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PvP Gear


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But this can't be added as validation because you are adding player skills to the equation. The recruit geared player could simple be "better". It also is not taking class into consideration.


How do you figure it is not taking into class conisderation ? i know every class I heal I know what each one is capable of doing . I know what each one should be doing. I see new players all the time on my server in recruit gear and in Daily gear. I will conceide the point on skill. A good player will always have an advantage over a bad one. I saw a good Gaurdian in recruit gear 1v1 a bad Gaurdian in full WH gear and win. The bad player was a tank vs DPS and sorry but I have seen good Tanks beat them

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LOL! I made the OP a few days ago and really wasnt expecting all the activity, thanks for the info and insight fellas! I put aside all my orange gear for PVE, which I've been keeping up to date with fresh mods and purchased all the recruit gear I needed to fill the empty slots. I've since gotten full BM, except the chest and headpiece and I'm glad I did get the recruit gear as I DID notice a difference once I went that route. Expertise builds up alot faster than I thought it would and Im sitting at just under 1K and after a few more WZ's I'll have a full BM set then the WZ grind for the War Hero set will commence. Again, I appreciate all the insight into the subject and now all I need is some decent schooling on PvP seeing as I cant blame it on the gear anymore....


Gratz man! WH grind is rough depending on how your ques are and which side wins more. But well worth it. Like others have said once you get the WH gear you can augment it out and keep the set bonuses.

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How do you figure it is not taking into class conisderation ? i know every class I heal I know what each one is capable of doing . I know what each one should be doing. I see new players all the time on my server in recruit gear and in Daily gear. I will conceide the point on skill. A good player will always have an advantage over a bad one. I saw a good Gaurdian in recruit gear 1v1 a bad Gaurdian in full WH gear and win. The bad player was a tank vs DPS and sorry but I have seen good Tanks beat them


It happens, but from a potential perspective the two sets are about even. So if you take the same good tanks and put them in orange gear, they actually might be easier to keep up for the reasoning I said preiously. Say he is attacked with a 3k hit,

Recruit(14% mitigation, 13.3K HP): 2580, HP Remaining: 10,720

Orange(50 epics, 16.5KHP): 3000, HP Remaining: 13,500

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Have you compared the stats pre and post 1.2?


Expertise is much more important to have as a fresh 50 then it was. Recruit gear is not great but it gives you around 900 expertise. And believe me you NEED that expertise for WZs. Expertise not only reduces damage taken from a player it increase your damage to a player. Player being the key word here. Expertise is NOT a defensive stat. It is a PvP stat. It ONLY effects damage to and from other players. It has no effect in PvE.


BW did this intentionally. They want you to use PvP gear for PvP and PvE for PvE. It means more play time and more money for them. They say they do it so you have to participate in PvE or PvP content to get BIS for that activity. Before 1.2 some PvP gear was an upgrade when using it for PvE and some PvE gear in PvP. In fact BIS for PvP was a hybrid mix of both before 1.2.


If you don't want to be face-rolled in 2 seconds get your recruit set before entering a WZ. You are not doing your teammates any favors either if you don't. And they will tell you about it. Might even leave the WZ.


You are 100% correct, just not for this scenario. That plays out for what it was intended for: new people who have no idea what pvp is, want to try it, and can get in fast. And they still take a beating, just a little less of it. People, BM gear is damn near free. I see these poor fellows come in in all RG all the time and they can't do a thing. The real issue is that Bioware wants to expand the pvp base but didn't acknowledge a entire community that already has WH that is so far above it makes RG meaningless.


Go buy a set of RG right now and go hit a guy with WH. He will stand there and laugh then 2 shot you. Explain the value of your purchase in that scenario? People want it to be right and work that way,but it's broken. RG doesn't stand up at all.

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It happens, but from a potential perspective the two sets are about even. So if you take the same good tanks and put them in orange gear, they actually might be easier to keep up for the reasoning I said preiously. Say he is attacked with a 3k hit,

Recruit(14% mitigation, 13.3K HP): 2580, HP Remaining: 10,720

Orange(50 epics, 16.5KHP): 3000, HP Remaining: 13,500


Not sure on your numbers, Shadow in my guild just recently went to tank. He bought all recruit gear and was at 17k HP with all recruit gear. He will also hit about 20% harder on all his attacks aswell.

