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When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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It's a shame you can't read. :rolleyes:




You sir are the one that cannot read. See that word "possible" in the first sentence. Followed by "absolutely", followed by "Are character transfers a possible solution? They’re a definite solution and we’re going after that first.


Tip: words like "possible" coupled with "absolutely" only indicate what could be done NOT WHAT WILL BE DONE.


Tip: "Everything is on the table" means they are open minded and looking at options, NOT that everything on the table will be done.


Tip: "definite solution" + "and we're going after that" means that they choose the character transfer path to the issue.


Right there... in plain clear English, but from your retort to me, you appear to have gotten distracted in the first sentence and never followed their conversation beyond that as to what they actuallfy decided to do.


So, in short.... Server Merges OR Character Transfers. Both are possible. Bioware has publicly announced they will go the character transfer route... and that it will be released to the players by early summer (ie: within weeks).

Edited by Andryah
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Server mergers need to happen NOW... not "early" summer whatever the hell that means.


You mean character transfers. ;)


Because that is what they have actually announced they will do to address the population issues.

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I had to leave Vulkar Highway where I have 2 50's and many alts with a legacy level of 30 or so. I rerolled on Fat Man and it really pissed me off.


I'll not be resubbing when GW2 comes out. All that work rendered pointless in less than 6 months. Just stupid.

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What population issues? Server populations are fine. This game is fantastic.


Well that depends on who you are. At launch I rolled on 3 different servers, and later added a couple more, but I play mostly on those three. ALL are running in the top 15 US servers right now, so I actually don't have an issue with populations or the game. But many people do. Some people claim they are on their 4th server reroll, which sounds like just incredibly bad luck to me /shrug.

Edited by Andryah
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Polling the player base rarely tells you the right answer. Just a guess but im pretty sure most of the really stupid things bioware has done has probably been a result of polling the community. The player base as a whole are like children, they will tell you what they want, not what the game needs.


Except mergers are the right answer. Transfers means guilds split up, more servers die off and people quit the game in frustration at the lack of common sense by BW. Walk me through a scenario where transfers work out better.

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Everyone here is just arguing semantics. They are going to give transfers and then close a ton of the dead servers.


It's the same thing with slightly less bad PR since anyone with half a brain sell knows that they are consolidating the population because there is nobody playing.

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Everyone here is just arguing semantics. They are going to give transfers and then close a ton of the dead servers.


It's the same thing with slightly less bad PR since anyone with half a brain sell knows that they are consolidating the population because there is nobody playing.


Not at all. Transfers are bad. Merges are a no-choice matter. You go to sleep one day and wake up on a different server.

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Bloodworthy was a solid standard/heavy at least from when I rerolled there from Kumumgah, since 1.2 the death spiral has begun, bloodworthy is going down the toilet fast, and I'm not sure how much longer I will be interested in the game if I have to wait much longer for a solution. James Ohlen said he wants people to feel as if they are getting good value for money out of swtor this year, honestly I feel like I'm being scammed.


Pulling ranked a few hours before 1.2 felt like a scam, I find it very.. very hard to believe that only a few hours before 1.2 was deployed that you figured out your ranked system wasn't up to snuff. Could it be that you waited to the last minute because people that resubbed for 1.2 may not have if you scrapped the feature weeks prior to release.


Server population issues have be talked about for MONTHS, and you release next to no information for MONTHS, and now you say "early summer"... I feel like I'm being strung along. Bite the damn bullet and merge servers, or you won't have anyone to even use your transfer service.

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Bloodworthy was a solid standard/heavy at least from when I rerolled there from Kumumgah, since 1.2 the death spiral has begun, bloodworthy is going down the toilet fast, and I'm not sure how much longer I will be interested in the game if I have to wait much longer for a solution. James Ohlen said he wants people to feel as if they are getting good value for money out of swtor this year, honestly I feel like I'm being scammed.


Pulling ranked a few hours before 1.2 felt like a scam, I find it very.. very hard to believe that only a few hours before 1.2 was deployed that you figured out your ranked system wasn't up to snuff. Could it be that you waited to the last minute because people that resubbed for 1.2 may not have if you scrapped the feature weeks prior to release.


Server population issues have be talked about for MONTHS, and you release next to no information for MONTHS, and now you say "early summer"... I feel like I'm being strung along. Bite the damn bullet and merge servers, or you won't have anyone to even use your transfer service.


The same happened on Terentatek. Both fleets were dead tonight during primetime (less than 15 in each) - on a Saturday night no less. We can't even get enough people together to pvp anymore.

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I am disappointed at the clownshoes management. There's a whole bunch of people like me who want to play. I've already rerolled once, and I am not doing it again.


I haven't fully decided, but I might have to cancel for a few months until transfers. I will come back if I am transferred, FOR FREE, to the most populated server in the game. This also means all of my toons. If I get a choice to transfer to anything less than the server with the highest pop, I'm gone for good. If it sounds like an ultimatum, well it is.


I can't believe how foolish they are being. They just threw away subs they didn't need to.

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Logically, here're the things that will probably happen:


-Free transfers in early summer probably during 2-3 weeks.

...followed by paid transfers in mid summer?

...ending with server merges toward the end of summer.


-Would it please everyone? Of course not.

-If you think it isn't soon enough, could you keep complaining about it? Be my guest.

-If you prefer to leave and come back after the server merges, should you do it? If you think it's the right thing to do, just do it.

-If you prefer to leave and never come back, should you do it? If you think it's the right decision, then I hope you'll find (and you probably will) enjoyment in other games.


Apparently, we'll have more details in a few days. I'm looking forward to read them, that's for sure.

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The lack of info is killing the game for those that have remained on assumption that something is being done.


On our Euro server, all the regular PVP players have quit playing on server and re rolled on the largest Euro PVP server. It was hard enough getting PVP pops when they were here, now they have left it is terrible.


I took a quick look at the population on their server choice and they had 40 ppl at 9am on Korriban alone. I haven't seen that many people on Imp fleet on my server in weeks!


So, the choice is stay on current server and hope for occasional PVP pop in prime time, or start all over again on a new server? I've cancelled sub now and am waiting for something to happen. I like this game, but am paying a monthly sub for a multiplayer game with no players. If something concrete was communictaed by BW to tell people what is happening and when then it might help stabilise populations on servers for those people prepared to wait for merge/server.


Please sort this BW.

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What do you propose they do about name clashes in a "server merge"?


I haven't seen this problem mentioned, but a "merge" implies that a potentially large number of people would be forced to rename their characters, whether they wanted to or not (leading to another round of outrage).


While I suppose the nuts and bolts of the game could be changed to allow multiple characters with the same name on the same server, that doesn't sound simple.

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