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[Guide] Reverse Engineering


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Dumb noob question that may have been answered; is it only Underworld Trading that nets you the Orange Schematics (you specifically mentioned that one in your guide), or is it whichever Mission skill your craft is usually paired with?


Example; as an Armstech, will Investigations net me Orange Armstech schematics?

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Anyone else have problems with getting new scematics from RE? Before lvl37 it took 2-5 tries to get next tier. Now I can't get even blue versions of greens. I've already RE'ed over 20 same green items and no dice :/

I got the same feeling on lvl20, when i farmed bots for material & was constantly crafting some blue leggins: over 25 RE attemps and no new schematics.

May be its some nerf perhaps?

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I've gotten a Level 50 Blue Primeval Battlemind Helm schematic from the auction house.


After 5 helms, I reverse engineered them and received a Critical artifact version recipe.


After 4 of these helms, I reverse engineered them and received a Presence artifact version recipe.


So it is possible to get Tier 2 Artifact Recipes from Blue Level 50 Schematics.

Edited by Kick_
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I've gotten a Level 50 Blue Primeval Battlemind Helm schematic from the auction house.


After 5 helms, I reverse engineered them and received a Critical artifact version recipe.


After 4 of these helms, I reverse engineered them and received a Presence artifact version recipe.


So it is possible to get Tier 2 Artifact Recipes from Blue Level 50 Schematics.


Was it after today's patch? I used to make lots of purples too, but now, after dozens of RE'ed items I can't get even a blue one :/

Edited by kudesnik
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I had the critical version since last night (after the patch with guild list fix).


The presence version, I got this morning (after the combat dance patch fix).

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Concerning the vanishing reverse engineering button...


I've found that opening the inventory window by pressing "I" instead of clicking the button at the top of the UI seems to correct this. It hasn't failed me yet, though I can't speak for everyone. Good info though! Thanks much.


I can verify that.

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Hallo, I noticed smth about RE just now.

Its tbh highly speculative and maybe just subjective but it may be a good hint on the other hand. I dont know if anyone wrote this so far, because i havent read all the replies so, but i havent wrote about this in the guide so far.


To keep it simple:

It seems you are either not able to get or at least only have a very little chance of getting schematics from RE when you're below the items' level.


At least i have the feeling and i tell you why.

My Armormech Skill was and is always way over my actual level.

So when i was level 37/38 i tried to get a blue schematics of a level 39 "Defense Power Body Armor" and i tried it really really hard cause i wanted the blue armor done when i hit level 39 and i wanted to test the thesis i am explaining to you here.

So when i finally hit level 39 i had crafted about 25 - 30 Body Armors and RE'ed them -> NOTHING!

At level 39 2nd RE'ed Armor brought me the 1st blue schematic.


So you got my proposition now, please discuss and test.


Greets. ace.


*EDIT: text correction*

Edited by Acelot
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anyone else had the message "schmeatic already known " after RE'ing an item ?


i RE'ed Redoubt Powered Ultramesh Helmet like 100 times , got 2 epic schematics and 3 times "schmeatic already known " and it's very annoying

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BEFORE I waste anymore Mando Iron, does anyone have proof that T2 artifact exists off items like these? Thanks!


If you are able to RE an item into T1 artifact, then you will be able to get to T2 through RE. I can confirm this as it has happened to me twice.


My question out there is in regards to item with the [Prototype] label. Has anyone RE'd these into an equivalent pattern less the mod slots of course.

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Just so you know, I RE'd the Heavy Exoskeleton Chestpiece a bunch of times and can craft the artifact chestpiece (Endowment prefix). It is however worse than my mid 40s pvp gear...


Has anyone tried to continuously (erh..) reverse engineer artifacts? Unless there is that secret tier, armormech really doesn't seem worth the effort


Now that makes 3 RE's from lvl 49 Blues. Sigh, guess I just had really bad lack with my pieces and continue to do so. I am working on Dreadnaught Vambrances and Gloves and still, after 120 or so RE's on each... nothing.

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It seems you are either not able to get or at least only have a very little chance of getting schematics from RE when you're below the items' level


I don't think it's true.. at least not in my case. I'm 38 and I'm trying to get a purple version of lvl37 boots. I've already lost the count of fails. It takes about 2 hours to craft 5 items, RE them all and get nothing, craft again - nothing. I think I wasted over 30 gear pieces before I gave up.

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Hallo, I noticed smth about RE just now.

Its tbh highly speculative and maybe just subjective but it may be a good hint on the other hand. I dont know if anyone wrote this so far, because i havent read all the replies so, but i havent wrote about this in the guide so far.


To keep it simple:

It seems you are either not able to get or at least only have a very little chance of getting schematics from RE when you're below the items' level.


At least i have the feeling and i tell you why.

My Armormech Skill was and is always way over my actual level.

So when i was level 37/38 i tried to get a blue schematics of a level 39 "Defense Power Body Armor" and i tried it really really hard cause i wanted the blue armor done when i hit level 39 and i wanted to test the thesis i am explaining to you here.

So when i finally hit level 39 i had crafted about 25 - 30 Body Armors and RE'ed them -> NOTHING!

At level 39 2nd RE'ed Armor brought me the 1st blue schematic.


So you got my proposition now, please discuss and test.


Greets. ace.


*EDIT: text correction*


It's not impossible, since I had my purple level 49 Advanced Guardian Armoring 22's RE'ed and crafted when I was 47 (I figured I might as well put the effort into getting purples I'll keep for a little while).


The only thing I have seen is that it seems to be harder to RE stuff that either requires higher skill to create or that is close to your current skill level. This could be just an anomaly of the RNG, or it could be based on the success formula (which would make some sense).


