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Are the Sith really Evil?


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It may set you free, but what about all the people you crushed, and ruined?


Down near the bottom of the last page, I posted my interpretations of it. Each line has both a Dark and Light interpretation.


Well, except for "Peace is a Lie, there is only Passion". That one is both of the things I said. :p

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They are a sacrifice for the betterment of the strong.


Yes, that's evil. Nothing worse than a Sith in denial. If I was a Sith i would at least admit it. Just another cowardice.






You cannot just always run from things at others expense. There's no honor in that. It's just cowardice.


The will of the force does not serve one's self. The force in it's nature balance encompasses all living creatures, and therefore is rather a foundation. Not a tool to gain power. The dark side of the force does not exist naturally, and therefore is a temporary illusion of power.


The force will always revert to it's natural balance, and therefore the Sith are nothing. They can only exist where the light does not.

Edited by EnsignSorrow
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Yes, that's evil. Nothing worse than a Sith in denial. If I was a Sith i would at least admit it. Just another cowardice.






You cannot just always run from things at others expense. There's no honor in that. It's just cowardice.


The will of the force does not serve one's self. The force in it's nature balance encompasses all living creatures, and therefore is rather a foundation. Not a tool to gain power. The dark side of the force does not exist naturally, and therefore is a temporary illusion of power.


The force will always revert to it's natural balance, and therefore the Sith are nothing. They can only exist where the light does not.


What about an animal that hunts prey?

Is that evil?

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What about an animal that hunts prey?

Is that evil?


That is survival. The Sith kill because it feels good. They could have lived in peace if one stupid Sith Lord, who will not be named, didn't decide to attack the Jedi.

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What about an animal that hunts prey?

Is that evil?


Animals act on base instinct. They hunt and kill to eat. They are not sentient with compassion for others.


The majority of Sith ARE evil, since most choose to interpret the Sith Code by the Dark path.

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That is survival. The Sith kill because it feels good. They could have lived in peace if one stupid Sith Lord, who will not be named, didn't decide to attack the Jedi.


Naga Sadow. :p


Sorry, couldn't resist. :D

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You cannot just always run from things at others expense. There's no honor in that. It's just cowardice.


The force will always revert to it's natural balance, and therefore the Sith are nothing. They can only exist where the light does not.


It's not cowardice, it's cautiousness.



They took over the Republic!



The Jedi bind themselves to a corrupt Republic.

They are nothing more than pawns used to maintain control over planets rebellious to the Republic.

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That is natural. There is no dark intent. The dark side of the force is unnatural as stated before.


Nature, in the Star Wars Universe, exists with the Light and the Dark.

You say the Dark is an illusion, and unnatural, but there is no Light without Dark, therefore, the Dark is natural.

The Universe exists in a state of Equilibrium.

Edited by Mordegrus
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Naga Sadow. :p


Sorry, couldn't resist. :D


LOL. Yeah. As smart as Sadow is. He's not very bright. Marka Ragnos should have told him that the good guys always win. He should have prepared more. Or not bothered at all. The Sith could have been peaceful if not for him and his predecessors and descendants. And the Sith of his age... You know what? Might as well just say all of them. If it weren't for Sith the Jedi wouldn't be at war with Sith. You could even say if it weren't for Jedi there would be no Sith, hence, no war with Sith.


Confusing isn't it?:D

Edited by Aurbere
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LOL. Yeah. As smart as Sadow is. He's not very bright. Marka Ragnos should have told him that the good guys always win. He should have prepared more. Or not bothered at all. The Sith could have been peaceful if not for him and his predecessors and descendants. And the Sith of his age... You know what? Might as well just say all of them. If it weren't for Sith the Jedi wouldn't be at war with Sith. You could even say if it weren't for Jedi there would be no Sith, hence, no war with Sith.


