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Will Bioware bring playable races that doesn't look like colored humans?


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There are just 3 species which are either just recolors or feature small anatomical features which I wouldn't mind seeing as playable which are Togruta, Zeltron and Falleen. But of course playable Wookiee, Rodian and Trandoshan are a must.
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There are just 3 species which are either just recolors or feature small anatomical features which I wouldn't mind seeing as playable which are Togruta, Zeltron and Falleen. But of course playable Wookiee, Rodian and Trandoshan are a must.


Wookiee will never happen, I fear. It would be pretty awesome though.


I want Nautolan to be a playable race more than anything. In fact I was shocked that the Cathar got in before Nautolans.

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Why don't people understand this...


If you are going to strip something down and call everything "just a human with different things on it and colors" EVERYTHING is a human then.


By the way..everything you play in mmos is a humanoid. Accept it, and have fun. Besides, they will come in time. Things don't happen overnight. And those who want it to happen overnight..wel..I don't know what to say

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  • 4 weeks later...

Going to necro a bit this topic since I came back from Spain.


But I wanted to say, I've been recently watching some of the cgi Clone Wars serie seasons (the later ones are amazing) and I loved how there is such a variety of species when you see a city or see a new planet, Bioware should learn from SW and see if they can properly grasp the SW flavor.


also, since I was away, did they announce more upcoming playbale species or not?

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Why don't people understand this...


If you are going to strip something down and call everything "just a human with different things on it and colors" EVERYTHING is a human then.


By the way..everything you play in mmos is a humanoid. Accept it, and have fun. Besides, they will come in time. Things don't happen overnight. And those who want it to happen overnight..wel..I don't know what to say




Wookiee may be humaniod, but it is certainly not just a different coloured human.


However all the playable races in SWTOR at the moment are basically that, barring the odd head growth.





It's strange that it's so difficult for them in SWTOR, as an average fantasy based MMORPG will release with all manner of races, Humans, Dwarves, Orges, Trolls, Lizardmen (with tails) etc. etc.

............... having said that WAR never managed a /sit animaton so you never know what somehow becomes "impossible". :eek:

Edited by Goretzu
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People who want to play exotic species is a minority, yet the work required to make all the gear and animations work on a single exotic specie simply outweighs the benefit. The majority of players prefer humanoid-species whom they can more easily relate with, as such more work is done of those species.


Had BioWare introduced species, chances are those species will have: 1. awkward animations, 2. nearly all the gear in the game do not show up, or only show up in a very limited number of forms, 3. no proper VO, only alien gibberish. Only in such circumstances can the amount of work be justified. Yet if that had happened then I'm certain there will be even more complaints. As a result BioWare chose the safer option of not introducing those species as playable characters at all.


People who wanted non rubber forehead humans were not the minority, they just disagreed on which alien species should win out over others. If you could go back to many of the pre-release poles, you'd find that number of votes for something other than humanoid won out over humanoid.


Rodians are humanoids, no change to animations or gear required. Trandoshan, Togruta, Mon Cal, Devaronian, Weequay, and Cathar are all companion characters that were designed to wear player gear, so any of those could have easily been a playable race. There are examples of Trandos speaking basic as well. The decision to use rubber forehead aliens was argued for by Daniel Ericson with his infamous "Princess Leia" defense. To paraphrase, if you couldn't imaging your character kissing Princess Leia, then it wouldn't see the light of day as a playable species. Which is funny since I guess the female trooper can get down with some furry action, and that isn't weird.

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You dont get it ...


For a playable race they need to fit that race into a system that allows for a lot of different looking specimen of the same race (player-character-creation) ... dont you see that this is the main problem for any of the NPC races in the game to become a playable race?

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I hope Bioware do bring some more interesting species in.


At the moment its far too limited and needs to be feel more like an MMO and less like KOTOR 3 where you have to play a human as its linked to aspects of the story that can't be changed as was the case in KOTOR.

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i think they will put a lot of races in time

its just not a priority now

they have other issues to work on

thats it , imho


Can't see how they are going to make it, Bioware is incredibly slow, maybe well see playable ithorians or trandoshans in 10 years...

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ok the alien speak well the clone wars cartoon made zero the hutt speak basic as they felt that kids would have a hard time with alien speak they can do the same here.


hell apart from wookies who physically cant speak basic i know of no other species that cant (maybe ithorian) so there would be no need for alien VO.


as for the looks well no matter how much people complain trandos are just human skinned lizards and rodians are human with fly heads these species that people are still classed as humaniod as they have 2 legs and 2 arms and a head.


non humans are hutts geonosins kaminoins ect

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Let's be honest here - when you have a company that openly brags about how this game had one of the highest budgets in history (http://herocomplex.latimes.com/2012/01/20/star-wars-the-old-republic-the-story-behind-a-galactic-gamble/#/0), why is the character customization so sub-par? When games that have far less budget to work with come out with unique bodies and faces for each race, why can't EA?


