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Datacron and Legacy: we shouldn't farm datacrons with EVERY character!


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The ability to use them at an earlier level is comming.. You will not get them for free.. You still have to buy them and grind out the credits.. You will still have to train for them.. There are no discounts in the legacy.. You can just buy your first mount at lvl 10 Vs. lvl 25.. :)


It's a horrible idea and one of the reasons that I'm glad I'm quitting now.... I'm bummed cause I had fun, but if they continue to dumb this game down like this I definitely have issues with it.

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I think this is a bad idea.. I see no reason to make the datacrons legacy other than someone else's laziness.. Part of leveling a character is getting the datacrons.. What is next?? Make leveling legacy?? What about mount training?? Should that be legacy to?? Perhaps playing the game in general should be legacy??


I can not support this idea.. I think it decreases the replay value of leveling a new character.. I also think it is just plain laziness that this is being asked for.. :cool:

The point of having them with Legacy, is that you have the OPTION to take them normally with your alt, OR (once you get it normally) with Legacy for your alt, but the cost won't be low. So you can choose what do you like.


If this really happens, the affects of it will cause guild raid leaders to make it mandatory to buy the X amount legacy


Data-crons are nifty Easter eggs that you have EARNED. And you get an actual reward toward your toon (not a pet, or a name etc.) . If you had them on all your toons, after doing them just once, that would take away the HUNT and feel of a real/true Easter egg. I like them.


Don't make this game easy...


I don't get the "Legacy requirement" at all. Can you explain it better? I think you missed the point.


Anyway, yes it's challenging, maybe the first or the second time, after that it becomes kinda boring, so having an OPTION to take them for your alts in another way, seems good. If people like to hunt them, they can still do it, saving probably tons of credits (or whatever will be needed).

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