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[Guide] Reverse Engineering


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I don't know if this has been posted yet or not but the Earpieces for Cybertechs seem follow the complex progression. 1:3:15


I have also noticed that if I am REing stuff that is grey, meaning my craft skill does not go up when making it, I seem to get new schematics more often than not. More testing will be needed to test that out though.

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Has anyone had any success deconstructing the Armstech shotguns?



So far it looks like they may have forgotten to add the recipies R/E'd


35 of the level 9 Combat Shotgun .. zero results

50+ of the level 13 Tactical Assault Shotgun .. zero results


Broke or just bad luck ? :D


I Have RE'd Tactical Assault Shotgun 45 times so far without a single recipe proc, and I'm at level 180 armstech.. Starting to wonder if they can be RE'd...

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Does anyone know if you can RE a purple item into anything higher?


Heres my situation: (400 Synthweaving)


Vender bought lvl 49 blue recipe.


RE'ed into lvl 49 purple recipe. I have made ~75 of these and wondering if I should tkae on the task of RE'ing them all and pray for a 'legendary' recipe or if that is a waste.


I can sell them for ~50,000-75,000credits and they move fast on the Auction House.


So im not sure if i want to waste ~4mil credits worth of materials + time if there is a 0% chance on a better recipe.


I wish BW would let us know if things could/could not produce a new recipe.

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Does anyone know if you can RE a purple item into anything higher?


Heres my situation: (400 Synthweaving)


Vender bought lvl 49 blue recipe.


RE'ed into lvl 49 purple recipe. I have made ~75 of these and wondering if I should tkae on the task of RE'ing them all and pray for a 'legendary' recipe or if that is a waste.


I can sell them for ~50,000-75,000credits and they move fast on the Auction House.


So im not sure if i want to waste ~4mil credits worth of materials + time if there is a 0% chance on a better recipe.


I wish BW would let us know if things could/could not produce a new recipe.


If the purple recipe you're making is a "Critical", "Redoubt", or "Overkill" version of the blue, you should be able to RE it into a Tier 2 purple...it will still be an Artifact but it will have even better stats...there's 5 different recipes possible from each of the three Tier 1 purple recipes...

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I just ran into the "You already know that schematic." when trying to RE a blue implant into a purple. I can't describe how annoying this is considering it's taking me roughly THIRTY reverse engineer attempts to get a purple schematic. I feel this should be changed so that the schematics you already know are taking off the reverse engineering discovery list.


Especially considering that you can get much better gear from other means, and much more quickly.

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I just ran into the "You already know that schematic." when trying to RE a blue implant into a purple. I can't describe how annoying this is considering it's taking me roughly THIRTY reverse engineer attempts to get a purple schematic. I feel this should be changed so that the schematics you already know are taking off the reverse engineering discovery list.


Especially considering that you can get much better gear from other means, and much more quickly.


That would be nice.. I've lost count of how many "you already know that schematic" messages I've seen.

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Hello, i´ve been searching for this info but cant seem to get it anywhere, im a Cybertech and wanted to know if it is possible to improve the droid parts we can craft, they start at blue and i haven´t been ablt to improve any of it but it can be RE so it should right ? Anyone done it ?
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I Have RE'd Tactical Assault Shotgun 45 times so far without a single recipe proc, and I'm at level 180 armstech.. Starting to wonder if they can be RE'd...


When I started RE'ing low level green items, I'd just queue up 5 different items and wait until they were all done. Once they were done, I would re them and then add a new green to the my queue of 5 when I successfully got all of the upgraded schematics for an item.


At the lowest level of armstech weapons (those usable at level 9), I started with the misc weapons and worked my up the list. I got all blues for everything other than the virbroknife and shotgun without seeing a single upgrade for either of those. I also randomly tried upgrading a few higher levels in these two weapon types with no success. At this point, I'm assuming that it isn't possible to re upgrades for these until I hear that they've been fixed.

