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Can SWTOR be Saved ?


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When only 30k of them ever log in concurrently,spread out over 150 servers, yes.


Please provide empirical evidence to back up your specious assertions


What's that?

Your'e pulling numbers out of your ear ?


That's what I thought.

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Sadly I will have to say no. Condensing servers might help, as they desperately need to have more folks on per server at any given time. The game is good...it is not great. It lacks several key components the most glaring being exploratory regions/more open world constructs. Many of the worlds are extremely linear (Nar Shadda, Coruscant, Balmorra) and as a result many alt addicts find themselves playing along the same path which adds to the pain of rerolling. No swimming content, no galaxy wide per server LFG tool, unbalanced PvP, very easy raids and lvling experience all add up to one/two thing/s: Lost subs and/or folks just not logging in anymore.

Some of the blame can be cast on EA for forcing this game into the market before it was ready and some can be blamed on BW for making suspect dev decisions like the disfunctional AH and subpar space combat rail.

I will finish out my Trooper class story chain because I am at the end, but then I will likely stop logging in as well.

TY BW for a wonderful story though. The smuggler and trooper story were a blast as were most of the world arcs, my favorite being the Mystics on Voss and their battle against the Gormak. Great single player experience and I can say my $15 a month was well spent. The $150 I paid for the CE I will forever regret, but you win some you lose some :rod_tongue_g:

Cheers to those who love the game though. Nothing wrong with enjoying a standard MMO with an SW flavor. I mean that btw no underlying sarcasm there.

Edited by Evironrage
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You do care how others play the game otherwise you wouldn't be asking Bioware to rewrite the game to your liking


Im not asking bioware to do anything for my liking, im pointing out that people who ignore the fact that same server lfg tools have been tried in multiple games already and have failed are idiots, and if bioware is in that same camp they need to start doing research.


Im in a large guild that fields 2 16 man ec hm ops, i dont "need" anything, im not some cry baby who whines about what i can or cant have, if i want something i figure out how to get it, if its worth it then i get it or if i dont think its worth it i dont bother. There is nothing in this game that i want and cannot get.


You are blind to what would make this game grow and evolve, in favor of what your tiny niche group wants in a game that you would gladly cripple leaving it on life support like warhammer or vanguard.

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Hate to burst yout bubble but it is happening. And the people in the game are happy. If you do not like what you bought you should have done a little more research. No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to keep playing


What is happening exactly? the game is dying? yeah it is. lol and what people in game? I do not like what i bought, i bought a game that claimed to be able to rival wow, which means a large and growing community. Sorry if youre blind but the community seems to be the exact opposite of growing.


And nobody is holding a gun to my head and making me play, i havent played in a month. i logged on to my server last night (supposidly in the top 20) there were 18 people on fleet and 62 people on the entire republic side of the server, yeah your grand idea for a remake of vanilla wow is a brilliant one.

Edited by Mallorik
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What is happening exactly? the game is dying? yeah it is. lol and what people in game? I do not like what i bought, i bought a game that claimed to be able to rival wow, which means a large and growing community.


And nobody is holding a gun to my head and making me play, i havent played in a month. i logged on to my server last night (supposidly in the top 20) there were 18 people on fleet and 62 people on the entire republic side of the server, yeah your grand idea for a remake of vanilla wow is a brilliant one.



You haven't logged in for a month, and yet you care enough to still come to the boards? How sweet of you. Also, my fleet had around 170 last night with 110 on Coruscant. Hoth, the planet I played on mostly was a little over 30....

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Transfers wont help, they are just even loss vs gain.


They should be an option, but what really need to happen is server merges. It's the only way to make sure most servers feel like they have a decent population. There are just too many.

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What is happening exactly? the game is dying? yeah it is. lol and what people in game? I do not like what i bought, i bought a game that claimed to be able to rival wow, which means a large and growing community. Sorry if youre blind but the community seems to be the exact opposite of growing.


And nobody is holding a gun to my head and making me play, i havent played in a month. i logged on to my server last night (supposidly in the top 20) there were 18 people on fleet and 62 people on the entire republic side of the server, yeah your grand idea for a remake of vanilla wow is a brilliant one.


