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When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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I actually really like SWTOR - it is nearly one of my all time favourite MMOs and has the potential to be great.

But... below I repeat what I said on one of the other similar posts.......


Today on my EU server:


09:00am Republic Fleet = 5 people & Total found by search on all worlds = 55 people

10:00am Republic Fleet = 9 people

12:00midday on Imperial Fleet = 7 people

13:00pm Republic Fleet = 9 people


Other MMOs i can get a 20/25 man PUG raid at 10:00am. Here I cant even get a 4 man NM FP almost anytime in the daytime.

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** My 2 Cents. Warning text bomb. **

I have been waiting for this game for a long time. In the months leading up to launch, BW was being pushed to release the game. I played other MMOs, just to kill time until TOR was released. I could progress upward at a reasonable rate and solo through the entire process if I wanted. I was a TOR beta player and continue to have an active subscription. A month ago, all of the open positions on Bioware's site were full-time positions. Now they are almost all contract.


I am on The Shadowlands because of my Guild. There were a lot of people actively playing in the first 2 months after release. I didn't have a big problem getting a PUG of any size that I needed to complete the next mission. In the last 2 months, I can't even find enough of my own guild to be able to complete a single Heroic mission on a mid level planet. It is almost impossible to complete certain missions without a group.:mad:


I have seen the "Super Server" concept work. This isn't a bad option. Put North America and Europe on a single "server". Asia-Pacific on another. Also I have seen instance based warzones in other MMOs. Anyone jumping in would be added to one of the instances. (I could jump to another instance whenever I wanted.) It made it easy for players of all levels to be in the same area and join in together. I would bounce from warzone to warzone pounding MOBs with PUGs. Loads of fun :)


I don't care what BW does at this point, just do SOMETHING! Tell me what EXACT date is "early summer". The Legacy system was nice, but it doesn't address the issues that the community are having. We have talked about bad press from server consolidation. There are multiple ways to spin this to minimize the impact.


Reality is that it is better to save the game and keep it going than to protect anyone's pride. :o Hard choices have to be made. The next update needs to deal with the real issues in front of us. Is it going to be ugly? Yes! Do we need it? YES! BW can add pretty content after that. As the overall game populations grow back, then turn some of those servers back on.


Bioware, let's get back to basics again... It has to be fun!

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BioWare now at this point have 20 pvp servers, 20 pve servers and 4 Rp-pvp server. I would be happy if they cutted all the servers by half and also used cross-realms for both warzones and dungeons. Then I hope that would be enough to bring life into some of the servers at least.
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I agree with almost everyone in here. Frostclaw used to be busy, now its almost void, same within guild. You have aproximaty 1-2 weeks to merge servers or there arent going to be any population left to merge. it has to be a merge too, if You just wuzz out and only do free character transfers its going to take to long for ppl to allocate in enough numbers on same server/s.

act and act now or you wont have a game.:(

thats just my prediction.

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I started this game on two servers, one that's in the top 5 NA population, one in the bottom 5. Guess which one I still regularly visit?


In no uncertain terms, this game is imploding due to ghost servers. Server xfers need to be free and SOON.


Also, don't let people transfer to The Fatman. Having one server with crushing lag and stupid long queues while the other 200 sit empty doesn't seem like a good idea.

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Also, don't let people transfer to The Fatman. Having one server with crushing lag and stupid long queues while the other 200 sit empty doesn't seem like a good idea.


Does the fatman still have queues?

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"Mallorik: What is your philosophy on cross server LFG tools? Are we getting a same server tool just to hold us over while you work on cross server tech or is this just a test to see if a same server tool will do the job?


Daniel: Although we’re certainly willing to entertain the idea of cross-server LFG tools if the need arises, it’s a last resort for us. We firmly believe for cooperative play it is important to have a community and social responsibility that you simply can’t have with players appearing and disappearing from your reality. Instead we are pushing hard on servers that are massive compared to the ones we launched with. Early tests show we’ll be able to raise the peak concurrent user cap above what it was at launch. Combining that with server transfers to enable players to move to these new servers and fill them to the brim, we should see some fantastic, vibrant communities develop where Group Finder will always be able to find someone for your content."