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You are 100% correct, just not for this scenario. That plays out for what it was intended for: new people who have no idea what pvp is, want to try it, and can get in fast. And they still take a beating, just a little less of it. People, BM gear is damn near free. I see these poor fellows come in in all RG all the time and they can't do a thing. The real issue is that Bioware wants to expand the pvp base but didn't acknowledge a entire community that already has WH that is so far above it makes RG meaningless.


Go buy a set of RG right now and go hit a guy with WH. He will stand there and laugh then 2 shot you. Explain the value of your purchase in that scenario? People want it to be right and work that way,but it's broken. RG doesn't stand up at all.


Come hit me with Epic Oranges and I am gonna laugh at you. You will not be able to come close to touching my healing go thru my bubble or stand up to my little damage.

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Yeah you got me. Keep standing there in recruit gear against BM and WH mixes. Lol.


recruit gear > orange moddables against bm and wh mixes every single time.


expertise is king in pvp.


you roll into a wz wearing pve gear and you are gonna get rolled. with recruit gear you can at least hold your own. noone is saying recruit gear will make you invincible, but it will make you stronger than if you roll up in any level of pve gear. period.

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Not sure on your numbers, Shadow in my guild just recently went to tank. He bought all recruit gear and was at 17k HP with all recruit gear. He will also hit about 20% harder on all his attacks aswell.


I also would suspect he has the 3% END boost and Rakata END stim. Even with that, I still don't see over 14k either in-game or askmrrobot. My example was just an appoximation. Take a screen if you can.

Two Shadows according to As:

Here is 100% Recruit with Champ relics: HP=13.9K



Here is Aug-Orange with epics(no EXP): HP=15.6K




Almost 2K over the entire set for 15% reduction.

Now if I swapped the PvE one with Columi relics, the HP difference is even higher as the matrix cube and PvE relic I used are a tier below Champ relics.

Edited by L-RANDLE
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recruit gear > orange moddables against bm and wh mixes every single time.


expertise is king in pvp.


you roll into a wz wearing pve gear and you are gonna get rolled. with recruit gear you can at least hold your own. noone is saying recruit gear will make you invincible, but it will make you stronger than if you roll up in any level of pve gear. period.

So take off my Rakata pieces and replace them with recruit?



Never owned oranges with epics to compare the stat differences? I just posted a Recruit v Aug-Orange w/epics and look at the approximate trade off. Its almost a dead heat. Follow the link in my sig line for more enlightenment as to why tier for tier PVP~= PvE.

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Per the SWTOR Game Director.....get your recruit gear!


Now all you claiming augmented PVE gear with dailies in it is better than recruit gear can zip it and stop spewing your fiction.


Massively: A forum post states that the expertise stat is now a lot more valuable in PvP than it used to be. The slope on the diminishing returns appears to be less steep now, and PvPers definitely seem to like that concept a lot more than when they would mix other armor types together in order to level out their stats. Can you explain the reason behind the changes, and specifically, what that means to players stepping into PvP with a fresh level 50?


James Ohlen: One of the functions expertise serves is to divide our PvP gear and PvE gear. For example, we don't want a situation where you want to play the PvE operations endgame, but the best way to do that is to spend several weeks playing warzones in order to get a PvP gear set. Thus, a PvP set will have significantly lower raw stats than a PvE set of the same level and will receive a budget of expertise to compensate. The bonuses you get from that expertise in PvP should effectively reverse the situation, so a player in a PvE set will be at an equivalent disadvantage if he jumps into PvP without earning the lower-level PvP gear set first.


What we found prior to patch 1.2 is that because the PvP endgame was much more accessible than the PvE endgame, many PvE guilds were using warzones to get endgame gear instead of playing through the flashpoints and normal-mode operations. In addition, the original PvP gear only had expertise on the armoring, hilt, and barrel, which made the modifications and enhancements in that gear more effective than intended in PvE.


