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PVP Tank (8man WZ)


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i plan to run with 2 tank. which ac is the best?


atm i'm going with vanguard & shadow tank because i love my ironfist build.


deep down, i feel shadow & guardian would be better coz vanguard dps have good burst.


thx in advance.

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I think this is what most tanks are using as a guide: http://taugrim.com/2012/01/19/understanding-swtors-avoidance-and-mitigation-mechanics-for-tanks-in-pvp/


I draw your attention to this:

Guardians and Juggernauts tanks take the longest time-to-kill: they have multiple bubble mechanics in their tank tree, including Invincible (Warding Call) and Sonic Barrier (Blade Barrier), and these excellent abilities provide mitigation against all damage types.


...and this:

When I run as a tank-spec’d Vanguard, I will likely use a DPS PVP set based on the game mechanics and avoid (no pun intended) the talents related to Melee Defense, Ranged Defense, and Shield Chance, unless they provide some additional benefit (e.g. the Ammo-regen effect from Shield Cycler).


Trooper/PT PvP tanking is second rate, but if you can play smart you can still be more useful than people with crap gear and no clue.

Edited by svartalfimposter
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