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Armormech needs to make armor mods


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Seriously, that's what you come up with? We've already discussed that, yes, Armorsmech can make some of the orange armors, but they're available through other means, and once you find one you like, you never need another one. And that's the problem, the things the Armorsmech makes are not useless, but they're of limited value, far less than the other crew skills, a bit like a hairdresser in other games, rather than a practical "equipper". If they could make both orange hulls AND Armoring mods to put in them, and maybe a gimmick or two in addition to just the armor, then they would be far more practical.


Armortech is most useful for leveling up and getting the orange gear of your choice is not so simple as you put it. You need to get a crit craft of every piece, which means hours of crafting. Try to say - hi buddy I need you to spend next 10 hours crafting my gear ...


You say armortech is of limited value, what value has cybertech ? Your best mods/armorings will be bested by PvE drops. While as armortech you at least end up with gear you crafted yourself, as cybertech you end up with nothing once you progress through end game far enough. Oh, sry ... you got speeder.

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You say armortech is of limited value, what value has cybertech ? Your best mods/armorings will be bested by PvE drops. While as armortech you at least end up with gear you crafted yourself, as cybertech you end up with nothing once you progress through end game far enough. Oh, sry ... you got speeder.


If their gear offerings are un-competitive at cap then they need to do something about that, but all along the way you'll be swapping mods constantly, while once you have a single piece of orange gear that suits you, you're pretty much set.


And it's not even like anyone can take any pride in crafting armor as if it were a skill of some sort, it's just hitting "craft craft craft" for your bulter-droid over and over, and then hitting "RE RE RE" until you randomly get the one you want, and then "craft craft craft" again, and so on. Once you figure out how it works (and there are guides for that) there's absolutely no personal skill investment, the only difference between a poor crafter and a "master" crafter is how much time and credits one spends clicking the crafting button.


If there were some level of "craft" involved, like personal choices that could alter the chance of success on an individual basis, or that could make products made by me look different than products made by you, like color or pattern controls perhaps, then sure, that'd be different, but for the time being, the only value crafting has is in the products it produces, and Armormech's products become instantly obsolete as players acquire orange gear options.

Edited by Ohoni
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If their gear offerings are un-competitive at cap then they need to do something about that, but all along the way you'll be swapping mods constantly, while once you have a single piece of orange gear that suits you, you're pretty much set.


And it's not even like anyone can take any pride in crafting armor as if it were a skill of some sort, it's just hitting "craft craft craft" for your bulter-droid over and over, and then hitting "RE RE RE" until you randomly get the one you want, and then "craft craft craft" again, and so on. Once you figure out how it works (and there are guides for that) there's absolutely no personal skill investment, the only difference between a poor crafter and a "master" crafter is how much time and credits one spends clicking the crafting button.


If there were some level of "craft" involved, like personal choices that could alter the chance of success on an individual basis, or that could make products made by me look different than products made by you, like color or pattern controls perhaps, then sure, that'd be different, but for the time being, the only value crafting has is in the products it produces, and Armormech's products become instantly obsolete as players acquire orange gear options.


I can take pride in crafting the piece of gear that looks the best on me. There is no skill involved, there never is in crafting, even the most unskilled person can follow a crafting guide, but I can still take pride in it because thx to that my avatar will look the way I want and I will have to bother no one to achieve that.


If you don't appreciate, roll something else ... it's as easy as that. Cybertech armorings and mods are nice, but they don't let you customize your character the way armortech does ... you know the saying : Vanity is never out of style. That's the value of armortech.


To use WoW as an example .. on one side you have jewelcrafting that creates bland gems, is always useful, gets you credits and on other hand you have blacksmithing that lets you craft every armor piece of your gear and use it even at the top top level. (Obviously not in WoW, but yes in TOR)

Edited by Repefe
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I was thinking of dropping Cybertech for Armormech because I cant find any orange armor sets I like, none on the market and nothing from missions thats nice looking. I'm looking forward to seeing exactly what an Armormech can make.


I did just that ... you can buy mods for badges, you can't buy orange gear with 4 slots. Hunting for schematics for armorstech is fun as well.