To address these issues in patch 1.2, we increased the gap between PvE and PvP on the new War Hero gear, sacrificing a greater percentage of stats and giving more expertise in return. We also extended this to the modification and enhancement item mods, introducing expertise there and further increasing the total expertise budget. In fact, the final expertise budget on War Hero was so high that we had to retroactively add some "bonus" expertise to the existing PvP gear in order to avoid creating too much of a gap between the top and bottom end PvP players.


Unfortunately, this also meant that players stepping into PvP with a fresh level 50 who has no expertise will be destroyed by players with expertise, leading to a very frustrating experience (and this experience was already pretty rough prior to patch 1.2). To address this, we introduced a relatively cheap "recruit" set of PvP gear designed to give them enough expertise to get into the PvP game and allow them to starting earning the good stuff. As PvP gear continues to advance in future seasons, new "recruit" sets will be introduced to ensure fresh 50s always start at a reasonable point.


PVP players can start using Orange augemented skins when they are able to A) buy the skins and B) can rip the mods out of BM gear. As you can't rip mods out of recruitgear, you have to wear the recruit gear till that time. Do NOT wear anything but PVP gear in PVP. PERIOD.

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Per the SWTOR Game Director.....get your recruit gear!


Now all you claiming augmented PVE gear with dailies in it is better than recruit gear can zip it and stop spewing your fiction.




PVP players can start using Orange augemented skins when they are able to A) buy the skins and B) can rip the mods out of BM gear. As you can't rip mods out of recruitgear, you have to wear the recruit gear till that time. Do NOT wear anything but PVP gear in PVP. PERIOD.


The point got missed. No one is saying wear pve gear. That was the design of making recruit gear. (although some pve pieces are better in pvp still).

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Per the SWTOR Game Director.....get your recruit gear!


Now all you claiming augmented PVE gear with dailies in it is better than recruit gear can zip it and stop spewing your fiction.




PVP players can start using Orange augemented skins when they are able to A) buy the skins and B) can rip the mods out of BM gear. As you can't rip mods out of recruitgear, you have to wear the recruit gear till that time. Do NOT wear anything but PVP gear in PVP. PERIOD.


Recruit is on par, if not better than Centurion gear when it comes to PvP..... (It replaced Centurion gear).

Open your mind up to the possiblity that they wanted to praise PvP epeen or give mutiple carrots for people to chase. The link on my sig line to see why it really don't matter what you are wearing as long as it is at your lvl(50 in lvl 40 greens? Boo! 50 in Tio... don't give him crap.)

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The point got missed. No one is saying wear pve gear. That was the design of making recruit gear. (although some pve pieces are better in pvp still).


You said they should wear orange gear with daily mods and augs rather than Recruit. Orange gear with augs and no expertise is PVE gear. If they have expertise, then they have at a minimum BM gear and obviously orange gear with augs and BM gear is better than recruit.


Personally I hope you PVP better than you carry on with this thread because if this is the best you got...you are in the wrong forum.

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Open your mind up to the possiblity that they wanted to praise PvP epeen or give mutiple carrots for people to chase. The link on my sig line to see why it really don't matter what you are wearing as long as it is at your lvl(50 in lvl 40 greens? Boo! 50 in Tio... don't give him crap.)


According to that logic, a lvl50 in lvl50 greens would be fine.. :eek: ...that's it...I'm not arguing this any longer.


Please! Load into WZs with your augmented gear with no expertise or better yet, your lvl50 greens! Please!


I always do enjoy a medal for a solo kill and you are setting yourself up to help me get one.

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I also would suspect he has the 3% END boost and Rakata END stim. Even with that, I still don't see over 14k either in-game or askmrrobot. My example was just an appoximation. Take a screen if you can.

Two Shadows according to As:

Here is 100% Recruit with Champ relics: HP=13.9K



Here is Aug-Orange with epics(no EXP): HP=15.6K




Almost 2K over the entire set for 15% reduction.

Now if I swapped the PvE one with Columi relics, the HP difference is even higher as the matrix cube and PvE relic I used are a tier below Champ relics.

You are still completely ignoring expertise...


The recruit set has 13.9k HP, with 15.4% pvp damage reduction, meaning the 13.9k HP takes as long to burn down as about 16k HP would without expertise.

However, because the actual HP is lower, it is faster to get the HP back since heals given to you will also heal for a larger percentage of your health.

