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Pugs ruin pvp


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Great Thread, alienate the PUGS so they no longer queue. Soon even the Heavy servers will be low and you'll be begging anyone to queue just to get a WZ to pop. This is what happens on our server.

If BW actually implemented ranked 8 man warzones as promised in 1.2, this thread would be replaced with. The ranking system must be broke thread.

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PvP is PvP, if you don't like PUGs take a pre-made, if you don't like that then hell what are you doing?


Yes some people are terrible but I'm sure they're trying, the worst thing you can do is whine at them as effectively it takes 2 people out of the group not 1.



Someone not doing it right? How about ask if they need help? Strange concept I know but give it a try.



Also without PUGs and Pre-mades there wouldn't be any warzones so chill and enjoy.



I totally crap my pants everytime I see a guy called Iceinferno on my server because I know he's a beast. He can roll up on his own or with a pre-made either way his team are most likely going to win.


I don't get paid to play this game. I am not here to teach. I am not here to get along with you. I am here to play with my "elitest" friends. If you were on my server you would fear me also...GUARANTEE IT. Give me 8 man q's so i can see more Premades ruin pvp threads.

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I think some of you guys are giving pre-mades to much credit. All it is, is 4 people that decided to queue together. Being in a pre-made does not give you some special pvp power. All it is going to give you is better communication. Even then, when im grouped with my guild, we really don't talk much about the game. Maybe a ”hey, need help on west”, but mostly just talking. Nothing I would not have said in chat already.


A lot of people say that without the pre-made the players are not that good. So your saying that you are losing because bad players are grouping with other bad players? No. You are losing because they are better than you. And thats how this games works, you lose to the better team.

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I think some of you guys are giving pre-mades to much credit. All it is, is 4 people that decided to queue together. Being in a pre-made does not give you some special pvp power. All it is going to give you is better communication. Even then, when im grouped with my guild, we really don't talk much about the game. Maybe a ”hey, need help on west”, but mostly just talking. Nothing I would not have said in chat already.


A lot of people say that without the pre-made the players are not that good. So your saying that you are losing because bad players are grouping with other bad players? No. You are losing because they are better than you. And thats how this games works, you lose to the better team.


Maybe you missed it was 6v8. Two players were doing nothing = 4v8. L2Read.

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PUGs don't ruin this game's PvP. Class imbalance does (and if you deny the fact that there are class imbalances, you're even less knowledgeable regarding PvP than your OP indicates).


There are definately some class imbalances. Even then though - I recently ranked an alt scoundrel to 50. On day one, I had full recruit from hanging out in Tattooine at rank 49, plus from the comms I had my battlemaster offhand and I finished top damage, top kills, top killing blows, top solo kills in all but 1 match that day. This is as a painfully squishy scoundrel scrapper that got nailed with the nerf stick a billion times and is not particularly good without stims or adrenals in recruit gear against marauders and juggernauts galore...


When my recruit gear is consistently outperforming the battlemaster geared sentinels on our groups, it's because those sentinels are bad. Not because I'm superman or something.

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A lot of people say that without the pre-made the players are not that good. So your saying that you are losing because bad players are grouping with other bad players? No. You are losing because they are better than you. And thats how this games works, you lose to the better team.


In our guild we turn the silly putty that people join as into hardened steel. Well, maybe not all that but we at least help them not be total newbs. The problem with the pugs is that they don't know a good rotation, they don't know how to gear, they don't know what the strategies are, they don't know how to play the game...and if you try to whisper them to give them tips they get hurt feelings like you just ***** their mom.

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I couldn't tell are you serious? Your medals mean jack. When more than half your team is trying to win. Have fun with ur solo q's. On a low pop server there is even less reason to solo q. Maybe no one on your server likes you. Dunno Gratz?


I hear this a lot but how exactly do you "win" without getting any medals? Even in Huttball it doens't hurt your chances of winning to kill someone once in a while or score a point. This might've held weight in December but it is impossible to be "focusing on the game" and never kill anyone, heal anyway, defend a point, kill a ball carrier, score with the ball, pass the ball, etc. You get medals for all those things, so if you have no medals what exactly are you doing?

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I find it astounding how few people seem to be able to recognize this thread for what it is... a response to the anti-premade threads in order to make the point of how ridiculous it is to ask that either group be alienated.
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I don't get paid to play this game. I am not here to teach. I am not here to get along with you. I am here to play with my "elitest" friends. If you were on my server you would fear me also...GUARANTEE IT. Give me 8 man q's so i can see more Premades ruin pvp threads.


This !! :D

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I don't get paid to play this game. I am not here to teach. I am not here to get along with you. I am here to play with my "elitest" friends. If you were on my server you would fear me also...GUARANTEE IT. Give me 8 man q's so i can see more Premades ruin pvp threads.


Oh its true... Its damn true!


also you would fear him... i have seen it.

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If you rely on getting grouped with people you know will carry your sorry *** in WZs maybe you should l2p. I can't group queue all the time anymore because 90% of my server unsubbed. You know what I did? I solo queued and learned how to actually play my classes on each WZ. When you rack up 15 medals a WZ.........


Anyway, the skill ceiling in this game isn't that high. Read a guide or something, learn to carry your team, and type constructive stuff to your teammates and guess what, maybe you'll start winning.


PUGs don't ruin this game's PvP. Class imbalance does (and if you deny the fact that there are class imbalances, you're even less knowledgeable regarding PvP than your OP indicates). Next comes the cheat engine. Lastly, players with attitudes like yours contribute a lot to this game's overall trashiness.


I consider anyone who thinks "pvp is ruined" clueless. Also, people who blame balance for anything.