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a. Armormech produces all armor types. green, blue, purple, and orange. If your not happy with orange gear, find some parts and craft up your armor types to make your purple armor and be done with it.

b. Yes, armortechs cannot make armor mods. Its not going to change because you want it to. Take that away from Artifice and then someone will complain that they cannot make x type of mod for their gear and demand the same change be made for them. Unbalancing the crafting professions. Simply put they have to keep things balanced or make every item craftable by every character. Because someone is going to ***** they cannot make all their gear.

c. If your not happy with being unable to make your mods for your armor, change to the class that can. Oh wait, your not going to be able to do that since the mods for armor are made by several other crafting classes. Unless your going to switch between crafting classes every time you need to upgrade your armor mods.

d. The devs have stated several times that an appearance tab is not going to happen, the orange mod system is what they want in the game. Find the armor you like the looks of and change out the mods on it, or hunt for armor you like the stats on and wear it. The Devs have stated many times that EVERY armor graphic in the game has an orange version. If you like one set start hunting for it. I got an armor schematic from underworld trading.

Edited by silverthorne
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b. Yes, armortechs cannot make armor mods. Its not going to change because you want it to. Take that away from Artifice and then someone will complain that they cannot make x type of mod for their gear and demand the same change be made for them. Unbalancing the crafting professions. Simply put they have to keep things balanced or make every item craftable by every character. Because someone is going to ***** they cannot make all their gear.


The question is whether it is currently balanced or not. You are assuming it is, yet it is still very much up in the air.


I don't think the question is about making all your gear, it is about the fact that some crafting professions are able to make the key mod for their items (I'm an armstech crafter and can make barrels which are what determine the base level of an orange blaster). Others like armormech can't craft their primary mod. I don't think any reasonable person is saying that any one branch should be able to make mods for all slots, just that it would seem to make sense for each crafter to be able to make the primary mod for their crafting branch.

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I can take pride in crafting the piece of gear that looks the best on me.


If you say so, but there's really no justification to be more proud of that than just buying it for cash, no actual skill went into the process. You can take justifiable pride in the "fashion coordination" of picking and choosing the best pieces for your desired look, but the act of manufacturing the components is meaningless. Right at the moment there's a "wild west" element to the crafting market, but give it six months, likely less, and you'll be able to choose your favorite outfit from pics on a database site and then buy them all off the rack from the GTN, likely for less costs that it would take to learn to do it yourself (since once a crafter does figure it out, he can sell dozens of copies of that hull to offset his own learning costs).


There is no skill involved, there never is in crafting, even the most unskilled person can follow a crafting guide, but I can still take pride in it because thx to that my avatar will look the way I want and I will have to bother no one to achieve that.


That's true of this current system but certainly doesn't have to be true. You can make guides to how combat works in this game but player skill still separated good and bad players. Likewise a game can include a crafting mechanism that involves some level of actual human interaction and potential failure based on a lack of skill rather than a bad roll. Even with that off the table, better color and pattern control could allow for some element of player design credit, if instead of choosing a pre-fab armor and throwing it on, you instead have some options for swapping in shoulder-plates and accents, changing the color patterns, color pallet, and insignia options, things like that, that would be an actual creative activity. I have several characters in DCUO and consider each to be a work of art, in this game I feel like what results I've achieved have just been the best I could do with a 64 box of crayons that was missing 53 of them, including most of the primaries.


I was thinking of dropping Cybertech for Armormech because I cant find any orange armor sets I like, none on the market and nothing from missions thats nice looking. I'm looking forward to seeing exactly what an Armormech can make.


I still can't craft a single orange piece yet, if you can't find orange gear on the marketplace don't expect to have much better luck making it yourself right now. The player economy will slowly start to filter in.


b. Yes, armortechs cannot make armor mods. Its not going to change because you want it to. Take that away from Artifice and then someone will complain that they cannot make x type of mod for their gear and demand the same change be made for them.


I'm not suggesting taking anything away from anyone. Currently Cybertechs are the only ones that can make Armoring mods. I would suggest that both Armormech and Synthweaving should ALSO be able to make them, but Cybertech can continue to do so (and pick up Barrels again as well). There's no hard rules that each potentially craftable item can ONLY come from a single source, redundancies are good.


Unbalancing the crafting professions. Simply put they have to keep things balanced or make every item craftable by every character.