Finally, the heals you give yourself if you use those abilities will then be an additional 9.99% more powerful (on top of the increased effectiveness because of your lower actual HP).


Then do the same calculations with the damage you do, and hopefully you'll be able to see that recruit is not such a bad idea after all. If you actually got all of those expensive level 49 purple mods and augmented gear, you definitely should've just gone for the much cheaper recruit set instead.


Finally, I don't know why you say that the matrix cube is a step below the Champ relic, it's very good and if you have the matrix cube you'll probably want to use it instead of a Champ relic (why are we even talking about relics, wasn't this is about orange gear?).

Edited by Rassuro
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I guess you just flame instead of reading. He already said he has some BM gear already. There are five potential set pieces that make up any set bonus. Actually you can also buy an augmented belt too, but not for the set bonus. Maybe no one crafts on your server. I see tons of them. And many people argue the set bonus isn't all that (although I do like it).


You can go to an Ask Mr Robot and see all the crafted gear, including augments for expertise. You can get (unless they removed it due to RG) orange pieces filled with pvp stats starting at level 45 if you progressed properly in game. Of course all the elitists racing to 50 and not actually playing the game don't notice this. Plus endurance is very important and the dailies have tons of mods for it.


So, as you admitted, they can get two weapons out of the gate from the vendor I mentioned, he has some BM already, and there is a veritable mod shopping center next to the pvp terminal. Thanks for admitting to some extent I was right. And expertise isn't everything. Hello, I wouldn't augment for expertise. Ever.


Unless you're running around into 50 in all greens with no understanding of progression, the suggestion that buying full RG and jumping in is ridiculous. To suggest it given where it seems this guy is is also ridiculous. He can have BM in a week and be ahead without spending a credit. It's that simple.


Well, flame away I'm done. Some people just want to argue instead of look around, experiment, and think a little. This guy can take what he has and set himself up really good and now he is going to have a bunch of useless RG, given his scenario.


1) disagreeing is not flaming


2) Having 1 piece of BM gear and the rest recruit is better than 1 piece of BM and the rest in orange customs.Correct me if I am wrong but you seem to be saying never ever use recruit because gear w/o expertese is better.


3) There are no customizable augmented belts that also have expertese that I am aware of.Since this is what I was talking about and you seem to refering to non customizable items then yes...you can get a non customizable belt with an augment slot (it will more than likely be level 49 though).P.S. gunslinger set bonuses are easily passed over for more augments.(my opinion)


4) The "mod shopping center" will get you at best level 47 blue enhancments and mods that are no better than recruit gear that is level 50 blue gear.Also my particular weapons are custom crit crafted pistols that have battlemaster mods transfered into them and +41 expetertese crystals I would never recomend for any fresh 50 to start end game pvp with a level 47 blue item (and that is the best items on the vendor you seem to be refering to)


5) Expertese is the most important stat for dictating PvP performance.Alway try to gain expertese unless you have hit diminishing returns on values (at around 1200ish expertese I believe)


Let's just look at expertese ...

it grants a damage boost

it grants a defence boost

it grants a healing effect boost


Player with enough expertese to get 20% damage bonus and 20% damage reduction versus zero expertese guy...


Expertese guy hits for 100 points +20% for expertese = 120 damage to zero guy


zero guy hits expertese guy for 100 points -20% for expertese guys defence bonus = 80 points done to expertese guy


Obviously Zero expertese is bad right? Obviously every little bit to narrow the gap is good right?


Also buying recruit gear is not going to break the bank for nearly anyone who has done daylies.We also all have companions that can wear the hand me down recruit sets.(and I have done this the recruit gear is great for companions to use as you build up to better companion gear.)

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Recruit gear is enough to tide you over while you buy the cheap BM gear, which is good enough.


Even if you go out there and just straight up lose for a few hours, that's enough to then go buy a BM item. Mix in the daily and I'm sorry, it just isn't much of a grind for BM gear.


And you aren't going to always lose either.


Recruite gear is more than enough with tanks. Its with dps it sucks more because damage is medicore and survivabilty about same or less.