Sounds like they are going to open these mega servers and let everyone move to where they want to be.

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7:40 EST


117 Light

6 Standard

1 Heavy


Um. this is prime time. I may be off by a few servers, there's so dang many of them.


Don't bother with server xfers alone, everyone will be xfering to like 2 servers. Merge majority of servers to help even out the population while leaving room on each server for more xfers. I don't have the #'s, but I think this would be their best course of action.

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I just hope when they ever do sever transfers they do it right and just open up 20 or so new severs and just let people transfers to them or get ride of 75% of the current severs instead of dicking around and only lettings 10 or so of the super super dead ones transfer then wait a month and let the next batch through or something like that.
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MERGE THE SERVERS! It is the only way to save your game! I am a loyal player and will be here 'till the end, but if you don't merge the servers, there will be light population on the very few servers that have STANDARD population. I see that players are discussing that this game is not worth $15 a month on general chat, and it's sad. This game is fun, but it will be worth crap if there is nobody to play the MMO with. If the game did not come out just as SWG ended, it would have enough players for one full server, and that is if that many people play it!
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^ Well SWG was dead for years before it ended. It got destroyed in 2005.


But I mean there are just... too many servers. It makes more sense IMO to shut down low populated servers (of course transferring characters from said server) until they are actually needed again.

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Dxun Battle server (euro pve).


Right now, 3:30pm GMT and 17 lvl 50s online total on Imp side.


Total Imp server population = 82.


Rep side. 10 lvl 50s and total server population = 75.


Server total = 157 people. Of these 27 lvl 50s.


Combined fleet population was 6 I think.


Typical PVP wont pop until around 6pm GMT anymore and then its imp on imp with same faces all the time.


Anyone beat that right now?


Btw - server is described as light population. Maybe prior to 1.3 we could have these regraded to dead/extinct/dont bother or similar?

Edited by Chortle
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Kinda feel sad, had a friend tell me to join, and being a fan of the system games i said sure what the heck i'll give it a shot. Got on just as 1.2 came out and found though with difficult I could at least get the odd group together to do a heroic or flashpoint, got to level 40, thought hmm time to do something with a new character and enjoy a different storyline. Though the planets and story are good I can't find a single group anywhere, logged on to a planet with population 2 including me. Disappointing to say the least, My time runs out in 30 days and I hate sitting here thinking.


"hmm guess i'll just have to skip all the group quests and fun flashpoints, oh and the pvp."


I have never been a Diablo fan but I may have to go get it just to enjoy playing with other people.


I'm sorry but I have no sympathy for you at all. You joined at 1.2? At the launch of 1.2 you could clearly see which servers were already dead or dying. You should have joined a high population server. As you only just joined you should just re roll now.

Edited by Karabal
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I'm sorry but I have no sympathy for you at all. You joined at 1.2? At the launch of 1.2 you could clearly see which servers were already dead or dying. You should have joined a high population server. As you only just joined you should just re roll now.


I agree that he should just re-roll. Many of us are those who pre-ordered and ended up on servers that died, not are dead. However, I disagree with you in one major area. There is no clear indication which servers are dead or dying. The only indicators we normally get are Light, Standard, Heavy, and (I think there is one other I don't see anymore) and then Queues.


The point is the indicators we have now are virtually pointless, especially when they are entirely situational. During Prime-Time you see a handful of servers as Standard and two or three at High. If that's the time you check, you have the false impression the servers are always this way. During the weekday (before kids get out of school for the summer), all of the servers are Light. So if someone logs in for MOST of the day, it is virtually impossible to distinguish which servers have what kind of population because they all appear to be the same. Sure, people could check the forums. Keep in mind, most people don't waste time on the forums like we do (and mine is only as recent as the non-information about server transfers because the wait has dried up my motivation to play) - and they shouldn't. No game company should want people spending more time on the forums than in-game.


I don't necessarily fault him for joining a dead server. Granted, only having played for less than a month re-rolling is the best option for a self-fix. Then again, what BW might want to consider in order to stop the continuing bad blood new people feel would be to lock the dead servers from new character creation. Of course, that would require allowing the people on those dead servers to transfer off so they're not stuck with no new people. Of course, that would require BW actually make some announcements (which they clearly refuse to do) or make some decisions (which I suspect they are still trying to do - hence they are giving us no /real/ information) and, in the end, I've really helped in no way at all with this. They could always release server metrics like some other games do so people can make informed decisions as to what they want to play and where. Of course, that would reveal the actual populations of each server and would affect their ability to cloud the numbers.


