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I love CCWTOR!!


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It is no fun to not have control of your character. in huttball a couple of nights ago I was CC'd twice then rooted twice in a row. I was able to pass the ball before dying (and scored :)), but we were cracking up.


CC is a problem because TTK is a problem. If TTK was dramatically increased then I don't think there would be too much complaint about CC.

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Stuns should never break on damage as that totally defeats the purpose of the stun. What they should do is fix the broken TTK. No one should go from 100% to 0% in the duration of a single stun unless there are 4 or more players focusing him.




There should be no "grace period" after using your CC breaker, that's what Resolve is for. If you use your Resolve bar correctly you will be awarded with CC immunity. If you use it incorrectly, you will be rewarded with less CC immunity. This system is one of the very few that actually promotes player skill over character class/spec/gear.


Reducing the CD from 2 minutes to 1:30 via a second tier skill tree talent would be acceptible. Anything less and CC becomes irrelevant.


first i was talking about real CC not 4sec stuns and slows. CCs like whirlwind/force lift and others that are supposed to break with damage are not always breaking in most cases.


on your second comment about resolve is for skilled players? you have to be joking. you have no controll over the resolve bar. so to say anything about using the resolve bar correctly is idiotic.


this is how resolve works in this game....


one CC you are at half resolve but it dose not show.


second CC that puts you at full resolve but....


while having a full resolve bar is supposed to grant immunity it dose not 100% of the time. i have used CC on full resolve bars and its about 50/50 that is will work.


SOOOO with a group of people attacking you even with a resolve bar filled you can still be chain CCd.


the system is junk and dose not work they way it should. if Bioware would have been smart they would have just used a DR system like WoW.

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first i was talking about real CC not 4sec stuns and slows. CCs like whirlwind/force lift and others that are supposed to break with damage are not always breaking in most cases.


Mez. The word you are looking for is Mez. You would know this if you read the Resolve Guilde stickied at the top of the forum.


on your second comment about resolve is for skilled players? you have to be joking. you have no controll over the resolve bar. so to say anything about using the resolve bar correctly is idiotic.


this is how resolve works in this game....


one CC you are at half resolve but it dose not show.


second CC that puts you at full resolve but....


while having a full resolve bar is supposed to grant immunity it dose not 100% of the time. i have used CC on full resolve bars and its about 50/50 that is will work.


SOOOO with a group of people attacking you even with a resolve bar filled you can still be chain CCd.


the system is junk and dose not work they way it should. if Bioware would have been smart they would have just used a DR system like WoW.


You really, really, really need to read the Resolve Guide, then come back here and edit your post to actually reflect reality. Don't worry, I'll wait. :cool:


EDIT: I decided to be super nice and give you this link as well as it contains more detailed information on each CC Effect: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=390716

Edited by Darth_Philar
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I've often found myself conflicted regarding the CC in this game. From a single target DPS stand point, I rely heavily on mezz and stuns during 1v1 combat. They help to keep my opponent from damaging me, and also helps to control force regen.


However, in warzones, one 4 second stun is enough for two people to DPS a target down. All too often I've been faced with the following scenario: I'm at full life and stunned. Luckily, I pop my defense buff before hand to try and ride it out. I'm being focused by two DPS, and my health bar is fading fast. I now have one of four options. I can do nothing and take my death like a man. I can pop my breaker and try to force cloak out of the area. I can pop my breaker and try to fight it out. Lastly I can pray to the gaming gods that a healer or tank see I'm being focused and come to help out.


More often than not, I try to break and force cloak out. I'd say that method works 65% of the time. The other 35% of the time, I'm immediately stunned again and finished off.


I fully understand that resolve is working as designed, however, the design is flawed and needs to be reevaluated. I don't personally know what the fix should be, but sincerely hope the Devs come up with something soon.

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Hey! Let's rename PVP in SWTOR to something like CC Wars. Because that's what happens to you. STUN then DEAD. Takes a whole lot of skill to do that, let me tell you. All those PVPers who left just couldn't handle the awesome skills required to stun like mad and then drive someone 6 feet under.


CC Wars, what do you think?

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Hey! Let's rename PVP in SWTOR to something like CC Wars. Because that's what happens to you. STUN then DEAD. Takes a whole lot of skill to do that, let me tell you. All those PVPers who left just couldn't handle the awesome skills required to stun like mad and then drive someone 6 feet under.


CC Wars, what do you think?


Stun Wars > CC Wars

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Hey! Let's rename PVP in SWTOR to something like CC Wars. Because that's what happens to you. STUN then DEAD. Takes a whole lot of skill to do that, let me tell you. All those PVPers who left just couldn't handle the awesome skills required to stun like mad and then drive someone 6 feet under.


CC Wars, what do you think?


Kinda how I came up with CCWTOR...


People please try to remember the definition for CC I gave in the original post. While possibly just an annoyance for ranged, for melee classes, roots and slows are CC as well. Which is why resolve should affect them too.


Yes, I agree with many posters that TTK is too short right now unless you are in full War Hero gear. In the end though, if I wasn't stunned, rooted, whirlwinded, slowed 60% of every fight then the TTK wouldn't be that much of an issue.

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Kinda how I came up with CCWTOR...


People please try to remember the definition for CC I gave in the original post. While possibly just an annoyance for ranged, for melee classes, roots and slows are CC as well. Which is why resolve should affect them too.


Yes, I agree with many posters that TTK is too short right now unless you are in full War Hero gear. In the end though, if I wasn't stunned, rooted, whirlwinded, slowed 60% of every fight then the TTK wouldn't be that much of an issue.