In Tor you can play as a human, a blind human, a green human, a blue human, a horned human, etc... that's just not what I think about when I think "Star Wars"...

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People who want to play exotic species is a minority, yet the work required to make all the gear and animations work on a single exotic specie simply outweighs the benefit. The majority of players prefer humanoid-species whom they can more easily relate with, as such more work is done of those species.


Had BioWare introduced species, chances are those species will have: 1. awkward animations, 2. nearly all the gear in the game do not show up, or only show up in a very limited number of forms, 3. no proper VO, only alien gibberish. Only in such circumstances can the amount of work be justified. Yet if that had happened then I'm certain there will be even more complaints. As a result BioWare chose the safer option of not introducing those species as playable characters at all.


Just because YOU don't want to play exotic species, doesn't make everyone else the minority.



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Criteria for a playable species in SWTOR is the voices have to be normal and able to do basic. Yes some species can speak basic but it sounds awkward. Like you get extra vibrations in the voice and such. But, they won't do anything to add extra effects to another species for voice overs. People would complain that their own race doesnt have unique features like that, and it would never stop.


The other issue, awkward romances. The romance can not look awkward. They have to have humanoid features, meaning legs, arms, body, normal shaped head, and a pair of human lips. They have to look like they make sense in romances.


You may not care for romances, but someone else will. And the complaints won't stop there, people will continue to complain.


Some species faces would clip weird. Example, a trandoshan kissing someone, their face will clip through the other persons face.

Why would they go through the trouble of shifting things around completely for one race when they don't do that for any race? They just have a general body shape going through motions, and skin your character over it for the correct body size.

And when a trando did kiss someone, with what lips? He's an alligator.

Imagine a rodian kiss. Sucking on the face like a giant fly?



As others said theres the armor issue. Some of you say oh it's ok if we have less armor. Others won't be ok with it.


How many people complain that twi'leks cant wear hoods? Or complain that their helmets won't let their tentacles flow out like SWG did?


Theres also the customization issues. Lets say a Kaleesh. They all wear a mask. Would we, the next 100,000 kaleesh players or so, be the only ones in existence not to wear a mask?


This isn't SWG, you can't have those races in this game mainly because it's a story driven MMO which SWG was not. SWG was all text based, just like WoW. You could speak any language, and it would just generate gibberish for everyone else to read. There is an emulator for SWG, but I hear it's not that good and that they can be selective.

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Criteria for a playable species in SWTOR is the voices have to be normal and able to do basic.


Criteria from whom may I ask? Was this same criteria applied when Georges Lucas made us listen to species speaking in another language other than basic in the movies?


I, for one, wouldn't mind playing a character that speaks something else other than English/Basic, not only it would add more flavor to the player character, but also because I have no problem whatsoever reading SUBTITLES.

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Criteria from whom may I ask? Was this same criteria applied when Georges Lucas made us listen to species speaking in another language other than basic in the movies?


I, for one, wouldn't mind playing a character that speaks something else other than English/Basic, not only it would add more flavor to the player character, but also because I have no problem whatsoever reading SUBTITLES.


The difference is that those characters who don't speak basic aren't main characters and don't have many lines. Also, they are usually talking to someone who speaks basic, for translation.


ex: Chewbacca and Han, R2-D2 and C-3P0.


"Leia: I thought you knew this person.

Chewbacca: [Chewie barks something to Han]

Han Solo: Well, that was a long time ago, I'm sure he's forgotten about that.



They are big characters in the SW franchise but you don't see Chewbacca making long winded speeches.


Your main character in SWTOR has the MOST lines in your story. I, personally, would not select a species who didn't speak basic. However, I support the idea. If you can go through 50 hours of your main character saying the same recycled 10-15 phrases in some alien language with the subtitles underneath...then that's great I suppose.


Criteria for a playable species in SWTOR is the voices have to be normal and able to do basic. Yes some species can speak basic but it sounds awkward. Like you get extra vibrations in the voice and such. But, they won't do anything to add extra effects to another species for voice overs. People would complain that their own race doesnt have unique features like that, and it would never stop.


When your main character puts on a helmet or a mask they have a filter that alters the character's voice. I'm sure the could re-use the same voice actors work for each class and add a filter to each, just like with helmets, pretty easily.


Everything else you said, I agree with and understand.

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. If you can go through 50 hours of your main character saying the same recycled 10-15 phrases in some alien language with the subtitles underneath...then that's great I suppose.


I suppose it is too much to ask for some flavor and variety in a game based on a fantasy universe called Star Wars, by all means, let's go back to generic human hero clone n°73549484135441135 , just like in real life, in a mmorpg, totally amazing.