However I admit I haven't ever used full recruit gear. Alt I leveled last time bough two Battlemaster items when she dinged 50 because she had the 2 k of medals when it happened.


Its nice you don't need to be battlemaster to bough the gear nowdays.

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You are still completely ignoring expertise...


The recruit set has 13.9k HP, with 15.4% pvp damage reduction, meaning the 13.9k HP takes as long to burn down as about 16k HP would without expertise.

However, because the actual HP is lower, it is faster to get the HP back since heals given to you will also heal for a larger percentage of your health.

Finally, the heals you give yourself if you use those abilities will then be an additional 9.99% more powerful (on top of the increased effectiveness because of your lower actual HP).


Then do the same calculations with the damage you do, and hopefully you'll be able to see that recruit is not such a bad idea after all. If you actually got all of those expensive level 49 purple mods and augmented gear, you definitely should've just gone for the much cheaper recruit set instead.


Finally, I don't know why you say that the matrix cube is a step below the Champ relic, it's very good and if you have the matrix cube you'll probably want to use it instead of a Champ relic (why are we even talking about relics, wasn't this is about orange gear?).


Not ignoring, just looking at it from a perspective of "need" for a WZ. There should be no delineation between mediocre, as each pale in comparison to any tier with arm/mod/enh lvl 56 or higher. While you are leveling, you should be fairly well set with non-aug oranges. Gaining all the arm/mods/enh from dailies for "free" makes buying recruit gear for EXP moot because the change is nominal. All you need to buy is the aug ones (which is a better option instead of buying two sets, especially if you do both PvE/PvP), and the augments for them (assuming your profession is not one of those), since the aug-oranges can be used as shells for any higher level armor/mods/enh and the augments are already BiS. If you need to fill slots, sure, buy recruit, but it won't make you more effective versus BM/WH/RAK players.


Relics: I was just trying to say my comparison was not pound for pound as champ relics~=columi relics, but nvm.

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1) disagreeing is not flaming


2) Having 1 piece of BM gear and the rest recruit is better than 1 piece of BM and the rest in orange customs.Correct me if I am wrong but you seem to be saying never ever use recruit because gear w/o expertese is better.


3) There are no customizable augmented belts that also have expertese that I am aware of.Since this is what I was talking about and you seem to refering to non customizable items then yes...you can get a non customizable belt with an augment slot (it will more than likely be level 49 though).P.S. gunslinger set bonuses are easily passed over for more augments.(my opinion)


4) The "mod shopping center" will get you at best level 47 blue enhancments and mods that are no better than recruit gear that is level 50 blue gear.Also my particular weapons are custom crit crafted pistols that have battlemaster mods transfered into them and +41 expetertese crystals I would never recomend for any fresh 50 to start end game pvp with a level 47 blue item (and that is the best items on the vendor you seem to be refering to)


5) Expertese is the most important stat for dictating PvP performance.Alway try to gain expertese unless you have hit diminishing returns on values (at around 1200ish expertese I believe)


Let's just look at expertese ...

it grants a damage boost

it grants a defence boost

it grants a healing effect boost


Player with enough expertese to get 20% damage bonus and 20% damage reduction versus zero expertese guy...


Expertese guy hits for 100 points +20% for expertese = 120 damage to zero guy


zero guy hits expertese guy for 100 points -20% for expertese guys defence bonus = 80 points done to expertese guy


Obviously Zero expertese is bad right? Obviously every little bit to narrow the gap is good right?


Also buying recruit gear is not going to break the bank for nearly anyone who has done daylies.We also all have companions that can wear the hand me down recruit sets.(and I have done this the recruit gear is great for companions to use as you build up to better companion gear.)


Almost all you "points" are lined with incorrectness.

It's ok buddy, L2P

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I suspect you are one of those guys that nevers leaves Fleet so Ill offer two things that are simple. Look to the right of where you are standing. There is a weapons vendor. He has all orange moddable weapons with...wait for it...Mods in them!


Mods make the custom gear. The gear is irreleavant but I am sure you know that.


Ill also clue you in on one other fact but this will blow your mind, but I am not telling you anything more because you will abuse it. Custom gear comes with...wait for it...augment slots! There are augments that are craftable for any stat you want, including...Expertise! Yay!