The fact that Armormech cannot make Armorings IS the imbalance, since Armstech and Artificing CAN make their "core" mods. The other imbalance is that an Armstech crafter only needs to train up a single schematic to peak at any level, for example a Gunslinger only needs to pick one pistol with the stats he likes, RE that to blue, RE that to green, until he gets the purple of his dreams. Likewise, a Cybertech only needs to raise the two mods types to peak and apply them to a dozen armor pieces at once.


Within that same level range, an Armormech would need to do the same process for not one, not two different schema-trees, but rather for up to seven individual item types. If any player can successfully craft a full set of level appropriate level 30 purples, he's not spending enough time questing.


d. The devs have stated several times that an appearance tab is not going to happen,


And also that it's one of their major priorities for after launch, so. . .

Edited by Ohoni
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If you say so, but there's really no justification to be more proud of that than just buying it for cash, no actual skill went into the process. You can take justifiable pride in the "fashion coordination" of picking and choosing the best pieces for your desired look, but the act of manufacturing the components is meaningless. Right at the moment there's a "wild west" element to the crafting market, but give it six months, likely less, and you'll be able to choose your favorite outfit from pics on a database site and then buy them all off the rack from the GTN, likely for less costs that it would take to learn to do it yourself (since once a crafter does figure it out, he can sell dozens of copies of that hull to offset his own learning costs).




That's true of this current system but certainly doesn't have to be true. You can make guides to how combat works in this game but player skill still separated good and bad players. Likewise a game can include a crafting mechanism that involves some level of actual human interaction and potential failure based on a lack of skill rather than a bad roll. Even with that off the table, better color and pattern control could allow for some element of player design credit, if instead of choosing a pre-fab armor and throwing it on, you instead have some options for swapping in shoulder-plates and accents, changing the color patterns, color pallet, and insignia options, things like that, that would be an actual creative activity. I have several characters in DCUO and consider each to be a work of art, in this game I feel like what results I've achieved have just been the best I could do with a 64 box of crayons that was missing 53 of them, including most of the primaries.




I still can't craft a single orange piece yet, if you can't find orange gear on the marketplace don't expect to have much better luck making it yourself right now. The player economy will slowly start to filter in.




I'm not suggesting taking anything away from anyone. Currently Cybertechs are the only ones that can make Armoring mods. I would suggest that both Armormech and Synthweaving should ALSO be able to make them, but Cybertech can continue to do so (and pick up Barrels again as well). There's no hard rules that each potentially craftable item can ONLY come from a single source, redundancies are good.




The fact that Armormech cannot make Armorings IS the imbalance, since Armstech and Artificing CAN make their "core" mods. The other imbalance is that an Armstech crafter only needs to train up a single schematic to peak at any level, for example a Gunslinger only needs to pick one pistol with the stats he likes, RE that to blue, RE that to green, until he gets the purple of his dreams. Likewise, a Cybertech only needs to raise the two mods types to peak and apply them to a dozen armor pieces at once.


Within that same level range, an Armormech would need to do the same process for not one, not two different schema-trees, but rather for up to seven individual item types. If any player can successfully craft a full set of level appropriate level 30 purples, he's not spending enough time questing.




And also that it's one of their major priorities for after launch, so. . .


So what do you suggest Cybertech gets to replace armoring? Honestly Armoring is the ONLY reason to go cybertech.


Droid parts = useless, you can buy/get moddable ones from vendors/commendations/even quest rewards and since they don't change the look of the droid there's no reason not to get them


Ship stuff = pretty useless, most people don't do ship missions.


Grenades = might be useful for a few people but not marketable.


Mods = I've heard artificer can also make mod slot modifications at higher levels.


Cybertech basically has earpieces if they don't have armoring.

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So what do you suggest Cybertech gets to replace armoring? Honestly Armoring is the ONLY reason to go cybertech.


Droid parts = useless, you can buy/get moddable ones from vendors/commendations/even quest rewards and since they don't change the look of the droid there's no reason not to get them


Ship stuff = pretty useless, most people don't do ship missions.


Grenades = might be useful for a few people but not marketable.


Mods = I've heard artificer can also make mod slot modifications at higher levels.


Cybertech basically has earpieces if they don't have armoring.


I wouldn't take the ability away from Cybertech. They'd keep it. I would just ALSO give the ability to Armormech and Synthweaving. No need for any one crew skill to have a monopoly over anything. I'd also give Cybertech back Barrels (although Armstech would get to keep them too).


