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UnderWorld Trading Armor Schematics... Remove class restiction...


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Im not so sure your right mate


ive done a fair few UWT Missions and last night i got a Schematic for a Jedi Knight / Tropper Heavy Armour (3 Slot Orange Modded legs Recipe) Called "Troopers Leggings" or something similiar, but it had the name Trooper in their title, giving away pretty much who they were designed for.


And im not the only person in my guild to get Schematics for the opposing faction.


They should make these just a "Heavy Armour" Schematic and not a labeled Schematic rendering them useless for the opposing faction.

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They can't just make the schematics so anyone can use them, because then Jedi would be running around in Sith armor and they don't want that. What they should do, however, is make sure that the random tables are completely separate between Rep and Imp sides, so that nobody on the Republic side will EVER come across a piece of gear or a schematic that can only be used by an Imp character.
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You have two options, both based on the fact that Nar Shadda has a cross faction GTM.


1. Sell the schematic on the Nar Shadda GTM

2. Learn the schematic and sell the products on the Nar Shadda GTM.


While I favor changing the restrictions to become based upon Light and Dark rather than class, for now, the system isn't entirely broken. As I said above, you do have options for these schems. They are not useless.

Edited by Slaign
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They can't just make the schematics so anyone can use them, because then Jedi would be running around in Sith armor and they don't want that.


Frankly, I don't want that, either. But it's a simple matter to make the skin on the item depend on the class of the wearer. Or, if you really want to get entertaining, let it depend on the alignment of the wearer.

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Frankly, I don't want that, either. But it's a simple matter to make the skin on the item depend on the class of the wearer. Or, if you really want to get entertaining, let it depend on the alignment of the wearer.


I think you are vastly underestimating the complexity of creating an entirely new system that changes appearance based on class or alignment. Coding these things are NOT simple, and no, some If/Then pseudo-code does not represent in any way how it would actually work.


The only option they have in that vein is to change the restrictions away from class based and make it alignment based, a system already in existence. However, this would still have the effect of Jedi in Sith armor and vice versa, which would be somewhat strange regardless of alignment. Dark Jedi are not Sith, and Light Sith are not Jedi.


Edit: You would also see Bounty Hunters, Jedi, and Sith in Trooper armor. as they can wear the same armor types. This would be bad. No, I'm afraid they really have to keep the restrictions.


They could make it so you do not discover cross faction schematics, and in order to obtain them if you want the for some reason, you have to use the black market on Nar Shadda. Still, as it is, you can get rid of cross faction schems through said Black Market.

Edited by Slaign
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You have two options, both based on the fact that Nar Shadda has a cross faction GTM.


Wait, so the "Galactic Trade Network" is actually Planetary in nature? Why isn't it a single auction system no matter where you access it from?

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Not Planetary.... Faction specific.


But Slaign said that the Nar GTN is not faction specific, which would indicate that it does not share the same database as the others. Is the Fleet GTN distinct from the Coruscant/Kaas ones too?

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But Slaign said that the Nar GTN is not faction specific, which would indicate that it does not share the same database as the others. Is the Fleet GTN distinct from the Coruscant/Kaas ones too?


There are 3 GTNs. Empire, Republic, and Black Market (Neutral, Nar Shaddaa). If you are not on Nar Shaddaa, you are accessing your faction's GTN.

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There are no class restrictions as for schematics, what are you talking about?


Wrong. I've gotten about 5 schematics for Imperial classes only and 2 actually usable by the Republic.


I would tweak the suggestion. I don't care if you make the armor faction specific but do us a favor.


Imperial items only for imperials. Republic items only for people playing Republic.


That way I am not sitting there with a bag full of really great items.... that are entirely useless to me, and everyone in my guild. Crafting should encourage trade but nothing should encourage cross-faction trade.

Edited by AndiusTheGreat
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At first people wont be using the neutral faction GTN but in a short time that will be the main one. I would rather make gear to sell to the whole game rather then just my faction. And Id be glad to have recipes used by the other side.


Not likely to happen.

Look at WoW for an example.

Most AH use is for ones own faction. About the only time the Neutral AH is used, is when transferring stuff from one faction to the other, or trying to sell faction specific items to the other faction.

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They can't just make the schematics so anyone can use them, because then Jedi would be running around in Sith armor and they don't want that. What they should do, however, is make sure that the random tables are completely separate between Rep and Imp sides, so that nobody on the Republic side will EVER come across a piece of gear or a schematic that can only be used by an Imp character.


This +1


I have 3 schematics for armormech and ALL of them are for republic classes, and I'm empire. Either I'm THAT unlucky or there is something terribly wrong here... :mad:

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There are 3 GTNs. Empire, Republic, and Black Market (Neutral, Nar Shaddaa). If you are not on Nar Shaddaa, you are accessing your faction's GTN.


That clarifies a few things, not such a big deal now but still we shouldnt be getting cross faction schematics THAT often, I've gotten 4 republic / 0 empire ones for armormech on my sith warrior... sucks... :confused:

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I was under the impression that underworld trading only gives schematics for sith. I've gotten six schematics so far and they're all sith only. As a Jedi Synthweaver I have to have underworld trading in order to get cloth. So if it does only give sith schematics then all sith synthweavers have an advantage over Jedi.
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