Player level does not seem to play a factor. Skill requirement (which is loosely related to the level requirement of the crafted item) seems to play a factor -- the question is whether your relative level of crafting compared to that skill requirement plays a factor or not. Anecdotal evidence would lean toward yes (so you are much more likely to succeed in getting a new schematic if you RE an item that requires 80 cybertech with cybertech at 400 than cybertech at 80), but there hasn't been a statistical analysis tracking all the variables to say for certainty one way or another.

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Just wanted to post some statistics here. The following table lists some different base success percentages, and then indicates the chance that you could try X times and not have a single success.


To take a particular example to illustrate the point, if we assume that reverse engineering has a 5% chance of giving a schematic, then there is a 7.69% chance that you could try 50 times and not get a single schematic. I think 5% is probably a good guess for the highest-level schematics. Seeing a couple reports of people trying and failing 50 times in a row is not necessarily unexpected then, because there have been quite a number of people posting in this thread. It is interesting to note that if the RE percentage is 5% on high-level schematics, you are more likely to fail 50 times in a row (7.69%) than you are to have a success on your first attempt (the base 5%).


[font="Courier New"]  Base    5 Attempts  10 Attempts  20 Attempts  50 Attempts
Chance   no success   no success   no success   no success
--------  ----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
 25%       23.73%       5.63%        0.32%        0.00006%
 20%       32.77%      10.74%        1.15%        0.0014%
 10%       59.05%      34.87%       12.16%        0.52%
  5%       77.38%      59.87%       35.85%        7.69%
  2%       90.39%      81.71%       66.76%       36.42%
  1%       95.10%      90.44%       81.79%       60.50%[/font]

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Hallo, I noticed smth about RE just now.

Its tbh highly speculative and maybe just subjective but it may be a good hint on the other hand. I dont know if anyone wrote this so far, because i havent read all the replies so, but i havent wrote about this in the guide so far.


To keep it simple:

It seems you are either not able to get or at least only have a very little chance of getting schematics from RE when you're below the items' level.


At least i have the feeling and i tell you why.

My Armormech Skill was and is always way over my actual level.

So when i was level 37/38 i tried to get a blue schematics of a level 39 "Defense Power Body Armor" and i tried it really really hard cause i wanted the blue armor done when i hit level 39 and i wanted to test the thesis i am explaining to you here.

So when i finally hit level 39 i had crafted about 25 - 30 Body Armors and RE'ed them -> NOTHING!

At level 39 2nd RE'ed Armor brought me the 1st blue schematic.


So you got my proposition now, please discuss and test.


Greets. ace.


*EDIT: text correction*


I have had 400 cybertech since level 30. I am currently level 39. i am able to craft most of cybertech level 49 items at the blue level. Some popped on the first try other took much longer. I dont think level has anything to do with it.

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I am now thoroughly convinced the difficulty to construct is an indicator of likelihood of REing a schematic. If difficulty to construct a blue is at green or gray, I wouldn't expect it to take more than a dozen attempts to get a purple out of it, at least up to my highest level char which is lvl 26. Higher crafting skill is a major factor if not the factor. If you have a lot of low-level mats handy, try REing on older gear. Boost skill with low-cost items first. Then shoot for purples.
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I am now thoroughly convinced the difficulty to construct is an indicator of likelihood of REing a schematic. If difficulty to construct a blue is at green or gray, I wouldn't expect it to take more than a dozen attempts to get a purple out of it, at least up to my highest level char which is lvl 26. Higher crafting skill is a major factor if not the factor. If you have a lot of low-level mats handy, try REing on older gear. Boost skill with low-cost items first. Then shoot for purples.


I think this is right. I get RE success far more often when REing grey items than green/yellow/orange.

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Just so you know, I RE'd the Heavy Exoskeleton Chestpiece a bunch of times and can craft the artifact chestpiece (Endowment prefix). It is however worse than my mid 40s pvp gear...


:eek: didn't know mid 40s pvp gear existed... I have only seen lvl 40 and lvl 50 in your level range.

Edited by Erliandur
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having a hard time finding this, so sorry if this is a redundant question (Devs...search function, please!!!!!)


is it beneficial to re stacks of items, or should I separate them and roll it 1 at a time? IE...if i re a stack of 10 medpacks, will it give me 10x roll for an updated schem...or should I just do it one at at time?

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Does anyone know what the [Prototype] label is on an item? Or where it comes from? I am starting to see some of these on the GM with the same name as some of my patterns. Like [Prototype] Masters Greaves, which is an artifact with 2 slots.
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:eek: didn't know mid 40s pvp gear existed... I have only seen lvl 40 and lvl 50 in your level range.


erh, maybe I should have clarified it :rolleyes:


It's the level 40 gear alright, but I've added mods as I levelled, and I was in the mid 40s when I replied..


so yea, its level 40 pvp armor, but with mods from Voss and Corellia

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So, I was working on the level offhand for artifice. Trying to get the crit version of Devastating power, not sure if it would add more crit or not. It DOES NOT. So it's NOT worth getting. But I had a lower level item that had defense stat on it originally and when I got the Rubout version, it added more defense. I shall test if defense works with another item later. Just to let you know for now don't try to get one with a stat already on, find a new one.
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I noticed after this latest patch that the RE button/icon is gone from my inventory. I thought it was because I didn't have a weapon in my inventory. So, I put one there. Still nothing. Was the button or function moved to another location because as of now I cannot RE anything.


Nevermind... I logged in again and the icon was back where it should be. It was strange though.

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