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has something changed recently? last week i was able to get re-eng'd BPs after around 7-15 attempts.


ive just reverse engineered around 40 blue lvl50 implants over the last 2 says and had no successes on purple blueprints.


or am i just unlucky/paranoid.

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has something changed recently? last week i was able to get re-eng'd BPs after around 7-15 attempts.


ive just reverse engineered around 40 blue lvl50 implants over the last 2 says and had no successes on purple blueprints.


or am i just unlucky/paranoid.


*Random Number Generator wishes you a happy new year*

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has something changed recently? last week i was able to get re-eng'd BPs after around 7-15 attempts.


ive just reverse engineered around 40 blue lvl50 implants over the last 2 says and had no successes on purple blueprints.


or am i just unlucky/paranoid.


I was wondering the same thing, before Christmas i was getting 50%+ success now im getting like 5% Karma catching up with me? stealth nerf? Does anyone have data on what the probabilities are?

Edited by Crankyhobo
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The reverese engineering system still needs some kind of feedback so we at least know if an item can be reverse engineered into a better schematic.

I've been REing [Watchful Blade's Vibroknife] for ages now and not gotten the blue from it. I'm a bit confused because it already has +crit and +surge on it - so would a Critical version of it add more crit? I'm going to be very annoyed to find out I bought those epic 340 scavenging missions and wasted them on something that can't even be improved.

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has something changed recently? last week i was able to get re-eng'd BPs after around 7-15 attempts.


ive just reverse engineered around 40 blue lvl50 implants over the last 2 says and had no successes on purple blueprints.


or am i just unlucky/paranoid.


I have found that as the lvl of the item(as in the required minimum lvl to equip) progress also the amount of items required to Re'd grows propotionally.


At tier 1(lvl 10-20) it was 1-5 = blue, then 1-5 blue = purple.

At tier 3(lvl 31-40) it was 5-10 = blue, then 5-15 = purple.


However now at max lvl I'm trying to re'd the lvl 500 recipes.

And while I didnt use too many attempts to get blues, getting the purple is "not fun anymore"


I've re'd over 40 shieldgenerators, spent over 200k on missions(minimum not counting cost of other mats(including the cortoise I use to buy, other mats = free cause of farming them while questing))


I get it, its borderline end-game quality we're getting and most likely havieng the pattern and being able to ship it on the GTN = profit.

But this is getting "old" and as you state paranoid, is it possible to RE'd it?

While luck is fun and all, some word if its actually doable would be nice, since I'm not looking forward to re'd another 40 to find out hey I got a purple, or no sorry the lvl 400 cant be RE'd since we feel they are to close the "endgame".


There need to be some balance between the "adventure" of re'd and actual results.

Either get a cap on 50'red of blues = purple, or another hard max line or its just absurd/no fun for me(I'm not saying anyone else should share my idea of fun at all)

But working for a goal that may or may not be achivable is just like "Sisyfos" of greek mythology.

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----------------------------[ Leadership

---------------------------/- Tempest

---------------- Critical ---- Fervor

-------------/-------------\- Endowment

-------------|--------------[ Supremacy


-------------|--------------[ Exactitude

-------------|-------------/- Anti-Armor

Base Item -|- Redoubt --- General

-------------|-------------\- Veracity

-------------|--------------[ ????????


-------------|--------------[ Vehemence

-------------\-------------/- Rampart

---------------- Overkill --- Commander

---------------------------\- Expert

----------------------------[ Hawkeye


Alright, I give up. I cannot get that last Redoubt-tree T2 recipe. The rest weren't that bad, really, but I've spent probably 12 hours farming mats to try for that last unknown recipe. Unless I see otherwise, I'm assuming it's bugged or something.


Once again, here's the 14 I got to match his flowchart: http://oi42.tinypic.com/23r1rgm.jpg

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Alright, I give up. I cannot get that last Redoubt-tree T2 recipe. The rest weren't that bad, really, but I've spent probably 12 hours farming mats to try for that last unknown recipe. Unless I see otherwise, I'm assuming it's bugged or something.