I also gave you a compromise on how they could do the x-server and again, "you" don't want that. "You" want what "you" perceive to be the golden dream

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You haven't logged in for a month, and yet you care enough to still come to the boards? How sweet of you. Also, my fleet had around 170 last night with 110 on Coruscant. Hoth, the planet I played on mostly was a little over 30....


I didnt say that i havent logged on for a month, and im glad your server is not dead, its really conforting to the majority of servers that are ghost towns. Congradulations youre playing a kick *** game with a huge population, just dont pay attention to other servers, reality can be jarring.

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I also gave you a compromise on how they could do the x-server and again, "you" don't want that. "You" want what "you" perceive to be the golden dream


Where did i say i dont want that? i specificaly pointed out that you are the one that wants to deny people things that you dont even have to use. i could care less what and rp server has or doesnt have.


I just want this game to grow and be successful. Not be some rehashed version of an 8 year old game that would be dead had it not evolved into what it is today.

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I also gave you a compromise on how they could do the x-server and again, "you" don't want that. "You" want what "you" perceive to be the golden dream


And lets just clear up what i want and what i understand you want.


You want vanilla wow in space, and you dont care if the game has 5 million players or 100 thousand players, as long as the servers are open?


I want this game, and i am actualy happy with what it has now(if it had people playing it), but i want this game to thrive and be as big as they can make it so it has alot of content and great expansions for years to come. And i do not believe in any way shape or form that a vanllla wow in space can achieve that.

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The game? Absolutely. This board? Nope.



1.3 will come out, server transfers will be put in place and everyone will stop complaining for a few weeks. Then, they'll get tired of running HMs and Ops and they'll be right back here stressing how horrible the game is and how it is once again dead due to lack of content. Then, in 1.4, Bioware will release more content and they'll be fine for another few weeks. The cycle will continue due to this board being absolutely insatiable.


This ^......best statement on this entire thread


+ 1 to you sir


We should look at the real problem and stop blaming Bioware/EA/etc... for everything


People are complaining too much, period.

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I loved this game so much, but there just doesn't seem to be any type of urgency in anything they're doing. I'm a patient person, I really am. However, playing on 3 different dead servers knowing that xfers aren't for at least another month and a half is beyond my patience. My wife quit playing already as did my son. They are now playing other games (Tera Online and D3) and are enjoying themselves.


My (3) subscriptions run out on June 16th. I will not resub unless I see a complete turnaround from a urgency standpoint by the devs.


This game had so much potential, but somewhere along the line they shifted their focus from what the players wanted/needed, to what (I think) the investors wanted. EA has ruined yet another game for me, and to be honest, I doubt I will ever, EVER purchase another title that has EA anywhere on it. I will not fault Bioware just yet. However, I think the head guys at Bioware need to get out from under EA as soon as possible before the ship takes them all down.

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This ^......best statement on this entire thread


+ 1 to you sir


We should look at the real problem and stop blaming Bioware/EA/etc... for everything


People are complaining too much, period.


Head in the sand much?


Listen, the board is a very small percentage of actual players (we all know this, right?). So, if you hear complaining here and think this is the problem and not the product, you need to stand up and look around. What these few people are doing with their typing, others, far more (100's of thousands) are doing with their pocket books (unsubbing). Geeeeez! Get that? Let that sink in.


Very few = vocal minority telling BW how they are missing the mark on some things

Large group = unsubbing for various reasons including poor game design, lack of content/features, etc...


Would you like for the 100's of thousands to come on here and really tell BW and YOU what they thought of the game and why they unsubbed, or just deal with a few that are more than willing to do so?


It ain't the people complaining, it is BW and EA. They have ALL of the cards in this game!!!

Edited by Meldwyn
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I loved this game so much, but there just doesn't seem to be any type of urgency in anything they're doing. I'm a patient person, I really am. However, playing on 3 different dead servers knowing that xfers aren't for at least another month and a half is beyond my patience. My wife quit playing already as did my son. They are now playing other games (Tera Online and D3) and are enjoying themselves.


My (3) subscriptions run out on June 16th. I will not resub unless I see a complete turnaround from a urgency standpoint by the devs.