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I consider anyone who thinks "pvp is ruined" clueless. Also, people who blame balance for anything.


you're right... pvp isnt ruined!!!


something that does not exsist cannot be ruined. pvp is more just a myth at this point.

Edited by RiP_AzaZeL
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Oh its true... Its damn true!


also you would fear him... i have seen it.


Not really... he just talks **** in WZs..


Best part is he likes to talk **** to PUG groups... while he is in a PREMADE... It is sad actually

I guess it makes him feel special.

Keep spamming your pebbles :D


Nobody fears him... none that I have saw anyways.

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Not really... he just talks **** in WZs..


Best part is he likes to talk **** to PUG groups... while he is in a PREMADE... It is sad actually

I guess it makes him feel special.

Keep spamming your pebbles :D


Nobody fears him... none that I have saw anyways.


u bitter cause no one even knows who you are? lol.


Michael is easily the best sage/sorc on our server along with number.


dont hate cause ur an after thought on a server with 20 good players.

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u bitter cause no one even knows who you are? lol.


Michael is easily the best sage/sorc on our server along with number.


dont hate cause ur an after thought on a server with 20 good players.


LMAO... YOUR gobbling of his exterior male parts does not make it true :D

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LMAO... YOUR gobbling of his exterior male parts does not make it true :D


ah yes... recognizing talent, and backing a teammate is gobbling his exterior male parts... this makes plenty of sense.


also, have u ever killed anything? they day you lead damage with a sage come talk to us.

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First, I don't run in premades any more as virtually all my guild left the game. Most is 2 of us running together in vent.


Second - premades need to get over themselves that just because there is up to 4 of them on Vent that this makes them good players. It does not.


The whole of the OPs argument is based on the presumption premades are good. Usually they are not, at least on my server. Even on "my" side there are times I'd rather be Q'd with 4 randoms than some of the regular premades I get thrown in with. Hell even the main PVE guild on my server has premades in PVP now I'd rather be with than some of the "elite" PVP guilds who just whine their heads off if they get put up against another premade and can't just be lazy, play badly and still win. Seems if they can't whine, play badly and win they just quit the WZ. Which I'm happy for them to do in all honesty.


But more to the point - the real problem with players in premades is that when they solo queue they usually get destroyed, they simply haven't learned to contribute anything solo when pugging it. I'm sure that is closer to the truth of the OPs original request to take away solo Q's ;)

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But op had a point, while he is also quite clueless. Succesful pvp and wzs need separate que for premades and randoms, but also cross server wzs at this point. Probably the cross-server option would not be needed if there had been separate ques in the beginning, more ppl would be still playing.


It's so boring being on premade facerolling pugs and vice versa. Happens in every mmo.


But i like pvp anyways, mostly been pugging whole swtor pvp and it's ok for me, don't know why op has so much problems if 4 of his group are randoms.

Edited by Deesasther
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If you can't beat a 4 man premade or full pug group with your own 4 man premade your team sucks l2p. If you're saying your always going up against 8 man premades with your 4 man your luck sucks, buy a horseshoe or a rabbits foot or something before you fall in a ditch. Seriously I'm worried about you. :)
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ah yes... recognizing talent, and backing a teammate is gobbling his exterior male parts... this makes plenty of sense.


also, have u ever killed anything? they day you lead damage with a sage come talk to us.


Really? I don't play a sage nor do I have any desire to... Im a tank. And damage does not mean **** if your team is not playing objectives. I play objectives.


My point is he likes to talk smack to people with a clear disadvantage of being in a pug group while he is in a premade. Then get on here and say how it is ruining PVP.


And then you say people fear him.... really fear? More like annoyed at someone getting their rocks off and acting like they are superior when they are premade using voice coms vs pug. Looks smug and stupid at the same time.


If ANYONE had a dedicated premade with heals/dps and someone tossing taunts/guard they should win against a pug group it is expected. If not, I would make fun of you for being bads.


I am discontinuing this conversation because these posts will be deleted anyways. I just wanted to point out his arrogance to pug groups so more people can see the big picture of OPs attitude and the reasoning behind his post. I could not resist after the "YOU WOULD FEAR ME I GUARANTEE IT" post. It made me giggle.

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I am pvp veteran. And I love PUGs.


I havent calculated but I have must done like over 2000 battlegrounds in WoW ii few years and few hundred warzones here atleast. If you feel frustrated by pugs because they aren't perfect you just haven't played much.


I've seen other side being overrun like 9/10 of games because faction imbalance and people crying before game 'I hope this ends soon to our loss'. In WoW. I've seen people doing all same stupid mistakes all over again. I've been frustrared .


But really pvp in Swtor is pretty nice. Imbalances here are nothing compared what I've experienced before. Game is pretty forgiving and skill cap isn't awfully big. Game has pretty nice balance overall in pvp. More I've played Swtor pvp more I've come to this conclusion.


Why I love pugs? Well nothing is more boring than pro-atheletic teams figthing each other. They always end to do same best things. Games become boooring. As long as there are pugs and amateurs, games will unpredictable and surprising.


So enjoy pugs. Yeah they frustrate maybe but there is always next pug.

Edited by Jetflair
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Pugs lower the bar for PvP so low that yes I agree they are ruining it.


Pugs would not be ruining PvP if they:


Called incoming

Called out a strat at the start of the match

Followed the strat layed out by someone at the start rather than flaming them and not suggesting another plan

Passed the huttbal

Grounded the huttball

CCed near objectives

Didn't break CC near objectives

Actually attempted to rally from behind instead of leaving/afking/flaming each other

Bought recruit gear

And so much more!


That said premades do their fair share, I love when premades use oddball strats, don't tell the rest of the WZ and then flame their pugs when they basically threw the game. This happened to the opposing team in CW the other day, the premade went right but failed to interrupt the cap and we ended up 3 capping them.

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