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Most servers are dead - we need transfers now, not in early summer

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16 days left.. Think the 3rd time reactivating was my last time..

Cookie cutter game just dont work with todays MMO gamers..

^^^ Thats why every server but the fatman is DEAD!! 1-20 people

LOL they say they have xxx ammount of players, they must be all on fatman cause every other server is ghost town.

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Yeah they are going to charge you to fix their *********** mess. These idiots don't and aren't listening. If they announce the server transfers today or tomorrow. It would be the hugest win in mmo history for the current player base. But they won't because they are arrogant and 'they don't have a problem' and 'they aren't loosing subscriptions'... And as for the timing I heard it was going to be sometime after June 21st considering they said 'early summer' and summer doesn't officially start until that date. Why do you think they don't give a date? Because they thought this free weekend was going to solve everything ;-)


The reason they don't give us a date is they don't want to be locked in by a time frame. Summer is June through August. That is a 3 month time range. Without a date it can be somewhere within a 3 month window.


To be brutally honest about this, they are not going to do squat unless they have to, because they been telling falsehoods to the investors. If the guys investing in this game new how bad it was at this point funds would already been cut and stocks would be going down to the rock bottom.


I will beleive server transfers when I see it. What I am afraid we will get is paid transfers in that case well I am done. My sub runs out in August due to the extra 30 days, I am finding it hard to continue to pay a sub, for kotor3 with some multiplayer aspects. This is what we get when they have no clue how to ptoram an mmo.

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Sorry I personally have not read through all the responses here and therefore does not qualify me for a proper response. However I have played WOW and STO. Liked WOW and the genera, but SyFy is my home. STO did things differently that may be impossible here. Instead of having a multitude of servers. Just have one VAST server with a multitude of instances to speed things up. That is what STO has done and I believe its call a "Sand Box" (please correct me if I am wrong). I know there will be may other problems with doing it that way, and Legacy will be a special problem on its own. But I also am an incurable optimist and I know this problem can be fixed. The sooner we have some consolidation of servers the better we will be.
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1.3 million today but only because most are still playing on there free 30 days, soon that wont be the case.

How many will stay? how many will come back after mergers.



This project took years and millions of dollars to construct, just to be f*^ked.

I love most of the game,, and i want it around for years to come

It is getting hard to convince my guildies it worth renewing there memberships.



People are sick of waiting, waiting alot longer then they should have to.

The guy who bought 100s of servers needs the boot.

i reupped a little while ago and have 60 days or so left i hope the game is fixed by then or heck i dont know



i hope the guildies hang on and more people sign on to play.


shadow hand 14th server sat 3pm 21 people on friday noon there were 7

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Actually I think a good portion of those subs are fools like me who signed up for the 180 day plan.


Ah well. 88 days left. Should give them a fighting chance to make the required changes.

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40 on imperial fleet on nigthmare lands right now.


i am getting genurally worried that the game will crash soon.


even if we dont get an exact date this week id at least like to know how far bioware is with the transfers.

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Death Wind Corridor has already been pillaged. What was the 2nd POPulous pvp server in the americas is now unable to get a 50 wz pvp que. we have 2-4 ppl on the fleet during peak times. its completely over for this server.
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40 on imperial fleet on nigthmare lands right now.


Really that many? The most on the fleet for Khoonda Militia in a long time was 11 last Sunday....because it was my guilds raid night so we comprised 8 of those 11.

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Roll a toon on Aussie server. (namely Dalborra) We only have the three so it's impossible for it to get killed. It's actually quite annoying cuz we go so many people at fleet during prime time it becomes almost like a lag fest. ROFL.


Death Wind Corridor has already been pillaged. What was the 2nd POPulous pvp server in the americas is now unable to get a 50 wz pvp que. we have 2-4 ppl on the fleet during peak times. its completely over for this server.


Mind = blown.

maybe it's because I've always been playing on populated server I really don't understand how you can continue playing in situation like this. Already I feel kinda tired for not seeing enough people pvp and that's on DALBORRA where lvl 50 wz promp every 10 min. (with a four men premade that is. If you are pugging be prepared to pvp nonstop for 24/7)


Roll a toon there and I'll see you then!