This game had so much potential, but somewhere along the line they shifted their focus from what the players wanted/needed, to what (I think) the investors wanted. EA has ruined yet another game for me, and to be honest, I doubt I will ever, EVER purchase another title that has EA anywhere on it. I will not fault Bioware just yet. However, I think the head guys at Bioware need to get out from under EA as soon as possible before the ship takes them all down.




The game could have been SOO GOOD, but Bioware dropped the ball, bent over to pick it up and it slipped in front of them, the go over to pick it up again, and accidently kicking it, where it rolled down a muddy hill into a river to never been seen again...


Their CS is non-existent, their patch notes don't include info they patched, meaning some of it is answered in their Q&A section, which is COMPLETE crap, they aren't fixing enough BIG issues, such as CTD...


The list goes ON and ON sadly...


My fiance bought the 6month sub for me, so they have until then to pull their heads out of their butts and get with it!! I HIGHLY doubt this will happen though, if the past 5 months haven't been a SHINING example of how crappy this game will still be in another 6 months, then I don't know what is...


I'll go play a game where I don't have to worry about lagging to all hell on a high-end machine, or having the code actually work as it is suppose to, or you know another MMO that's actually AN M-M-O!!!


SW:TOR = ORPG *Online Role Playing Game*

SW:TOR =/= MMORPG *MASSIVE MULTI-PLAYER online role playing game*


They screwed it up by not taking care of what needed to be taken care of, so they lost people... A LOOOT of people, I don't care what people say, their subs are going to go down again the next quarter and down again in the 3rd quarter, and MAYBE then level out in the 4th quarter...

I say this because those of us who bought/received the 6month pass will NOT re-sub, so their numbers will just continue to dwindle... UNLESS they start taking care of the crap that needs to be handled, but again, this is HIGHLY unlikely...

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This ^......best statement on this entire thread


+ 1 to you sir


We should look at the real problem and stop blaming Bioware/EA/etc... for everything


People are complaining too much, period.


I agree, people are complaining too much ... but at the end of the day, population is a pretty big factor for MMO gamers today. If the population is poor, people will leave. I have supported this game in every way, shape and form until about 2 weeks ago when my PvP queues went from 10 minutes tops during prime time, to 45 minutes during the same time period.


I play MMO's for the population. Waiting until June 30th or later isn't going to cut it. It's just not fun. Me, my wife and my son are having much more fun with Tera Online now ... so that's where our entertainment money is going. We will come back and check things out about a month or two after server transfers to see how things are looking. If nothing has changed, we will move on ... forever.

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Can it be saved? Yes with the right strategy.... Will it be saved? Difficult to answer... I myself like it a lot and it certainly has a lot of potential. But it would seem, from reading these forums, that the majority of gamers are pretty pissed off and will not be resubing. Maybe that's just a vocal minority but it seems that there are some good folks in there also losing their patience.


If the numbers go down further, the remaining populated servers will become ghost towns (majority of servers are already ghost towns). There will be less and less money for development and therefore less and less chance to save this game...


I do believe we are in crisis mode and that the next few months will make it or brake it...

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I look at some of the posts here and say to you all take a chill pill and just think what you are missing!

This game is only months old BioWare is doing a great job with Guild meetings etc

I had a problem and a Game master personaly spoke to me within 10 minutes

please tell me where another game company does that and works out problems bugs are bugs they will be

sorted out as with any new game (cataclism 4 weeks of continous restarts and patches)

Developing the Legacy system is fantastic Idea and I am getting my legacy up to max

you see I myself enjoy this game much more than anything, no using you own money only the subs

put up with game company's who wouldnt listern to Oceanic region to put server south of the equator

and when we tried to put up a petition up on the forums next day all would of been removed

to buy and sell on Auction houses with your own money come on , Buying mounts etc no way, here it's all ingame for everyone to have a chance to recieve not just for the few who have big bank ballances. Also the FP'S and opps system where everyone can have a try in normal mode to say you have been through without having someone asking your gear score and list all the raids you have been through. I went through all of that on other games and It was not enjoyable at all :mad:

so I personally say I do work so im no couch potato ive got 4 toons on each side of the fence and enjoying them all

There will be always a game that comes out that people (not the companys) saying this is the wow killer, wow is dead already with the system they had I will not play any of their games ever again how I was treated by a game master on that game while trying to help a freind which was Harassed for two months and was told its my friends fault :mad: what to be nice to a person then have that sort of thing happen to them.

