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1.3 LFG Tool - not cross realm (speculation)


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1. Doubtful, most of them will use it and complain about it. If they do leave, the game drops 2% of it's playerbase..


Where do you get 2%?


I've left other XSLFG games (WoW for one, and I played from the beginning of Vanilla) where I was always asked to get on my main by guildies and friends to run them as an insta-que tank.


I've seen to much bad from the tool to be willing to see it again. Liking this game or not, I will not stay, as I didn't stay with others. I also know others that feel the same way as I do.


I've said it before, if you want that feature from other games *(and WoW has been bleeding subs badly, and yes they still have a large base, but it's dropping) go to WoW or another game that caters to what you want, a CSLFG tool.

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Where do you get 2%?


I've left other XSLFG games (WoW for one, and I played from the beginning of Vanilla) where I was always asked to get on my main by guildies and friends to run them as an insta-que tank.


I've seen to much bad from the tool to be willing to see it again. Liking this game or not, I will not stay, as I didn't stay with others. I also know others that feel the same way as I do.


I've said it before, if you want that feature from other games *(and WoW has been bleeding subs badly, and yes they still have a large base, but it's dropping) go to WoW or another game that caters to what you want, a CSLFG tool.


Please stop lying, it doesn't make a good debate. Back up your claims of WoW bleeding subs or sit in the corner with a cookie.


If you leave the game simply because of a Cross-Server LFG that you don't have to use, then I'm sorry but not much can be said about you.

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If you leave the game simply because of a Cross-Server LFG that you don't have to use, then I'm sorry but not much can be said about you.


You mean like all the other threaten to quit posts because of not having one? How mature of you ;)

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SO you basically are saying because you didn't get what you want, you are leaving. Cool story bro. Have you ever thought that the problem lies with you? Perhaps your server has you on ignore(just speculating). I personally go out of my way to help other players when I can and in turn I have made a decent sized friends list. Yes some of you got unlucky and are on empty server but cross server will still not fill your server up. And the fact that there is a working LFG tool in game only proves how lazy the players have gotten. They are refusing to use the one in game. It is not broken


...Im guessing youre on an active server with lots of ppl....the cross server lfg will fill up the empty server.. or at least make the ques for pve and pvp actually pop. Sitting there for 6+ hrs in a que for pvp and watching it not pop once is not fun to me (maybe some ppl enjoy that, dont know)... or using the lfg system currently in game and spamming general in the zone and in fleet for 2 or 3 hrs before giving up (usually due to there only being 10ish ppl on the server at your lvl).


I think a lot of these ppl against cross server ques are on populated servers and havent felt the pain of playing in a ghost town.... I love the " youre lazy and dont use the current lfg tool" coment. Theres no need to use the lfg tool currently in game... we can send a tell to the other 5 ppl online on the server and ask them. And no, for those of you on the high pop servers, Im not talking about on the fleet.... Im talking about the whole server having 5 to 10 players total all lvls.


BW isnt going to merge servers until they actually give up on the game...it hurts investor opinion too much. Theyll try this same server mess first, which will fail due to tiny server populations being the problem (not lazy ppl) then theyll move on to cross server. Problem is theyre bleeding subs so fast at this point, there might not be enough left to carry the game by the time they implement it. Hopefully a lot of the ppl they unsub will come back when they toss the cross server lfg in game, but supposedly (I havent seen any real numbers) most dont come back once they unsub.


---Im guessing BW is hoping server transfers will be a massive success and that they can then maybe do server merges and tell investors " we didnt lose any subs, they just moved to other servers". Guess we will see how it pans out in the end.

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...Im guessing youre on an active server with lots of ppl....the cross server lfg will fill up the empty server.. or at least make the ques for pve and pvp actually pop. .


Dead server will still be dead. How are you going to kill the big bad World elite? Cross server won't help put players on your server, do you understand? And I'm on The Swifture, a standard pop server. No issues with groups

Edited by Skidrowbro
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The supposed reason you list here for a X-Server LFG tool is flawed and misleading.


If ever that blighted tool were added it would not help anyone in any Class Quest, 2 or 4 man Heroics, but if added would be limited to FPs and OPs only.


You also fail to mention any particulars about the "said person" looking for help on a SOLO-ABLE Class quest if of the appropriate level. I say this because I have seen this happen with a level 19 begging for help on a Class Quest against a level 29 Elite. Do your quests and side quests.


No I was showing how "great" community is on pretty much every server. How "helpful" people in general are willing to even help out on a soloable class quest let alone a heroic 4 or a flashpoint quest.


For me the LFG should be for Flashpoints. Heroic 4 quests should just be done away with because its virtually impossible to find people to do the heroic quests even at the best of times. Operations I am not sure if doing a cross server tool would be good because of lockouts. Those should probably still remain server only and is one of the few things I do see people pugging most times on my server at least.


