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Most servers are dead - we need transfers now, not in early summer

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Warning wall of text.


So I usually just "troll" here I know, I loved SWG and still peeved at LA. So sue me. But this is Star Wars, and I've been hooked since 1977. Issue with the servers is population, but it's a by-product in my opinion of MMO'ers vs Console'rs

There is no game ecomony really with the amount of characters you can generate on a single server so most players will make what they need for themselves. This is a single player experience. What you are seeing is pockets of community on all but a handfull of servers around alt grinding and PvP.

In BWs street release on earnings they stated they are busy and plan to release "expansions" this year. This will bring back the console gamers that view this as KOTR3. BW will go to the street claiming a resurgence in subs as they will release the new content in time (near end of quarter) to show the product has legs. Anyhow on to my point...

Server merges are needed now. If BW wants to leave servers up then leave them for cancelled players, when they return. They can move all the players to new servers, there is no "player property" in this game at all that is not instanced.

The console folks will only be here for new releases, as soon as they are done they are gone. There is nothing in the game to keep them here. Let them have their own "console" servers. In an MMO we should not have search other servers to find players...that is just dumb.


TL;DR version

- merge servers now for MMO'ers

- Cancelled toons (console gamers) can play on servers as needed for expansion releases

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One would think that it being a holiday week end the population would go up but torstatus actually is still showing a decine.


At this point I think most folks have quit until they get a server merge.


??? one would think wrong. This is a big travel holiday population SHOULD go down during this weekend.


But I do agree a lot of people are just waiting for server merger or transfers. Diablo 3 took away the bulk of people and now most are just waiting.

Edited by jarjarloves
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I haven't had time to play for the six weeks or so.....since the deployment of 1.2 really. This weekend I had a little bit of time and signed on and I am completely shocked at how low server populations have gotten. As someone who loves PVP this is a huge issue. My first server used to have a pretty decent population and it was one of the first to die. My first character still sits there gathering dust waiting for a merger or transfer.


I created a couple more characters on servers which slowly died and now I can't even find a server with a decent population on which to play. Jedi Covenant which seems to have one of the highest PVE server populations in itself is pretty boring as PVP matches all seem to be against the same 20 or 30 people. When every PVP match seems like a carbon copy of the one before it, it gets repetitively boring.


I have loved this game since first playing it in beta, but the population issues are making it difficult for me to truly enjoy it? Also I am tired of wasting time creating characters only to watch a server pop die to the point that one of my most enjoyable aspects of the game, PVP, is either monotonously boring with constant repeats of the same people (teams) over and over again, or just nonexistent as server populations are no longer able to support full teams. Even on Jedi Covenant 80% of the time I seem to get matches where one side is outnumbered as there seemingly weren't a enough people queued to make two full teams.


I think the dev has made a huge mistake in not giving this issue more attention. I am someone who likes the game, but am tired and bored of the low server population issue. I envisioned myself playing this game for at least a year, but now think its just time to let the sub expire at least for the time being as the pop issues in particular are just making this game boring for me.

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By the time your server is merged, you could easily have a new 50 on The Fatman. You would do this by a process known as "playing the game."


But lots of people don't seem to want to play the game - eww, how gross.


I will tell you this in advance so you can forget it like everything else, and rediscover it when it's too late: Low pop is a disease, and server merges spread it.


When the first round of merges is done, the drumbeat will immediately start for more merges, because there will always be a lightest server, and now you have the expectation that a merge "cure" is available.


What they should do is add paid transfers with a guild discount, and then do nothing else for a year and try growing the game instead. Cross server instances and some kind of Battle Tag implementation would let people play with their friends regardless of server.

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Yeah the server transfers/merging needs to happen ASAP like this week. Its to the point where if you are a level 50 you can't do anything other than solo content. Trying to find a group to do flashpoints/operations is impossible, and forget queuing for PVP or you'll be waiting forever.
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Yeah...ive barely logged in the last couple weeks, not because i don't want to - but simply because I cannot. There are rarely more then 8 people on the fleet. So unless its a scheduled raid, theres no point in ever logging in.


Hedaar Soongh RIP 2 months ago, even more so because of Diablo 3

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Doesn't summer start in June? So early summer would mean June. June is only a couple of days away. So why are we complaining about we need transfer/merges NOW instead of early summer? It will be early summer in like two days. Transfers are going to be available with 1.3 right? Sooooooooo what are we talking about?


Now if we are talking about MERGERS instead of TRANSFERS.....then I am all for that. I dont' think transfers are going to do squat. I hope I am wrong.....actually it doesn't matter to me. I abandoned all of my characters and started fresh on the server Jedi Covenant. It is always HEAVY to VERY HEAVY. Best decision I have ever made. So I lost my legacy points and high level chars...so what. I will just re-roll them. So I had to tweak my name....so what? Not the end of the world. It is my fault for not coming up with a more unique name.....the fact that I have to change my name actually is a good thing because now instead of having such a generic name, I am free to come up with something truly unique.


Jedi Covenant FTW.