So just think what you have in this game alot of people look forward to the future as I am sticking with BioWare, to the ones who are complaining I hope your journey trying to find the perfect game will happen but in reallity there is no perfect game just all the hype game reviewers say to get you purchasing games....:rak_03:

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it would seem, from reading these forums, that the majority of gamers...


Let's back up a bit...


BW says they have 1.3m subs.


Using http://www.torstatus.net, I can find about 90,000 people playing as an average over the last two weeks (explanation of the 90,000 number here).


Let's assume the real number of players is somewhere between 1,300,000 and 90,000.


The few thousand or so active people on the forums (say 10+ posts a month) are a small sub-group of people who play SWTOR.



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So I'm sitting here killing time during my last hour of work before I can go home and play Diablo III when I wandered upon this thread.


I'm a pre-order early game type of guy. Played the hell out of SWTOR with 5 level 50s and a Legacy level somewhere in the 30s.


I had been a member of multiple guilds. All died within a couple weeks of me joining because people just gave up. Those of us that stayed quit and joined different guilds. Those guilds prospered for a couple of weeks worth of ops before others started giving up. Rinse and repeat. Most quit and went back to WoW or wherever they came from. The last batch of quits occured after 1.2.


When everybody quit around 1.2 I had 3 level 50s. Since nobody in my guild was on and it was near impossible to PuG even Black Talon I started back on some Alts. In less than a month I got 2 mid teens toons up to 50. Did not group once on either. Running thru the same progression of planets as I had the other 3 and 4 times before there were never more than a dozen people on any planet except Belsavis. The excess population of Belsavis was due to a handful of 50s running dailies.


One of my final toons was an Assassin that I did quite a bit of PvP with and experience pre50 and 50 PvP. I know everybody was upset about not having ranked Warzones in 1.2, but seriously when it's the same dozen or so people in every round on your team and the same dozen or so opposing faction what is the point of ranked warzones?


Okay, enough griping. Now some suggestions

1. Start merging servers to solve underpopulation. If population starts increasing you can always turn another server back on. From a financial standpoint, BW/EA will save money by not running so many servers and wasting electricity

2. Is this an MMO or KOTOR II Online? Work on the multiplayer content please.

3. I played Star Trek Online for awhile. For those claiming SWTOR is bad, go try STO for awhile. Talk about Epic Fail. I got bored one time (before SWTOR launch) and went back and played abit for free. Still sucks, but they added a neat little feature called Re-Runs. Just like you can turn on TV and find a re-run of Star Trek somewhere, you can log in and Re-run your old missions. IMO this would be a nice replacement for the Ilum/Belsavis/Corellia grind. Scale past missions to level 50 and set a daily or weekly timer. For CQ quests make them H2 or H4's so there's at least some semblance of Multiplayer.


Okay, off to fight Diablo. I'll check back to a Galaxy Far Far Away from time to time to see how things are going

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This ^......best statement on this entire thread


+ 1 to you sir


We should look at the real problem and stop blaming Bioware/EA/etc... for everything


People are complaining too much, period.


Yeah SWTOR needs a Tseric right now, many a time I saw him send doom-criers packing

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Look at this person's post. Read it in it's entirety.


Then look at their sig.


This person is a representation of the MAJORITY of people that are SATISFIED with this game.


He doesn't even have a character above level 30. You cannot even comment on most of what this game has to offer, yet we are the ones that are repeating useless "dribble".....


I'm a refugee on the Fatman, and I've got a level 50 Trooper. I was satisfied when I had only level 30 characters, and I'm still satisfied now that I've hit 50.


The issues the game has are expected, IMHO, this early in its product lifespan. For those who've never programmed anything beyond a simple PHP "Hello World" app, it might be a lot easier to expect a much greater amount of things just at launch, but that doesn't make them realistic expectations.

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