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In Game Prices Are Rediculous


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In fairness, the level 2 speeder training is grossly overpriced for being (very) marginally better than speeder level 1. The pricing doesn't make a whole lot of sense, and really if I had designed this game I'd have tried to get speeders down to level 10 or 15 - and I understand that's going to be a legacy possibility, but they were silly to keep sprint till level 10 (1.2 moved sprint to an initial ability) and I think it's at least as silly to keep speeders to level 25 when you really need them at the very beginning of Tatooine if not sooner.


But other than that, I wouldn't say in-game prices are ridiculous, not if you're talking about 1-50 stuff like you seem to be. But yeah, speeders could use a tweak and speeder level 2 could use a buff.

Edited by jgelling
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So so wrong, if one only PvP and have to always send out companions for crafting material one will always be broke and dont afford even half the things one need. But hey i know, this is a PvE game. We all know it, thats why the game have alredy lost mostly PvP subs. But i guess thats what they want.


Very ignorant post.

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the only viable excuse i could hear from the OP is that his server has no population, and as such, there is no market to make credits on. such a person would be forced to use the daily grind, which while profitable, SUCKS.


however, i do not think this is the case. OP, learn how to push N, your crew skill button. stop being terrible.

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It is almost impossible to level up crew skills, repair items when needed, buy crafting materials you dont have, buy new gear and ship parts, and still have anything left for novelties.



1. You should almost NEVER need to repair items. Orange items are a hidden money pit unless you are ALWAYS upgrading them with commendations/quest rewards. And if you ARE upgrading them with commendations/quest rewards, They're still almost as bad money wise as buying blue stuff every so often from the GTN, (and far worse than upgrading via quest rewards). Why? Repair costs. By and large, on your way to 50, the only items you will hold on long enough to need to repair are orange items. And orange items are considerably more expensive to repair than blues. Additionally, if you aren't upgrading purely by commendations/quest rewards, they are significantly more expensive to upgrade as well


2. If you're losing money on crafting and not earning it, you're doing it wrong. The point of crafting is to MAKE money. If you aren't selling stuff for a profit, you shouldn't bother crafting at all. You'd be better off simply buying finished stuff from somebody who IS crafting then spending creds trying/learning to make it yourself.


3. Don't buy novelties, if you're struggling financially. You can change the filter from "trainable" to "all" to see what the next level (or first level) of any skill will cost. Plan accordingly.

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^^^If the shoe fits!.


well for you, apparently it does...

most of us have already been there and done that, if you want to whine and complain instead of listening, well, then you are beyond help... lots of folks have been trying to give you constructive advice, you just refuse to listen, instead, you try to justify more whining

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stop enforcing the stigma that casual equals bad.


For most issues, I'd agree with you on this point. Not this one.

They added a ton of legacy features, yet they are insanely overpriced. It's absurd, and makes no sense.

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I have levelled 4 toons now, 1 of each, my first ended up with about 200k credits at level 50, every other toon has had 1milion + credits after leveling all crew skills and buying speeder level 3 plus aratech scythe.


If you are running short of cash then you are doing something wrong, not to mention how much cash you make from dailies at level 50.

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I donot think the prices for skill upgrades and most things are too high in TOR. The only thing I thought was supid high was the repair droid, mail box and GTN for your ship. But meh....I donot use my ship that much anyway.
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Credits are obtainable at a high enough rate to legitimize high prices. That's all it is is seeing numbers with more zeros than most other MMOs use. I feel the economy is balanced (especially for a new one) and am not intimidated by seeing high numbers, both at the vendors and in my bank.
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I have leveled 3 toons to 50, and have one at level 47. I make all of my toons stand on their own two feet and never send credits between them until after 50. Call me strange IDK its how I play.


I have always had enough money for my training, no matter what it was. Speeders etc. Have also had the cash to purchase the speeders. Two of my toons hit level 50 before the prices were DECREASED. Yes, speeder training has been decreased once since the game was released.


As someone else said, please quit enforcing the casuals = bad stereotype. I don't appreciate it.

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I'm an extremely casual player, and I'm also often too lazy to travel to a GTN in my limited play time, so I end up just vendoring stuff that could have been sold for more to other players. I still have enough credits for all my training, including speeder training and buying the speeders.


In groups, I see a lot of people who only loot the credits and useful equipment and they leave all the vendor trash. Or they skip looting at all if there's no good drop. That trash actually sells for quite a lot if you take it and vendor it consistently. Are you passing up places to make credits?