If absolutely necessary, they could divide them up so that Armormech only gets the Aim/Cunning Armorings and Synth only gets the Str/Will Armorings, while Cyber gets all four types, but basically the balance would be that the Armor skills would offer the hulls and the armor mods, but NOT the weapon mods, and Arms would offer the hulls and weapon mods, but NOT the armor mods, while Cybertech would offer mods for BOTH types, but hulls for neither. It's the middle path, best at neither but capable of doing both at once. And of course it has the unique "flavor" items that neither of the others get, much like WoW's Engineering skill.

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Look at everything that the Armortechs can already make. Heavy and light armor. Hundreds of styles. 6(i think) slots worth of gear. and you want to give them more. they get their resources off more items than the synthweaver does. The green version of each item can break into 3 different items with research, those can break into 5 additional items each. Its already balanced out. How many slots can a armstech or artificer cover. 2 at most. Edited by silverthorne
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There's a very good reason why Armormech doesn't get to make their mod. It's because they get to craft either a 3 peice orange MATCHING set of chest, helm, and legs, or a choice of several different 5 peice epic sets. Armstechs get their barrels because we can only fill two slots at the most. You can craft your major armor slots: Head, chest, legs, boots, and gloves... and some belts and bracers at max level as well. See the difference there, you have 5 slot purple sets or a three slot orange set to sell. All anyoen else gets is either mods, or a slot or two. That's why Armormech doesnt' get Armoring mods... it already has the sellign benefit of making actual sets of matching armor.
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Look at everything that the Armortechs can already make. Heavy and light armor.


Armormechs make heavy and medium, and only in +aim and +cun versions. Synth makes, as I understand it, heavy, medium, and light armors, but only in +str and +will versions. The problem is, you can't count each piece of armor as if it's a whole different thing. Armor is armor, it all just adds to your armor stat and to some other stat. An armoring skill that crafts only some of the armor slots and not others would be a bit broken, like an Armstech that only crafts half of a gun and you need some other class to craft the other half. So in all practical purposes, Armormech being able to craft for seven armor slots is no better than Armstech being able to craft for one (or two) weapon slot, or Cybertech being able to craft for one Ear slot.


So Armormech doesn't craft "a bunch of things", Armormech, in practical terms, crafts three things:

1. Heavy Armors (for Troopers/BH) with non-customizable stats (largely worthless once you have customizable armor).

2. Medium Armors (for Smugglers/IA) with non-customizable stats (largely worthless once you have customizable armor).

3. Empty orange hulls for the above (which are functionally worthless until mods are added).


If you're going to use the arguement that Armormech can craft 14 different things because they can make a different piece to fill each slot, then the mods in Cybertech alone would account for something like 60+ "things", since those are the number of items that their mods can be fitted into (one armoring or mod for each slot for all heavy, medium, and light armors, one mod for each type of weapon).


The point raised in this, and many other threads, is that once players start accumulating orange gear, the value of options 1 and 2 drop dramatically, since someone with a perfectly good orange chest piece has absolutely no use for a crafted one anymore. Option 3 has some value, but only until that slot gets filled. Armormech currently offers nothing that allows a player to in any way improve on his existing orange gear. Once he has the orange gear look he likes, Armormech offers nothing. Being able to offer Armoring mods would allow an Amrormech's skills to continue being useful even once people have the orange gear that they like.


And bear in mind, while I didn't consider it in my initial post, Synthweaving should definitely get Armoring too, the same argument applies to them as to Armormech.


How many slots can a armstech or artificer cover. 2 at most.


Yes, but that actually makes them superior. To make the very best weapon that you'd ever need at a given level range, an Armstech only needs to pick one base weapon, craft/RE until he gets a blue, craft/RE until he gets a purple, and then make that. Done. If he's a two-gun he needs to repeat that last step once. For an Cybertech to do the same to a character with orange gear, he needs to do that same process twice, once for Armoring Mods, once for mod Mods, and then just repeat the last step enough times to cover every available slot. For an Armormech, he would need to repeat the entire process seven times, one for each armor slot, each needing to be researched separately, at a cost in time and materials several times higher than either of the others.


