre broadband. Talk about spitting out your dummy.



I don't think most of us expect the game to not have some bugs or problems, but we are months after release, now, and they are hyping patches for stuff that should have been in during the mid stages of beta. Acting like this is just like any other game that gets launched by any other company is ridiculous. This game was in development for over 5 years, and was still not ready in December. This has nothing to do with 56K modems. This is 2012, and BW has not bothered to even take advantage of the technology from the last 4 years.


BW has not fixed the major issues, that were named above. At this point, I honestly think they just have no idea what to do. As stated above, the voice-overs and cut scenes are nice, but they are not practical, for adding lots of new content in a timely and efficient manner. We went over this in beta, and the fanbois defended it. Adding companions quests is pathetic, as you have to grind missions to work up each companion's affection to trigger the missions. The big guild summit should have been used to get some realistic feedback on things that can help save this game. Clearly, what has been tried has not worked.


I did not mean to target you, specifically, but I am tired of people making excuses for this train wreck. It was voices such as yours, in beta, that in my opinion caused most of this, by acting like everything was ok.

Edited by Darvus
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I never made any relation with swtor to 56k modems, it was merely an example of what we had to put up with 12 years ago. That's it, we coped, with problems 50x worse, and still loved the game. Sorry for not ranting and raving at every little time delay, I guess it just doesn't phase me. They made mistakes, I will wait patiently for them to fix them.
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I don't know why people go on about armor decay, it is probably just one of the worst ideas out there. I am guessing it is coming from a past SWG loyalist or something, but bringing into a game a faulty idea from a previous failed game just isn't really a good idea at all.


Just another example of a very small minority trying get something added to the game, that the greater majority doesn't want.

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Hi all,

Just cancelled my subscription, I got a Trooper to lvl 34 & Jedi sent to lvl 50, and there was no way I was going to do it all again with another toon.

Biggest issues for me were alot of the scenes were very repetitive, space battles absolutley sucked balls and we had this vast area of space to explore but your ship cannot be flown manually.


I know i'm old school but if Swtor was a bit of Eve / Wow / Wing Commander where one could do planetary or space station quests (like wow), still explore vast areas of space for mining/running contraband/fighting enemy factions/pirates (like eve), and be able to do it all from the comfort of your cockpit (like Wing Commander) it would truly keep the masses intrested.


As I got closer to lvl 50 I just kept thinking how much I miss decent space battles and for this not be properly represented in a game with a name like "Star Wars" is a crime to the franchise.. :p

In short Bioware have charged me $90 + subscription for a Wow star wars mod and are making me go back to Eve so I won't trust em again.

They prob should've renamed it Planet Wars The old Republic as you dont really do much in space at all..

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Nope! They dropped the ball on this one that's for sure :( I mean, I played a Jedi character for 10 minutes before I realized "meh this is half-assed"


I myself would of had the player do and complete the Jedi trials to become a Padawan. Then sent you on missions along side your Master. Then after act 1 you would become a full fledged Jedi and took on a Padawan yourself for act 2... But BioWare decided to just hand you a training stick and send you straight into combat with Flesh raiders, by the way flesh raiders looks like some development artist couldn't make a wookiee


I would of, in all honestly, made you feel like a Jedi -NOT like an errand boy.

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. The big guild summit should have been used to get some realistic feedback on things that can help save this game. Clearly, what has been tried has not worked.


The Guild Summit was a farce, they were trying to look like they cared and were taking feedback when they most likely didn't.

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I myself would of had the player do and complete the Jedi trials to become a Padawan. Then sent you on missions along side your Master. Then after act 1 you would become a full fledged Jedi and took on a Padawan yourself for act 2... But BioWare decided to just hand you a training stick and send you straight into combat with Flesh raiders, by the way flesh raiders looks like some development artist couldn't make a wookiee.


You are certainly free to pich your idea to Lucasarts to try to develop your own game.

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Haven't lost my trust. They tried to make a great game, made a great game, launched it nearly perfectly, haven't had any major bugs, and I have been having a great time ever since.


Bioware hasn't done anything wrong with SWTOR. Its a great game with a long future ahead.

Edited by Vulcrist
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This is a great game! End of. That's right I disagree with the OP. I am at the polar opposite end of the discussion. This game is a breath of fresh air, I love it and so do a lot of others! So I figured I needed to voice that for those of us in the 'we like it' camp. :)
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This is a great game! End of. That's right I disagree with the OP. I am at the polar opposite end of the discussion. This game is a breath of fresh air, I love it and so do a lot of others! So I figured I needed to voice that for those of us in the 'we like it' camp. :)


I agree with you. The more people like the op that leaves this game, the better if you ask me. I hope they leave for good the game is better without them.

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I agree with you. The more people like the op that leaves this game, the better if you ask me. I hope they leave for good the game is better without them.


You sure? This game already has an abysmally low population on every server except like 2 or 3.

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You sure? This game already has an abysmally low population on every server except like 2 or 3.


No it does not. People are just spread out across way too many servers. If they shut down and merge the servers, there would be 5 servers just as high population as the fatman minimal. Is that world of warcraft population? No but I am fine with that. With every new mmo the game starts out with a huge player base then the game dips to its solid players. The problem is the game released with way too many servers, so when the dip happened it made the game seem dead.

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