Confusing isn't it?:D


Marka Ragnos was the greatest Sith Lord in Star Wars History. Undefeated in battle, and died of natural causes. The Greatest Swordsman the Sith Empire had ever known. The Greatest Field Commander as well.


In fact, I'm pretty sure he's the ONLY Sith Lord to die of natural causes.... except maybe Darth Vectivus.

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They are nothing more than pawns used to maintain control over planets rebellious to the Republic.


What planet have the Jedi conquered for the Republic? Planets/systems actively join the Republic on their own terms.


If you make a statement please make sure that it exists in the lore. The Jedi have never intervened violently in any system that wanted to break away from the Republic. If so please link it.


Til' then it's nay say.

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Marka Ragnos was the greatest Sith Lord in Star Wars History. Undefeated in battle, and died of natural causes. The Greatest Swordsman the Sith Empire had ever known. The Greatest Field Commander as well.


He was pretty great. Unfortunately his greatness was used for evil. Imagine if he was a Jedi. I'm sure the PT Jedi would have been able to end the Clone Wars alot sooner if they had used Ragnos' teachings for good.

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LOL. Yeah. As smart as Sadow is. He's not very bright. Marka Ragnos should have told him that the good guys always win. He should have prepared more. Or not bothered at all. The Sith could have been peaceful if not for him and his predecessors and descendants. And the Sith of his age... You know what? Might as well just say all of them. If it weren't for Sith the Jedi wouldn't be at war with Sith. You could even say if it weren't for Jedi there would be no Sith, hence, no war with Sith.


Confusing isn't it?:D


Good guys?

The Jedi are depicted as good, but in reality, they aren't always, "good".

The beginnings of the Dark Side STARTED with the Jedi.

The Jedi restricted their powers, and kept all the powerful secrets of the Force, limited to the Council.

Isn't that a little suspicious?

A group of people with the control of powerful secrets.

Edited by Mordegrus
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Nature, in the Star Wars Universe, exists with the Light and the Dark.

You say the Dark is an illusion, and unnatural, but there is no Light without Dark, therefore, the Dark is natural.

The Universe exists in a state of Equilibrium.


No, that is your opinion that has no connection to official lore, or even EU lore. Basically it's an opinion that a lot of people think. Again, it does not make it lore, and it's not canon. Sorry.


The force becomes imbalanced when the dark side is present. That is lore. That is canon.


No debate here.


Canon > your opinion. I'm not stating my opinion. I'm stating canon. Huge difference.

Edited by EnsignSorrow
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Good guys?

The Jedi are depicted as good, but in reality, they aren't always, "good".

The beginnings of the Dark Side STARTED with the Jedi.

The Jedi restricted their powers, and kept all the powerful secrets of the Force, limited to the Council.

Isn't that a little suspicious?

A group of people with the control of powerful secrets.


They most likely kept those secrets hidden from everyone, even themselves. Since not much of that era has been expanded upon we don't know what they did with it. But saying that they were using dark secrets for power is a bit odd to me.

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What planet have the Jedi conquered for the Republic? Planets/systems actively join the Republic on their own terms.


If you make a statement please make sure that it exists in the lore. The Jedi have never intervened violently in any system that wanted to break away from the Republic. If so please link it.


Til' then it's nay say.


Seperatist Alliance

Plus, I never said conquer.

I just said, "maintain control".

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He was pretty great. Unfortunately his greatness was used for evil. Imagine if he was a Jedi. I'm sure the PT Jedi would have been able to end the Clone Wars alot sooner if they had used Ragnos' teachings for good.


Compared to those who came after him, he wasn't that bad of a guy, actually. He oversaw the Golden Age of the Sith Empire. Now, after he died, he really went off the deep end.

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Seperatist Alliance

Plus, I never said conquer.

I just said, "maintain control".


Are you talking about CIS? Right.. They were such Separatist that they attacked Naboo, and started an inter-galactic war.


You stop becoming Separatist when you create a droid army. and start attacking other systems.


Keep going. I have facts that support what I say.

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