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>> How To Nerf Marauders Without Losing Subscriber Base


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I was just being cynical. Honestly, try playing a Marauder. They definitely have good tools, but their defensive tools are actually balanced to other classes if you really want to compare apples to oranges. I would probably take a hard stun over one that does decent damage and is channeled.


^ This, all of these people calling for nerfs are going to ruin this game. Instead of calling for nerfs maybe try learning the mechanics of StarWars. I dont have a Marauder but find them easy to control and kill in pvp.


How about this, instead of nerfing a class, call for buffing a class! Do not take away from the game, ask that more be added to the game.

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You need to l2read. Devs said it for the Sorcs, I am applying it to PT. I have a Sorc, the assasin you mentioned and an OP healer, I know plenty.

Learning curve for Pyro is "very low". Sorcs need to be un-****ed, they are still the only class with no defensive CD of any sort.



I put a small album for you




My best healing game ended with 1:45 sec left in the game btw


Ya sorcs need to get un nerfed


I should also add I do more damage on my sorc as well than my marauder

Edited by Gomex
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