PS. Aussie Server more vibrant than US server? I find it ironic :p

Edited by hyuplee
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Yeah, I saw someone say they didnt believe the numbers people were posting up about the low pop servers.... lmao are you serious?!


I have never seen more than 15 people on a planet and never more than 30 on fleet on my server for Republic side... ever.


Keep in mind thats the entire time I've been playing like every day since mid January:eek:


Keep telling yourself we are all just making stuff up though mmmkay, but perhaps the fact that this thread has already been restarted for going beyond the 1K post limit should tell you that there really is a problem:(

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Just had a topic I posted about the game closed within a couple minutes of posting it. IN the middle of the night. They can't get an LFD tool out or merge servers, but they can pay people to police the forums around the clock. Anyway, here is what I said:




I came back to these forums for the first time in weeks, only to discover they have descended into complete negativity. Half the topics on the front page are people demanding server merges or transfers or LFD. All reasonable, and all that should have been done not just soon, but yesterday.


And another thing I noticed troubled me, that some posters spoke about "Why" SWTOR has failed, as opposed to "if" it will fail. The game to them is not dying, but already dead. I want to argue, but a look at my server population makes the launch day queues seem like they happened, well, a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.


I made many friends while leveling. I loved leveling. The story was amazing on my warrior, and the instances were great fun. But I logged in, the last time a few weeks ago, only to see that of more than 30 people on my friends list, none were online. I played for a few hours that day on an alt, and non logged in. Coincidence? Maybe. What is not is that I asked a Guildie what has become of our guild, which a month after launch typically had 30-40 players online at any one time. Now? If at any given time you see 2-3 people on, it must be prime time.


It is simply depressing. I don't like walking around an empty fleet. I do not enjoy seeing a game I anticipated fall apart in slow motion. Bioware must do something, ANYTHING, to save this ship before it sinks.


It is time for BW to drop the conventional wisdom BS and start doing the hard fixes. Yes, investors get all panicky when they hear about server merges. But wanna know what kills your game faster than spooked investors? Having more servers than players. This also goes to having a LFG tool for instances. I'm sorry, but "DPS LFG for any HM" spamming for half an hour is not fun and it certainly does not build community.


This game has many other flaws. But if people logged in to a populated server and knew they could find groups easily, they'd be willing to wait while the rest of the game was brought up to par. At least, I know I would.


As it stands, I have some time left on my account. I will not be renewing until merges or a robust LFG tool is implemented. And even then, I have done what I didn't think I'd do and begun playing WoW again. If Pandas revitalize that game for me, who knows if I will want to ignite a lightsaber again.


Tick tock Bioware.

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It's a total snowball effect now. It started the day they launched too many servers and with the natural departures and people trying out other games we've now reached a point where people quit just because there's no one to play with. Not because they dont like or dont want to play the game, no simply because they cannot MMO alone. The latter is something that could have been prevented by thinking ahead and having a system ready. They've had years to come up with this for God's sake.


What puzzles me the most is that they havent released any info on the transfers other than "early summer". More specific info on how, when and from what and to where these transfers will be available probably would have made some people stick around. People might have worked on their old chars on dead servers or created new ones if they had known that it will possible to eventually transfers them. Without knowing anything people won't be bothered with working on something that might turn out to be completely in vain. The lack of info makes me think that they might have shot themselves in the foot and that automatic transfers won't be available at all. Why els would we be in the dark if it wasnt for them trying to buy time?

Edited by MidichIorian
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My server is also dead. At weekends there are roughly 50 ppl at imp side. Most of my guildies have left the game. Not because it is a bad game - just because you don't have ppl to play with. PvP queues have a really long time to open. (about 30 mins) then you play a wz with 8 vs 5. Nice.


Please BW, merge those servers asap. Every day you wait people will leave that great game.

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Well this thread has been up for 16 days now. We need them now it says, seems to have quite some replies seems to be legit. Guess you are not getting them now, 16 days too late for that to happen. Tik... tok... tik... tok... Edited by Xrayll
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The clock ticks, and the problem grows worse.



I'm happy to announce that my server is officially unplayable.