And guess what? 5 pieces of custom orange gear with 5 extra slots is...wait for it...better than welfare gear...yay!


Why do you think it is that Recruit Gear is purchasable with credits? Because anyone can get it with zero effort and it is...wait for it...terrible!


I cant take any more time to lay out how to build a custom set, because I did it and it was better than RG. I dont want you to think it through. I want to faceroll you in your welfare RG. Enjoy.


Where do you think people get mods with expertise in them? I hope you arent talking about the pvp vendor that sells the lvl 40 gear. Yes, orange augmented gear is better but only if you have the war hero mods in it. This thread is about pvp gear and from some of the responses its clear that some people dont understand how important it is to have expertise. I am currently working on obtaining all orange augmented gear but its not going to do me any good unless i have the mods to throw in them.


Never leaves the fleet huh....i guess my current datacron hunt, daily missions and occasional flashpoint all happen in the combat sector of the fleet. Nice deduction skills dude. You should be an investigator.

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I suspect you are one of those guys that nevers leaves Fleet so Ill offer two things that are simple. Look to the right of where you are standing. There is a weapons vendor. He has all orange moddable weapons with...wait for it...Mods in them!


Mods make the custom gear. The gear is irreleavant but I am sure you know that.


Ill also clue you in on one other fact but this will blow your mind, but I am not telling you anything more because you will abuse it. Custom gear comes with...wait for it...augment slots! There are augments that are craftable for any stat you want, including...Expertise! Yay!


And guess what? 5 pieces of custom orange gear with 5 extra slots is...wait for it...better than welfare gear...yay!


Why do you think it is that Recruit Gear is purchasable with credits? Because anyone can get it with zero effort and it is...wait for it...terrible!


I cant take any more time to lay out how to build a custom set, because I did it and it was better than RG. I dont want you to think it through. I want to faceroll you in your welfare RG. Enjoy.


Where do you think people get mods with expertise in them? I hope you arent talking about the pvp vendor that sells the lvl 40 gear. Yes, orange augmented gear is better but only if you have the war hero mods in it. This thread is about pvp gear and from some of the responses its clear that some people dont understand how important it is to have expertise. I am currently working on obtaining all orange augmented gear but its not going to do me any good unless i have the mods to throw in them.


Never leaves the fleet huh....i guess my current datacron hunt, daily missions and occasional flashpoint all happen in the combat sector of the fleet. Nice deduction skills dude. You should be an investigator.

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Where do you think people get mods with expertise in them? I hope you arent talking about the pvp vendor that sells the lvl 40 gear. Yes, orange augmented gear is better but only if you have the war hero mods in it. This thread is about pvp gear and from some of the responses its clear that some people dont understand how important it is to have expertise. I am currently working on obtaining all orange augmented gear but its not going to do me any good unless i have the mods to throw in them.


Never leaves the fleet huh....i guess my current datacron hunt, daily missions and occasional flashpoint all happen in the combat sector of the fleet. Nice deduction skills dude. You should be an investigator.


Aug-orange is better on any level given the same mods/arm/enh, but the set bonus is moot for some classes so saying WH mods are the only viable mods/arm/enh to fill slots is not the case 100% of the time. It's not that Fett and myself don't understand the importance of expertise. We understand it better than most because we have seen the differences between two same tier pieces and it don't amount to much.


Our philosopy is basic(please correct me if I am wrong Fett!): COL/TIO/ENG/XEN/50EPICS to RC, RAK to BM, and BH/CAMP to WH is not really an upgrade in the PvP arena.


You are just moving numbers around(+EXP=-DAM/HEA/END). Then you have to examine how much the numbers are moving around. Once you do that, then you will see our philosophy is on good footing. The only response is, "the developers say different" (I could say 2+2=6, do you believe me?). That would mean that there is some formula working in the background to make expertise mean more than the stats say, they also told us we would have ranked and they would have guild banks and other thing a lot sooner than they did. This makes me skeptical about anything they say about expertise and if it's skeptical, it's not the only way to go to gear for PvP.



Oh and on a side note, getting BH comms/Camp pieces are a lot easier than grinding WZ comms for Ranked comms, espically since D3 and VERY low server pops.

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