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When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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Don't worry you don't need other people for you to roll alts. There is nothing to do at endgame anyway.


:) I'm a few levels away from a 3rd 50, have 5 other alts I sometimes run around on as well, and sometimes I even bump into someone while doing some of the lowbie quests for the umpteenth time.


Anyone had any luck rerolling on other servers? I've heard Fatman is lively, but man...I'm hesitant to just throw down all that I've done here on HS and start fresh somewhere else. I'm honestly tired of finding ways to solve the game's problems for myself.

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:) I'm a few levels away from a 3rd 50, have 5 other alts I sometimes run around on as well, and sometimes I even bump into someone while doing some of the lowbie quests for the umpteenth time.


Anyone had any luck rerolling on other servers? I've heard Fatman is lively, but man...I'm hesitant to just throw down all that I've done here on HS and start fresh somewhere else. I'm honestly tired of finding ways to solve the game's problems for myself.


I agree with you on rerolling and having to start over to solve a problem that the development team should have seen. It is obvious from all the many open/closed/continued threads that there is a problem that one's subscribers base is clamoring to be fixed. Yet, we are told "we are aware of the issue and working to resolve it".


This is a fantastic game and I would really like to keep playing. However, tired of being on a dead server where everything seems to follow that pattern. Economy, PvP, and PvE included in that as well.


Bioware has done a good job with this game, but I cancelled my subscription and hope they can address this issue soon enough so I can come back and play. You know, with other people and all. Be well and hope things get better sooner rather than later.

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'Join' as in re-roll yes this of coarse is possible but don't fool yourself if you think that Bioware will allow server transfers to The Fatman server once those begin. It will be off limits to prevent overcrowding.


No way. You've got people who already rerolled there. When paid transfers open up, they'll want to bring their other characters. It won't change the number of accounts logging into it. If anyone else wants to pay to go there, they won't prevent them from handing over their money.

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They have said many times that they aren't going to do mergers.




"Are server merges a possible solution? Absolutely. Are character transfers a possible solution? They’re a definite solution and we’re going after that first. But all things are on the table. Our entire goal is to make sure that players are playing in the environment they want to, with the type of community and the size of population they want, and we are driving towards all of that."



Edited by Kourage
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Simply posting to reiterate to Bioware that this is a huge issue. Our guild on Master Gnost Dural once had 500 members. Now down to 280 listed characters, alot of the missing ones were deleted characters. Furthermore, of that 280 there is probably 30 or 40 who actively play, and of those there are more than a few who have already warned us they are leaving after the free month sub is up; some already have done so.


The large majority of these cases are level 50 players who are unable to do anything of value with thier character. Doing a 16 man (or even 8 man) ops isnt a reality when there are 5 level 50's online in your guild, and only 30 characters in PEAK hours on the fleet - of whom maybe 10 are geared for raids; and half of which dont want to PUG, and I dont blame them.


This is such a huge problem. Whatever PR Bioware is trying to save by making character transfers rather than just bulk server merges ASAP is going to be a much lower ROI in the long term. Every day this goes on its getting worse almost exponentially - tomorrow wont be one day worse than today, it will be much more than that, and it continues on.


Very well said. Server mergers NOW!

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So I'd really like to know why they needed to open European servers when a lot of them just play on US servers anyways...and 102 European servers?...seriously? It's bad enough that there is 120+ US servers.


Transfers ARE NOT ENOUGH. Merge servers. Put your egos behind you. Everyone knows the game is failing anyways. I'm convinced the only reason you're trying transfers is so it doesn't look like you failed so hard by needing to get rid of more than half your servers.

Edited by Chevee
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Last night was the last straw for me, I don't post much on the forums, however I like to believe my voice is heard when I do. Last night I had a raid scheduled and only 6 people showed up, not to mention that we haven't had a warzone since last week and before that around a month and a half. Last week after the patch it seemed like people were going to start queing again. 4 straight days of PvP for about 4 hours a day, now nothing... I have been loosing guild members because of this problem that bioware is having with the populations and I refuse to sit on a game and not be able to do anything productive or even fun for that matter. So with this said Im done, I love this game and if bioware is reading this please, please fix the problem ( at this point we as a whole are begging, not something I nor many like to do ) When the problem is corrected I will be back 100% and ready to go, until then though Im done and can't bare to be depressed another night not doing anything I need/want to do on a game I enjoy so much...


Server - Sedyn Kyne

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"Are server merges a possible solution? Absolutely. Are character transfers a possible solution? They’re a definite solution and we’re going after that first. But all things are on the table. Our entire goal is to make sure that players are playing in the environment they want to, with the type of community and the size of population they want, and we are driving towards all of that."




:rolleyes: way to put your blinders on there and read only what you want to read.


Are server merges a possible solution? Absolutely. Are character transfers a possible solution? They’re a definite solution and we’re going after that first. But all things are on the table. Our entire goal is to make sure that players are playing in the environment they want to, with the type of community and the size of population they want, and we are driving towards all of that."


It's character transfers coming, NOT server merges.