I really wish I hadn't opted for that 6 month sub. I think 3 would of been perfect. Oh well, I've wasted money in worse ways.

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does really BW dont see this?

people literally scream about server population

people want to save this game, for god sake, why the Devs dont do or say anything?


what do we have to do for them to say something?

lol i wonder if theres no maintenance this week , because theres already so few people in some servers that they dont even need to check anything, that wont surprise me...


BW for god sake, let us know whats going on, the game its going down, we need you guys do something now please!

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does really BW dont see this?

people literally scream about server population

people want to save this game, for god sake, why the Devs dont do or say anything?


what do we have to do for them to say something?

lol i wonder if theres no maintenance this week , because theres already so few people in some servers that they dont even need to check anything, that wont surprise me...


BW for god sake, let us know whats going on, the game its going down, we need you guys do something now please!

They told you early summer. :rolleyes:

You don't like what they said? Too bad. They said something.

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The clock ticks, and the problem grows worse.



I'm happy to announce that my server is officially unplayable.


I really wish I hadn't opted for that 6 month sub. I think 3 would of been perfect. Oh well, I've wasted money in worse ways.


You are not alone. At the present state, TOR is worth the purchase price and a month or two sub and played as KOTOR3. This is what I tell those I come across who are interested in it.

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I am a long time supporter of this game, I really enjoy it but cannot deny I am getting very worried and concernec about the servers health


I havent seen more than 30-40 on fleet in ages (if that at peak on weekends) the other day I was the only person on one of the planets..


Ill admit i am the type for player playing loads of classes and play what I fancy and really taking my time with my main. But I would much rather have a busy server for groups , heroics and when I fancy Flash points or even general talking.


I can play teh game in single mode and dont mind that, but truth be told the place feeling dead is a concern. I do really like the game and really want it to work but BW seen so quiet I am getting worried I cannot deny.

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The scariest part is what some of the people were saying in this thread about BW´s plan: they said early summer. Does that mean soon after June 20th?? As in, anywhere up to mid-July and still be within their promised time frame. Ok then, let's say it's somewhere around July 10th. What if their solution was just to allow one character xfer from pre-selected servers (by them) to other pre-selected servers (by them again)?? Would that fix the problem? My best educated guess is no. But we waited since February for it.


Now I love this game, and want to continue dumping money into it. But I have to set some minimum standards. And what's funny is that before this server decline, there were other probs (one of my big ones was the lack of a hood toggle for JK's. Remember that one guys and gals? Well, it's now eclipsed by an even greater problem, but it's still there too... yay.)


Please BW, don't wait till "early summer" to do [insert unknown but promised plan here]. Merge the servers next week so we can all readjust and play a healthier game this summer, and that way when 1.3 hits, we're in a much better position to take full advantage of it!!

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The server I play on is on it's way to being dead, population has plummeted (due to other games like D3?) perhaps temporarily, perhaps not, but server populations are hurting this game worse than just about any other factor at this point.


This is an operational clusterf**k, poor planning, poor understanding of the demographic & a completely inadequate response time to an identified issue.


Server caps were far too low in the first place, leading to a situation where "critical mass" of players was impossible to maintain once the "should totally have been expected because it has happened in EVERY other recent MMO made!" MASS EXODUS of casual players & 'game tourists'. Then to compound the issue server-transfer & merge technology has still to be implemented.


The absolute latest any company releasing a new AAA MMO should have it'soperational house in order is 1 month post-launch. 30 days after the game goes live is crunch-time for server populations.


BioWare dropped the ball, and they still haven't picked it up.

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I want to laugh at faces of those who insisted we are complaining without solid proofs that servers are dying months ago. On the other hand, I have been barking for BW to focus on server merges rather than adding FP and OP in 1.1, 1.2. It's because of those dumb players that Bioware did not realize how serious server population issues are and only recently started working on the fix.


Now I wonder what they would say when 80% of servers are always on 'light' and practically dead. Since last month SWTOR is losing 15 light server-equivalent players a week according to swtor status website. This game is dying very quickly; pity since SWTOR was the best MMO I've ever played; only it had freaking empty servers which meant I had to yell LFG for hours to do one FP.

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