Once again, here's the 14 I got to match his flowchart: http://oi42.tinypic.com/23r1rgm.jpg


Wow, cool! I'm going to go ahead and put that graphic in the guide and give you a special thanks. That should help some folks. Hopefully it can take the bandwidth stress, i know those free hosts sometimes drop images over high bandwidth. I'll back it up just in case.


Odd about that final Redoubt T2. I'll have to file a bug report on that, it can't be coincidence no one has been able to find it, and I find it unlikely they just decided the Redoubt tree didn't need it's Alacrity branch.


are mastercraft mods just a critical or are they a schematic from RE? made like 30 advanced mods and didn't get mastercraft, but I haven't RE them


I'd love any information on this anyone has. I've seen Mastercraft purple items for Linear type RE items (Crystals, mods, etc.) on TORHead, but I don't know how they are made. Are they discoverable? Or are they critically crafted Artifacts?


I've tried to RE ______ Shotgun or _______ Vibroknife 1000000 times and no blue schematic!


While some people have complained about various items that seem like it might just be luck, enough people have come here with startling stories of failure to find both shotgun and vibroknife schematics that I think it's bugged. As both of these items serve the same purpose (Offhand for stealth focused Agent/Smuggler) I'm assuming they are somehow related. Either Bioware didn't give these items RE results (weird) or it's a bug. I will file a report on this as well as put a warning in the guide.

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I've updated the guide. The biggest change is I've changed the "Help! My Reverse Engineering button is gone!" section to "Known Issues (Bugs)" and listed the major issues we know about thus far.


Known Issues (Bugs)


Note that when I say "Known" I mean known to players. While we hope we've been loud enough to get Bioware to pay attention, we have no confirmation that they know about or acknowledge these as bugs. Any feedback from Reps or Devs would be priceless here.


Reverse Engineering button: The RE button can spontaneously disappear and we don't know why. Using a keybind (defaulted to I and/or B) to bring up your inventory should resolve the issue. Interacting with a GTN or Bank Kiosk, or a vendor, should also resolve it. If this doesn't work, press Ctrl+U once to turn off the UI and again to turn it back on.


Prefixes in chat: Another bug is that linking an item with a discovered prefix (see below) does not show the prefix or associated stats in chat. They do appear in trade windows, inventory, and the GTN.


Shotguns and Vibroknives: These items do not appear to have RE discoverable schematics. My opinion is that this is an omission or bug, as it doesn't seem right for one pair of advanced classes to not be able to upgrade their offhands.


Redoubt's Alacrity T2 Prefix: See below for an explanation of the prefix system and you'll notice we don't know what the T2 Prefix for +Defense and +Alacrity is. This is because no one has reported finding it despite a lot of effort dedicated specifically to doing so. Again, I believe this to be either an omission or a bug, and not working as intended.


Let me know if anything needs changed, updated, or added.

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trying to confirm this before going for it; if a base prefix-type item is an artifact quality, you can still get both tiers of upgrades for it, and they just stay artifact grade?


EDIT: nvm, it says right there. while I'd love to help figure it out, atm I really can't afford something like that.

Edited by tloris
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Wow, cool! I'm going to go ahead and put that graphic in the guide and give you a special thanks. That should help some folks. Hopefully it can take the bandwidth stress, i know those free hosts sometimes drop images over high bandwidth. I'll back it up just in case.


Odd about that final Redoubt T2. I'll have to file a bug report on that, it can't be coincidence no one has been able to find it, and I find it unlikely they just decided the Redoubt tree didn't need it's Alacrity branch.


I keep searching the market to see if someone randomly has one up.. and I'll be able to find about 8 of the prefixes on any given day, but never the mysterious missing one. I'll keep looking though :)


P.S. If anyone feels like they can make a better graphic, I can provide the source images; my skills are rudimentary at best :p.

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