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Doesn't summer start in June? So early summer would mean June. June is only a couple of days away. So why are we complaining about we need transfer/merges NOW instead of early summer? It will be early summer in like two days. Transfers are going to be available with 1.3 right? Sooooooooo what are we talking about?


Now if we are talking about MERGERS instead of TRANSFERS.....then I am all for that. I dont' think transfers are going to do squat. I hope I am wrong.....actually it doesn't matter to me. I abandoned all of my characters and started fresh on the server Jedi Covenant. It is always HEAVY to VERY HEAVY. Best decision I have ever made. So I lost my legacy points and high level chars...so what. I will just re-roll them. So I had to tweak my name....so what? Not the end of the world. It is my fault for not coming up with a more unique name.....the fact that I have to change my name actually is a good thing because now instead of having such a generic name, I am free to come up with something truly unique.


Jedi Covenant FTW.


Yes transfers will be with 1.3, but 3 days ago when BW announced 1.3 will be going to the public test server in "a few weeks" that means to me, 3 weeks to we see 1.3 on pts then a MIN of 2 weeks on the pts. So now we are talking about 5 weeks till we see transfers and thats if there are no bugs or anything else found. In past exp with BW i predict we wont see transfers and the grp finder patch 1.3 till the mid of july.


By that time there will be noone left expect the 2 populated servers so imo just shut all other 150 servers off


I know i wont be here if i dont see some kind of deff date by the end of the first week in june

Edited by Algaram
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Doesn't summer start in June? So early summer would mean June. June is only a couple of days away. So why are we complaining about we need transfer/merges NOW instead of early summer? It will be early summer in like two days.


So you honestly think that in two days they will release 1.3? It has no eta to even be on the test server yet. We will not see 1.3 until late July at the earliest.

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Summer starts on the 21st of June (about) so those who are waiting will wait for 3 weeks more till then. Also, Bioware, I am sure, are not taking this sitting down and trying to raise the ire of all who play the game. They must program the thing and then test it and then fix it, then test it again, ad nauseam.


It will get here, have no fear. Patience my young padawan...

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Also, Bioware, I am sure, are not taking this sitting down and trying to raise the ire of all who play the game. .


Yet they have managed to alienate almost every type of player from casual to hardcore. I know they arent TRYING to drive away customers but that is the final outcome. Also they arent patient when taking my money every month. What if I told them there is no ETA on when I wil pay my $15 a month but keep watching the forums?

Edited by Leggomy
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Summer starts on the 21st of June (about) so those who are waiting will wait for 3 weeks more till then. Also, Bioware, I am sure, are not taking this sitting down and trying to raise the ire of all who play the game. They must program the thing and then test it and then fix it, then test it again, ad nauseam.


It will get here, have no fear. Patience my young padawan...


According to meteorologists, summer extends for the whole months of June, July, and August in the northern hemisphere and the whole months of December, January, and February in the southern hemisphere.

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Yes transfers will be with 1.3, but 3 days ago when BW announced 1.3 will be going to the public test server in "a few weeks" that means to me, 3 weeks to we see 1.3 on pts then a MIN of 2 weeks on the pts. So now we are talking about 5 weeks till we see transfers and thats if there are no bugs or anything else found. In past exp with BW i predict we wont see transfers and the grp finder patch 1.3 till the mid of july.


By that time there will be noone left expect the 2 populated servers so imo just shut all other 150 servers off


I know i wont be here if i dont see some kind of deff date by the end of the first week in june


Don't you see that's how they are merging servers, just pop on Fatman or jedi covenant starting zones. I know on the fatman all the starting zones hit 100+ players over the weekend. It even had a 5-6 min que Sunday night. And come late June, when everyone left has just rerolled on there own, and the rest left the game. You will have your "transfers", then they just close down the other 100+ empty servers.

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According to meteorologists, summer extends for the whole months of June, July, and August in the northern hemisphere and the whole months of December, January, and February in the southern hemisphere.




According to our local meteorologists we had little to no winter, spring came 1+ months early and we currently are in summer weather pattern.


So wanna use my local guys "definition" of summer this year?


How about try this... go to your calendar on the wall, look at June, then look for words the are close to this "Beginning of Summer", now what day is that?


And no I'm not defending BW, they are still a day late and several million dollars short...

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Soon is what they say, and that says nothing. Soon is a term I use with my 11 year old kid to get her to shut up. For instance she just came in the living room and asked about Christmas and what we were doing this year, I kid you not. I told her that we would discuss this soon just not right now.


So when I see a company that uses the words soon, it is a stalling tactic.

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How about try this... go to your calendar on the wall, look at June, then look for words the are close to this "Beginning of Summer", now what day is that?


If north of the tropic of cancer.....:cool::D maybe they are in the Andies issuing changes like a cartel..
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EU server - The Progenitor


6:30 AM BST:

- 67 people on Republic side!

- 75 people on Imperial side!



Geez! Why don't all those ppl having fun instead of sleeping and allowing me to grab some eggs !



Looking good!


Have some faith folks in Star Wars universe and BW ;)

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