See the difference there, you have 5 slot purple sets or a three slot orange set to sell. All anyoen else gets is either mods, or a slot or two. That's why Armormech doesnt' get Armoring mods... it already has the sellign benefit of making actual sets of matching armor.


There's a reason why battery companies often gave flashlight shells away for free. Armormechs could be able to make five "epic" armor sets or a dozens and it wouldn't matter, so long as orange gear is the only customization option, it's the only type of armor that really matters, and orange gear is filled not by Armormech, but by Cybertech.

Edited by Ohoni
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So Artificing will still be useful under the current system, so it's just Armormech, Armstech, and Synthweaving that are obsolete and should be ignored?


Rare is the piece of armor gear that I use and that I haven't crafted myself. In fact, the last levels (I'm currently 32), I wear no Oranges. In Tatooine I wore my last Orange armor piece when I bought that pretty chest piece from the shop. And even then, it was the only one. Prototypes can be very very nice. And the rare artifacts even better.

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Sorry but you seem to have forgotten this is an MMO, and iv yet to see an MMO where you dont rely upon one of the other crafting/resource gathering skills to supplement your skill choices.


If you got your wish, you would be totally self sufficient and have no need to trade with other players, thus making the economy of the game pointless. And if that happened we would all have huge amounts of credits to spend on very little


I think you're missing the OP's point slightly. I don't think he's complaining so much about not being able to make mods for his armour, but more he's worried about no-one buying his wares because of Orange moddable drops in the world.


What would make his moddable armour more desirable than a free flashpoint drop?

Edited by Wolfhammer
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Rare is the piece of armor gear that I use and that I haven't crafted myself. In fact, the last levels (I'm currently 32), I wear no Oranges. In Tatooine I wore my last Orange armor piece when I bought that pretty chest piece from the shop. And even then, it was the only one. Prototypes can be very very nice. And the rare artifacts even better.


You need to get better mods. In any case, even if crafted non-customs do outperform customs, that's not a good thing, that means that there's a flaw in the customization system, because the goal is for oranges to BE the customization system, which means that they need to be mechanically competitive with any other gear you might have available at that level.


An orange armor with blue mods should be equivalent to a blue armor of the same type. An orange armor with purple mods should likewise be equal to a purple armor. If you believe this no longer holds true then they need to fix it.


Nerfing orange gear is no solution whatsoever, at least not before the appearance tab is implemented as an alternative for appearance management.


Augment slot on crit crafted one.


Has this actually been confirmed as something that definitely exists, or is it still just a rumor of something that "should" exist?

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You need to get better mods. In any case, even if crafted non-customs do outperform customs, that's not a good thing, that means that there's a flaw in the customization system, because the goal is for oranges to BE the customization system, which means that they need to be mechanically competitive with any other gear you might have available at that level.


An orange armor with blue mods should be equivalent to a blue armor of the same type. An orange armor with purple mods should likewise be equal to a purple armor. If you believe this no longer holds true then they need to fix it.


Nerfing orange gear is no solution whatsoever, at least not before the appearance tab is implemented as an alternative for appearance management.




Has this actually been confirmed as something that definitely exists, or is it still just a rumor of something that "should" exist?


You're actually missing the very point. I'm a 400 Armstech. I have every purple barrel schematic up to 20. But That barrel does me absolutely NOTHING other then keep my damage current. My purple quality [Leadership Rampage-X Assualt Cannon (Superior)] has the same damage as the Orange cannon with purple Advanced Reflex Barrel 16... but no commendation vendor provides the mods to equal the rest of the stats. My Leadership purple I CRAFTED has +Aim, +Endurance, +Crit, and +Alacrity... I just left Balmorra and none of the mods available with commendations had Alacrity on them. And the crit I could get from them, was still short of equalling what was on the Leadership. If you want a Custom Weapon/Armor to match the CRAFTED weapons and armor, you have to go to a Cybertech. That is why Cybertech has the mods, and why Armormechs don't need the Armor mod. You cna craft a whole set of Purple quality armor that is top of the line without it. A whole set. Armstechs get barrels because we can only fill in two slots of gear, and the barrels help us make up for that lack of slotting.

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You need to get better mods.

I could. But why waste money in my armor when I can use my money in mods for my Orange assault cannon? Or for the blaster of my droid? Or maybe some droid moddable armor?