Flashpoints...well since my first character I have rarely gotten to do a flashpoint beyound Black Talon and sadly on my Marauder, which is my newest alt, I even had problems finding someone to run that one and its been downgraded to a 2 man flashpoint instead of a 4 man. My Sniper did BT, and one other flashpoint through the completion of chapter 2. My PT did a couple BT runs then never ran a single flashpoint all the way through completing chapter 2. And I did spend time on fleet spaming general asking for groups or trying to put groups together for hours at times with no success.


Now I was here for about 5 months of beta prior to release. I have done standard quests over and over and over and over and over and over. I am tried of questing. Leveling up SWTOR IS a single player game currently. I prefer to group because its more fun (the whole social thing ya know). Every character I have played since my main has lost out on 90% of the group content simply due to lack of population.


Its not just a LFG tool problem. Its a population problem. Most servers are low population (or as Bioware calls it Standard Population). Yes at launch people QQ about queues so servers where added and added to spread the populations out to prevent the queue's. Now that the population is stabilized or decreasing there are issues with not being able to do group content due to lack of population. Yes Bioware is talking about server transfers...why not just merge servers first? Oh they fear that next update all the thousands of former players will be back and queues will be an issue. Yea but if they don't do something to consolidate populations there might not be many players left come next update.


Merge the servers. Transfers may help some servers but only by destroying other servers. People tend to transfer chasing the populations. Some may want to transfer for guild reasons or friends but in the case of SWTOR transfers are going to be used to move to a more populated server. Why not just merge servers. Create battlegroups and merge 4 or 5 servers together. Then the server based LFG might work for a time because there will be more population per server and the possibility of being able to have more people in level range to actually do group content. But even then after a merge the LFG will not be at full potential as the next group of people leveling up advance past different flash points and people are going to be left behind again stuck playing the single player game ie questing once again. Cross server may face the same issues but with cross server the potential for more people to have players in range of various flashpoints increases thus increasing the possibility that players can complete group content. This is just the leveling up crowd not the end game crowd that I am talking about.


End game LFG maybe able to work server specific for a time but still needs servers to merge first before it will have any real effect. You merge servers as they are currently and its not really going to change much. Only thing it will change is you can go do daily's or something else instead of just standing around fleet spamming general chat for a Hard Mode group. If there are 200 people in fleet (actually fairly rare for any server to have 200 people in fleet anymore) and people spaming general for HM runs are not having any luck find a group how is queuing up into a server specific pool going to make finding a HM run any quicker? Its not plain and simple.


So Merge servers first. Transfers are not going to solve many of the issues every server is facing already. Merge servers then add the server based LFG while working on making it cross server in the next update. That would be the best course to go in any attempt to remedy the problems we face right now.

Edited by Datku
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Atleast two of the four biggest anti cross server lfg tool people here are hardcore roleplayers and have let slip in past posts that they are actualy against it because "it breaks their immersion" to be ported to an instance.


You cant argue with these people, they dont care if the game has 100 full servers or 3 empty ones as long as they have their 4 friends they can rp with in the cantina, and they have absolutely no idea what it takes to make a successful mmo anyway.


But keep arguing logic and facts with them, its painful to do but funny to watch. the other really fanatical one isnt here yet but im betting he will be soon.

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The supposed reason you list here for a X-Server LFG tool is flawed and misleading.


If ever that blighted tool were added it would not help anyone in any Class Quest, 2 or 4 man Heroics, but if added would be limited to FPs and OPs only.


You also fail to mention any particulars about the "said person" looking for help on a SOLO-ABLE Class quest if of the appropriate level. I say this because I have seen this happen with a level 19 begging for help on a Class Quest against a level 29 Elite. Do your quests and side quests.


Incorrect. According to the BioWare podcast, the LFG tool will cover world group content, flashpoints, and story mode ops.


Obviously it won't help with solo content like class quests though.

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Dead server will still be dead. How are you going to kill the big bad World elite? Cross server won't help put players on your server, do you understand? And I'm on The Swifture, a standard pop server. No issues with groups


Instead of arguing with you people im just going to point out your bs and lies.


Although hes trying to make it sound like hes not on a very populated server, the swiftsure is the closest pvp server to the fatman in population. and in the top 3 or 4 most populated servers in the game.

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SO you basically are saying because you didn't get what you want, you are leaving. Cool story bro. Have you ever thought that the problem lies with you? Perhaps your server has you on ignore(just speculating). I personally go out of my way to help other players when I can and in turn I have made a decent sized friends list. Yes some of you got unlucky and are on empty server but cross server will still not fill your server up. And the fact that there is a working LFG tool in game only proves how lazy the players have gotten. They are refusing to use the one in game. It is not broken


Again with the baiting. My server doesn't have me on ignore but thanks for playing.


The "working" LFG tool in the game is working so well BioWare themselves are replacing it. Why do you keep going there?

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Incorrect. According to the BioWare podcast, the LFG tool will cover world group content, flashpoints, and story mode ops.