I think the new point is, aside from him being so new and he should just recreate on another server, it's not really his (or any other new member's) fault if they end up on a dead server. We simply don't have the required information to make an informed decision on which server to start on if you're brand new.

Edited by InnerPieces
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There is no clear indication which servers are dead or dying. The only indicators we normally get are Light, Standard, Heavy, and (I think there is one other I don't see anymore) and then Queues.


Something else I just thought of in addition to the point above:


In America, the color schemes of green, yellow, and red also have specific, implied meanings. The colors of the server population indicators are thus: Light is green, Standard is yellow, and Heavy (Very Heavy) are red. Given the standard uses of those colors, green = go, yellow = caution, and red = stop. Considering all of this, people wouldn't join a heavy server because it's red indicating stop (or you shouldn't go there). Standard is yellow meaning you should be cautious about joining. So the only population that seems like you should join is Light because it is green, also meaning Go.

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Dxun Battle server (euro pve).


Right now, 3:30pm GMT and 17 lvl 50s online total on Imp side.


Total Imp server population = 82.


Rep side. 10 lvl 50s and total server population = 75.


Server total = 157 people. Of these 27 lvl 50s.


Combined fleet population was 6 I think.


Typical PVP wont pop until around 6pm GMT anymore and then its imp on imp with same faces all the time.


Anyone beat that right now?


Haha, that's awesome compared to mine.


Only one on fleet

6 Reps on the ENTIRE server [10:07 AM].

No 50's online at all. (Nothing to do but level alts through quests.) Empire numbers a little higher, but similar.


In Primetime, we can't even get 8 rep 50's online at once. Usually around 5, so no ops or PVP. The total server population is like 30 at most.


No PVP has happened in a week.




Bring on the SUPERSERVERS! :rak_01:

Edited by Stenrik
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It seems to me the smarter route would be to merge servers first then allow transfers. :eek:

-The first reason is what if certain items aren't allowed to transfer (I've seen this in some games) then the server you were on and the one you wnet to merged and those that merged were allow to keep those items?

-Second do you have any idea how many people want to transefer and to what servers? some servers pops may grow some may fall and some will stay the same so it won't improve populations acros all servers.

-Third some server merges will make some transfers redundent while merging first still keeps transfers valuable. granted free trasfers won't matter but what of paid transfers?

-Fourth since transfering servers won't guarantee improved server populations on all servers how effective will the new group finding utility be viable on still low pop servers or what may become LOWER pop servers?

I was just on nadd's this afternoon (memorial day weekend) roughly around 1:30 CST and there were onlt 10 people on in the Imperial station. so obviously my level 50 characters couldn't find anybody for FP'S, OP'S, and don'[t get me started on how long the WZ que was.

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C'mon Bioware - some formal comment is needed


Well technically they HAVE made comments, though I would rather get this info from their mouth on the forums than from some 3rd party website...


But you honestly can't say they haven't said anything about the issue at this point. Look around.

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And I hope they are smart enough to also leave the diffrent server types whatever they decied to do. I'm on Roleplaying server, I would hate it if they took that away. But we dont need 4 RP-PVP servers at this time since there is low populated, 2 would do, or maybe just 1. I dont know, I just hope they leave all the diffrents types when they do either the merge or "supers servers".


-May the force go with you all-

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But you honestly can't say they haven't said anything about the issue at this point. Look around.


Yes, it's more ambiguous, non-committal, 3rd party comments. We're past that. I, for one, am looking for details so I can plan out how the changes will affect my characters, legacy, guild, and account. I'm now officially 6 days into having little to no motivation to play since I don't know how any of these changes will affect my characters, legacy, guild, and account. This lack of motivation is keeping me from playing and that is leaving me wondering why I am paying to not feel like playing. I don't want to cancel. I want to know what, specifically, is going to happen to my characters, legacy, guild, and account.


Thanks, though.

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