I took a look to some random players in Alderaan, between levels 31 and 33 (mostly troopers like me). And I outgeared them badly. Some even had all armor slots with Oranges.


Oranges with proper mods should be as good as prototype+ gear plus allow you to mix different appearences with the stats you want to use. Now go and hunt those mods.

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You're actually missing the very point. I'm a 400 Armstech. I have every purple barrel schematic up to 20. But That barrel does me absolutely NOTHING other then keep my damage current. My purple quality [Leadership Rampage-X Assualt Cannon (Superior)] has the same damage as the Orange cannon with purple Advanced Reflex Barrel 16... but no commendation vendor provides the mods to equal the rest of the stats. My Leadership purple I CRAFTED has +Aim, +Endurance, +Crit, and +Alacrity... I just left Balmorra and none of the mods available with commendations had Alacrity on them.


Someone should carry those mods, perhaps a Cyber crafter can make them, or if not they should drop somewhere. If you cannot duplicate the mechanics of ANY piece of gear in the game in "orange" form then the whole orange mechanic fails as a substitute for an appearance system.


If you want a Custom Weapon/Armor to match the CRAFTED weapons and armor, you have to go to a Cybertech. That is why Cybertech has the mods, and why Armormechs don't need the Armor mod.


Having to go to a Cybertech for one mod is not a huge deal, especially when there are only slightly lesser substitutes available. The point is that the Armoring is the CORE mod, the most vital one because it gives the armor stat, just as the barrel gives the damage stat that is central to the function of that piece of gear. So just as Armstech gives the ability to craft barrels, armormech should have the ability to craft Armorings, so that they can craft orange armor AND keep the core aspect of it up to snuff.


Armstechs get barrels because we can only fill in two slots of gear, and the barrels help us make up for that lack of slotting.


Again, you've got to stop treating armor as "more slots" than weapons. Armor is a function, it's one thing broken up into seven bits, just as damage is a function, one thing sometimes kept whole, sometimes broken into two things. Armormech doesn't give you seven different things, it gives you 7/7ths of one thing, that one thing being a complete set of armor, just as Armstech's one thing is a complete weapon.


They could just as easily remove all armor slots save one and just have a single "armor" slot, as they do weapons. They could also choose to make it so that weapons came in modular bits like stocks and sights and barrels and receivers and such that would each need to be purchased/crafted separately and equipped independently, but they didn't, so while there is an illusion that Armormech can craft "many things", in truth they can only craft the one thing, "armor," just broken up into seven pieces.


I could. But why waste money in my armor when I can use my money in mods for my Orange assault cannon? Or for the blaster of my droid? Or maybe some droid moddable armor?


Up to you, I'm just saying, you can make orange armor that's as strong as crafted if you choose to. If you had Cybertech, you could craft those mods for free, likely for less materials than your crafted armor. The orange+mod path is less important if your appearance doesn't matter to you, or if you happen to like whatever gear the game throws out at you, but it's still a viable option. Alternately you could take a third "harvesting" skill of some kind instead of AM and just make more money with it. I'm not saying that Armormech is completely worthless, just that it's worth less than anything else you could put in that crew skill slot.

Edited by Ohoni
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Up to you, I'm just saying, you can make orange armor that's as strong as crafted if you choose to. If you had Cybertech, you could craft those mods for free, likely for less materials than your crafted armor. The orange+mod path is less important if your appearance doesn't matter to you, or if you happen to like whatever gear the game throws out at you, but it's still a viable option. Alternately you could take a third "harvesting" skill of some kind instead of AM and just make more money with it. I'm not saying that Armormech is completely worthless, just that it's worth less than anything else you could put in that crew skill slot.

I don't do mods so I cannot compare about which could cost more (or less) materials. Which would also depend on how often one decides to "upgrade" and/or if to take old mods out to use them with companion.


It being less worth because its orange armours depend on Cybertech? Armormech is about the non-Orange armours. Oranges are a different league as far as I know.


Also, I do care about not being a Clown Trooper but while I level up, I prefer performance over looks if I'm forced to choose. I'll worry about those once I hit 50 (and I can always use a lower level set for social stuff that doesn't involve combat). By then surely I can buy any needed mod or get it from PvP/Operations.

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