Those slows and roots stop melee from doing DMG, so how exactly does it make TTK shorter?

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Resolve should grant immunity to roots but other than that if you're getting permastunned then you are probably in a 2-3v1 and you're dead anyway.


Agreed, resolve should work on CC as it is defined in the original post. It should work on any effect which inhibits your ability to control or move your character.


I'll probably get flamed for saying this, but maybe it should work on pulls and throws too...

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I don't have a problem with cc, I have a problem with every class having it. It should be a utility for weaker classes, and then the stronger classes should have damage/healing increased.


I like classes having roles

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You know, I think people believe resolve is broken because after the third CC depending on the stuns duration and class that did it your resolve bar will be full, roots don't touch your resolve...if it did everyone would be immune all the time. Moving on - CC isn't broken...it would appear to be broken because you're stunned for the remaining duration after the last stun hits and maxes out your resolve which is normal and most of the time if your resolve bar is full you're either 80% dead or at 40% hp nearly dead, easy kill in 10%. Basically it confuses people. If resolve were broken they'd have fixed it already.


Lastly, stuns should be more of a tactical thing or strategy, it really isn't in this game.

Stuns are just used like no tomorrow here... low cool downs, more than one. I honestly thought some classes should have gotten stuns or knockdowns. Every class in this games gets a stun or at least a couple knock backs.


In youtube videos I've seen (since I don't play the game anymore -- just check back to see if any good updates happen) I see level 50's fighting and as a melee I saw them getting knocked back / root every 4-5 seconds. Really ridiculous pvp, but a lot of people enjoy it so I can't speak for them.

Edited by krazi
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I don't have a problem with cc, I have a problem with every class having it. It should be a utility for weaker classes, and then the stronger classes should have damage/healing increased.


I like classes having roles


See, now there's an interesting point of view. Good post. You're right, EVERY class gets a few CC's. Every class doesn't get ranged dmg or self healing, but we all get CC. It's too much.

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You know, I think people believe resolve is broken because after the third CC depending on the stuns duration and class that did it your resolve bar will be full, roots don't touch your resolve...if it did everyone would be immune all the time. Moving on - CC isn't broken...it would appear to be broken because you're stunned for the remaining duration after the last stun hits and maxes out your resolve which is normal and most of the time if your resolve bar is full you're either 80% dead or at 40% hp nearly dead, easy kill in 10%. Basically it confuses people. If resolve were broken they'd have fixed it already.


Resolve is only broken if you are melee. It's fine if you are ranged. Once again, I refer to the definition of CC stated in the original post.

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Agreed, resolve should work on CC as it is defined in the original post. It should work on any effect which inhibits your ability to control or move your character.


I'll probably get flamed for saying this, but maybe it should work on pulls and throws too...


I'll agree that if you have a full resolve bar your friendly sage should not be able to pull you. Pulling someone is CC right? Honestly why that ability is even in the game is beyond me. Good for ganking an annoying teammate I guess and makes some funny YouTube videos.

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first i was talking about real CC not 4sec stuns and slows. CCs like whirlwind/force lift and others that are supposed to break with damage are not always breaking in most cases.


on your second comment about resolve is for skilled players? you have to be joking. you have no controll over the resolve bar. so to say anything about using the resolve bar correctly is idiotic.


this is how resolve works in this game....


one CC you are at half resolve but it dose not show.


second CC that puts you at full resolve but....


while having a full resolve bar is supposed to grant immunity it dose not 100% of the time. i have used CC on full resolve bars and its about 50/50 that is will work.


SOOOO with a group of people attacking you even with a resolve bar filled you can still be chain CCd.


the system is junk and dose not work they way it should. if Bioware would have been smart they would have just used a DR system like WoW.



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I've often found myself conflicted regarding the CC in this game. From a single target DPS stand point, I rely heavily on mezz and stuns during 1v1 combat. They help to keep my opponent from damaging me, and also helps to control force regen.


However, in warzones, one 4 second stun is enough for two people to DPS a target down. All too often I've been faced with the following scenario: I'm at full life and stunned. Luckily, I pop my defense buff before hand to try and ride it out. I'm being focused by two DPS, and my health bar is fading fast. I now have one of four options. I can do nothing and take my death like a man. I can pop my breaker and try to force cloak out of the area. I can pop my breaker and try to fight it out. Lastly I can pray to the gaming gods that a healer or tank see I'm being focused and come to help out.


More often than not, I try to break and force cloak out. I'd say that method works 65% of the time. The other 35% of the time, I'm immediately stunned again and finished off.


I fully understand that resolve is working as designed, however, the design is flawed and needs to be reevaluated. I don't personally know what the fix should be, but sincerely hope the Devs come up with something soon.


Oh no, you are dying in 1v2 situations what should we do?

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Kinda how I came up with CCWTOR...


People please try to remember the definition for CC I gave in the original post. While possibly just an annoyance for ranged, for melee classes, roots and slows are CC as well. Which is why resolve should affect them too.


Yes, I agree with many posters that TTK is too short right now unless you are in full War Hero gear. In the end though, if I wasn't stunned, rooted, whirlwinded, slowed 60% of every fight then the TTK wouldn't be that much of an issue.


If melee is too hard for you do ranged DPS.

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Agreed, resolve should work on CC as it is defined in the original post. It should work on any effect which inhibits your ability to control or move your character.


I'll probably get flamed for saying this, but maybe it should work on pulls and throws too...


*sighs* Oh gee yeah it would be nice if it did. That would be super.


EDIT: Wow five posts and no one pointed out yet that Pulls and throws add a flat 400 to resolve? LOL.

Edited by Derian
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