Edited by Andryah
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It may sound like a broken record at this point, but I'll add my voice to it. I'm a casual pvper who blows off stress by blasting imps. Used to be a pvper who killed orcs. I'm not one of your hardcore guys, but I enjoyed WoW for several years and I really thing SWTOR fixed a lot of the reasons why I left WoW, except I DON'T GET TO PLAY THE GAME. I can't run a WZ by myself. I can have four guildies grouped to run a WZ on RWookooo and still not get a que to pop for hours. I would hate to see SWTOR lose a chunk of it's subscribers due to preventable problems. Outside of WoW, you guys have watched as numbers downward spiraled on all the others. I'm actually rooting for you to be a successful game. I enjoy it... when I get to play
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My theory is this,


they will do a few free transfers and then allow paid transfers. This will ultimately fail to resolve the issues with server population. If they react quickly enough it will all end up fine, a few people will be upset because of character renames, oh well they will live, OR, they will wait until the hemorrhaging is unstoppable and only the most dedicated will even be around to see it happen.

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:rolleyes: way to put your blinders on there and read only what you want to read.




It's character transfers coming, NOT server merges.



It's a shame you can't read. :rolleyes:


Quote: Originally Posted by Declaire

gee thats great but this does NOT answer the question about if and/or when there will be a merge in servers, merge NOT transfer

Quote: Originally Posted by OmegaMayhem

They have said many times that they aren't going to do mergers.




"Are server merges a possible solution? Absolutely. Are character transfers a possible solution? They’re a definite solution and we’re going after that first. But all things are on the table. Our entire goal is to make sure that players are playing in the environment they want to, with the type of community and the size of population they want, and we are driving towards all of that."

Edited by Kourage
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Server transfers aren't enough


Need to merge servers ALSO, so people don't accidentally roll on the ghost town servers. You could easily drop 1/3 of the servers.


There aren't enough people to support all the servers we have, regardless of how they are shuffled around.

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doesn't matter. there is a reason why those once populated servers died a quick death. just think about it: every single server, except for 2, are essentially worthless. that's like 2 out of how many? it's a pathetic ratio. the reason for this universal exodus is obviously because the game sucks at the core. argue with me all you want, but numbers are numbers. server transfers, mergers, or whatever they decide to do will only clamp down on the wound, but will never heal it.


this game will likely go f2p after server transfers, and that will be that. a game that cannot create it own stories for the users through an open and dynamic world is limited by the length of the content carrot. carrots suck, by the way. this is the lesson of swtor. a new mmo paradigm needs to be looked into, but the big companies are soulless cowards who cannot lead the way.

Edited by Darth_Gao_Gao
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Giving us 30 days of free time was great, but BW needs to make the entire game free until mergers happen. Nobody is going to pay money to play on a server that is ENTIRELY empty, whether transfers are coming by "early summer" or not. This is the hard truth, but it is the truth.
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It's getting absolutely silly now. 11 people on Tattoine on Saturday night on a server that was at game launch and for a good month afterwards invariably Heavy (Lord Calypho - EU RP-PVP).


It really looks like Diablo III has killed the game stone dead. I predict around 600-700k subs next notice. Still not quite a total disaster, but such a shame, given how much goodwill and promise the game started off with ... it means a skeleton crew of devs (EA guy already said as much - it's not a priority moneymaker any more), which meansa even slower bugfixes and updates.


This needed fast action months ago. It needed 1.2 to address the whole problem of people being able to find people to play with, instead of the relatively unimportant fluff of legacy and (sometimes) complete overhauling of class skill trees that people were just getting used to.


BW, it's probably already too late from the point of view of money being pumped in by EA, but if you want to save this game, you need to do a CCP, admit mistakes, and try and solve the problems people have been flagging since the Betas. There's a fine class storyline/planet MQ backbone there to entice people. But you need more to keep people you have enticed playing the game. Make the MMO side of the game as high performance and well tuned as WoW, have a few more alternative levelling paths in terms of environments, make the 1.3 LFG tool cross-server for PvE as well as PvP, merge some servers, and use the Hero engine's capabilities to put more little surprises and things that change, for explorers, and those will go some way towards salvaging what is fast becoming a laughing stock in the industry.

Edited by gurugeorge
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doesn't matter. there is a reason why those once populated servers died a quick death. just think about it: every single server, except for 2, are essentially worthless. that's like 2 out of how many? it's a pathetic ratio. the reason for this universal exodus is obviously because the game sucks at the core. argue with me all you want, but numbers are numbers. server transfers, mergers, or whatever they decide to do will only clamp down on the wound, but will never heal it.


this game will likely go f2p after server transfers, and that will be that. a game that cannot create it own stories for the users through an open and dynamic world is limited by the length of the content carrot. carrots suck, by the way. this is the lesson of swtor. a new mmo paradigm needs to be looked into, but the big companies are soulless cowards who cannot lead the way.


It's all EA's fault. They're jealous. They're holding us back. :csw_vader:

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Just to add to the chorus, my server has gone from 100+ on the fleet a few weeks ago to 15-30 at peak hours. Thank goodness the people still around like to pvp or I'd be gone. I think its too late for transfers to be the only solution, get rid of some of the dead space and then let people move around to the server they prefer.
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