I'm nowhere close to having wealthy characters, and some prices I've seen on the GTN make me laugh as I'd never be able to pay them, but all the basics are covered fairly easily.

Edited by Rosiett
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) and I think it's at least as silly to keep speeders to level 25 when you really need them at the very beginning of Tatooine if not sooner.


Just noticed this, but I have *never* reached Tattoine before lvl 26. I've always gained access to speeders about halfway through Nar Shadaa. (admittedly, only done republic characters that far. Maybe they gain levels faster?) If you're skipping quests. that may also be a contributing factor to lack of funding.

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Just noticed this, but I have *never* reached Tattoine before lvl 26. I've always gained access to speeders about halfway through Nar Shadaa. (admittedly, only done republic characters that far. Maybe they gain levels faster?) If you're skipping quests. that may also be a contributing factor to lack of funding.


Yeah, the timings are different for Republic and Imperial storylines - in some cases the planets are entirely different as well, even when they're the same.


Anyhow, I'd have to recheck but I'm pretty sure Tatooine is 24-28, and that may be the case for the Republic as well. If you're significantly ahead of that and have an extra 43k on Nar Shadaa - before the huge credit handouts on Tatooine - you must be a huge completionist before then. The game seems to expect everyone to get a speeder on Tatooine, which is why there's a speeder vendor right there and it's bracketed as 24-28.


All I'm saying is speeders should come earlier. Companions should come earlier - they shouldn't be dropping by at level 41 or 42 for the last part of the story, WITHOUT moddable equipment!! Sprint should be more than 15% faster movement - that's not a spint that's a light jog :)


This game makes you waste so much time and money needlessly when it really doesn't have to be like that. There are serious defects in this game's pacing at various points, and I hope they consider just making the game more fun from the beginning instead of allowing Legacy unlocks to fix the more annoying defects in the game.

Edited by jgelling
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I just hit level 40 and went to the trainer and found I had 2 new abilities I could buy for 32k each. I only had 185k so that set me back to only 121k, now I want the speeder liscense level 2 but NO, it costs 150K! We are grinding up the XP to get new levels and as a reward we should get these new abilities for free and not have to pay through the nose for them. It is almost impossible to level up crew skills, repair items when needed, buy crafting materials you dont have, buy new gear and ship parts, and still have anything left for novelties. When my first charater hit 25 and I was able to get speeder ability I was shocked to find out it costs 40k, that was almost every penny I had so I was unable to level crew skills or equipment. The price was later dropped to 35k (big freakin deal) but to go from level one 35k to level two 150k, thats just insane. No one in my guild has trained level 2 speeder because its such a ripoff. If you want to put in special items at level 50 so the people that play all the time and have tons of money can buy them thats fine but you are killing the game for the casual player.


1) There's no "e" in "ridiculous"

2) Speeder training 3 nets you a whopping 10% boost. Finger twirl.

3) I trained everything at level 40, don't play the market much, and still had about 650k left over.


IE: You're doing it wrong. Stop trying to "grind" through. Run the quests. Enjoy the stories. Sell the rewards that aren't usable to you or your other party members. If it's green, vendor it. If it's blue or better, give it a go at the GTN if you like; otherwise, sell that too.


Why should they nerf the prices for a minority of players who can't seem to manage their wallets? Did you walk into the grocery store, complain that the price on Hot Pockets was too excessive to allow you to buy those AND an ice cream bar? If you did, did they laugh before or AFTER throwing you out? :)


Seriously, I just don't get it - people are okay with having to earn the experience, but for some reason having to earn the money is taboo.

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OP is right. Many of the trainer-bought skills become exorbitant at 30+. Same goes for many gathering missions.


That is because your earning go up with each 10 levels. When you send your comp out to sell junk he comes back with more money. Expand your inventory that will help with money returns when selling trash.


I have read quite a few posts in here, about don't focus on crafting until 47+, yadda yadda, but I focus on crafting, and REing as soon as I can, and sell the stuff I learn on the GTN. I have never had money issues. Usually I gain around 100k+ / 10 levels...so at 30, I have around 300k.


There is really no money issue when it comes to trainers, or vendors. Now the GTN can get expensive, but if you are buying your mats, rather then collecting and doing missions, that is why.


Also, don't forget to send your comps on lower crafting missions, you will get greater returns in crafting mats.

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