Obviously it won't help with solo content like class quests though.


he meant x-server wont help in the heroics, and hes right. good thing games are now coming out with x-server zones though and people will be able to x-server group to do heroic missions if bioware can keep up with the tech.

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Instead of arguing with you people im just going to point out your bs and lies.


Although hes trying to make it sound like hes not on a very populated server, the swiftsure is the closest pvp server to the fatman in population. and in the top 3 or 4 most populated servers in the game.


Ohhhhh he's on a PvP server, and a busy one at that. That explains a lot, actually.

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he meant x-server wont help in the heroics, and hes right. good thing games are now coming out with x-server zones though and people will be able to x-server group to do heroic missions if bioware can keep up with the tech.


You mean the AREA-2 and AREA-4's that aren't tucked away in an instance? I'd have to re-listen to the podcast to see if they say anything specific about them but I'd guess that's right, they're not covered.

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Atleast two of the four biggest anti cross server lfg tool people here are hardcore roleplayers and have let slip in past posts that they are actualy against it because "it breaks their immersion" to be ported to an instance..

So for your own selfish greed you want the RPG aspect removed, cool.



You cant argue with these people, they dont care if the game has 100 full servers or 3 empty ones as long as they have their 4 friends they can rp with in the cantina, and they have absolutely no idea what it takes to make a successful mmo anyway..

False accusation


But keep arguing logic and facts with them, its painful to do but funny to watch. the other really fanatical one isnt here yet but im betting he will be soon.

What facts? That WoW has become a barren wasteland except for the citties?

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You mean like all the other threaten to quit posts because of not having one? How mature of you ;)


Because not having one removes part of the game from a lot of people. Who thinks its fun to sit in Fleet for hours and hours spamming for a group and not getting an invite? If they add a LFG it hurts NO ONE, thats right not a single person is hurt by this. It only helps people. If you dont like it dont use it.

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Server transfers/mergers still require people to not be A-holes because the server can put them on ignore and they won't be able to do anything. Sort of like I have done with a particular guild on my server due to ninja looting and other such stuff. Cross server LFG just allows people to click a button and not worry about anything because the people they get paired with will just have to put up with them or wait another hour.



Except no one, except for you, your few buddies, and maybe your guild give a damn about your "blacklist". I know you think you are denying groups of people runs and teaching them a lesson by "blacklisting" them.


You aren't. So much for words like "reprecussions" and "community". Cross Server, once single server has failed, will be coming. Whether you like it or not.

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So for your own selfish greed you want the RPG aspect removed, cool.




False accusation



What facts? That WoW has become a barren wasteland except for the citties?


Are you actively trying to sound like you have no idea what youre talking about? or is this some elaborate drawn out troll?


1) To me greed would be actively compaigning to not have something added to the game that would greatly improve it. because it removed soemthing THAT DOES NOT EVEN EXIST, besides ilum, name one instance you have to travel to right now?


2) Yeah it was just an oppionion, one that i still think is dead on and is proven again by your post and almost every post you have made in any of these threads.


3) Wow's other zones are a barren wastelands because poeple only use them to level and like most older mmos the majority of the population is at 50, and wow is now fixing all of this with x-server zones. How is swtor not having a cross server lfg tool going to put people in the leveling zones?

Edited by Mallorik
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Dead server will still be dead. How are you going to kill the big bad World elite? Cross server won't help put players on your server, do you understand? And I'm on The Swifture, a standard pop server. No issues with groups


I dont care about world elites (tho that is supposedly included in the current inc lfg iteration), all I want is an active que for pvp wzs and pve heroics and maybe raids. Ie instanced content which is very controllable for BW. On a side note... coming from a higher pop server and trying to pass it off as a low pop server is kinda moronic...you know we can see what server youre from and the server pops right?

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What facts? That WoW has become a barren wasteland except for the citties?


Have you looked at the populations of the worlds recently?


Because there is no LFG tool, people who want groups congregate on Fleet. The worlds are a wasteland and (on the lucky populated servers) Fleet has people.


If you get an LFG tool, it might still be the case. But if you get an LFG tool with teleport and BioWare gives us a reason to be on the worlds, the worlds might see more action.

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Lol, you're one of the players saying that SWTOR should be more like WoW. WoW has this give me or I will unsub. WoW has that, give me or I will unsub. See where this is going?


If Bioware can add an X-LFG without nerfing their product into the ground so bad players can complete FP's and Ops, I'm all for it but looking back at WoW and even Rift, it's not a possibility


Where, exactly, did he say he would unsub if he didn't get this? You are all over the place with your complaints. The main theme seems to be you are more concerned with what those around you are doing.


Like I tell my kids: You worry about yourself. Let other people worry about them.

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MoP will solve empty zones by making them cross realm. So, anyone rolling

an alt will see many more people in these zones because they are now cross

realm. Great idea actually.


They've embraced X-server technology and they, along with their 10mil subscribers, laugh in the face of "but.. but... but IT DESTROYS THE COMMUNITY!"

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