My goodness, even old mmorpgs like WoW managed to pull a fantasy world with fun species to play, but I guess you can't compare a 10+ millions fanbase with another 1 million (and decaying) fanbase who wants to only play "human in space", can't argue with the numbers right?

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If you can go through 50 hours of your main character saying the same recycled 10-15 phrases in some alien language with the subtitles underneath...then that's great I suppose.


As if it isn't pretty much like this already with them using basic. How many times have you heard yourself say the same crap over and over again whenever you pick one of the three options given to you?

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As if it isn't pretty much like this already with them using basic. How many times have you heard yourself say the same crap over and over again whenever you pick one of the three options given to you?


Not that often... I know the generic quotes you are talking about but those specific lines make up such a small portion of the game. I've heard my Jedi Knight say "Tell me the whole story...and a little slower this time" a few times, but that makes up such a small percent compared to his other unique lines.


And I'm not sure if your agreeing with me or against the idea. I don't like hearing recycles lines when they speak basic...true. So, that would be even worse if it was a non-basic speaking species which would make up 90% of the dialogue.


I suppose it is too much to ask for some flavor and variety in a game based on a fantasy universe called Star Wars, by all means, let's go back to generic human hero clone n°73549484135441135 , just like in real life, in a mmorpg, totally amazing.


My goodness, even old mmorpgs like WoW managed to pull a fantasy world with fun species to play, but I guess you can't compare a 10+ millions fanbase with another 1 million (and decaying) fanbase who wants to only play "human in space", can't argue with the numbers right?


If anything WOW had more clones than anything...none of your characters talked...and so they were all the same... You get to look different but your 'blood elf paladin' was the same for all the other paladins...make that every other class/race combo you can think of.


WOW and SWTOR are different in that SWTOR is story driven and with all of the constraints that were listed in the this thread it makes it hard to have a wookie species option.


I'm not saying I'm against it (although i wouldn't play a wookie, personally) I'm saying given what we have it's not exaclty possible for the developers to include.


I would accept more non-human species... but I (and a few other people in here) are trying to explain to you WHY it's rather unlikly. Don't get mad at me, I'm not trying to limit your character customization options...

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WOW and SWTOR are different in that SWTOR is story driven and with all of the constraints that were listed in the this thread it makes it hard to have a wookie species option.


The problem is, for so much being a story driven game, your character, besides it's look, has the same story as the rest of the pple playing the same class...Oh yeah ,you can go LS or DS, so that would be like what, 50% of the same class players? Not to mention having the same voice, the same companions, the same background... isn't that a bit sad when playing an mmorpg? would have fared much better as a single player game.

And beside, it's not like we were talking of Hugo award winning quality writting to be honest, so, IMO I'd pick a silent Trandoshan over Saving Buddy/Killing Buddy storyline any day.

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The problem is, for so much being a story driven game, your character, besides it's look, has the same story as the rest of the pple playing the same class...Oh yeah ,you can go LS or DS, so that would be like what, 50% of the same class players? Not to mention having the same voice, the same companions, the same background... isn't that a bit sad when playing an mmorpg? would have fared much better as a single player game.

And beside, it's not like we were talking of Hugo award winning quality writting to be honest, so, IMO I'd pick a Trandoshan over Saving Buddy/Killing Buddy storyline any day.


(Some class stories have multiple paths and endings)


What game has more than 8 class stories out there? As far as MMOs go, and I'll pick WOW as my example...


...WOW has zero (0) stories in that game. And by that I mean to exagerate a bit but I was never engaged into it's story but you could argue it has 1.


I'm surprised you think the character diversity is lacking in SWTOR. I mean there is no other game like it. No other MMO has companions, let alone fully voice acted companions... how is that 'sad' for an MMO? That blows my mind and makes no sense to me.


There are 16 voice actors for this game. 2 for each class (male and female) and that is going above and beyond in the world of MMOs.


I personally feel that my characters all feel unique, dispite the same voice (when that ever comes up).


I don't see how anyone would sacrifice all that SWTOR has done for story driven MMOs...just to be able to have character who look different like orcs and elves...

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I'm surprised you think the character diversity is lacking in SWTOR. I mean there is no other game like it. No other MMO has companions, let alone fully voice acted companions... how is that 'sad' for an MMO? That blows my mind and makes no sense to me.


Is that what you really seek in an mmo? Not me, I couldn't care less having fully voiced Mako number 325471 walking on the fleet and crossing other Makos. I couldn't care less if my BH is fully voiced by an actor, nor the Jedi Knight, nor the Imperial Agent, when I play mmo, I want to to create my own character, imagine HIS story and go on with it.

If I want to play a fully voiced hero then I play The Witcher 2 instead thank you very much.


You also mentioned, the whole movie deal about heroes being humans and species just being as companions or something like that, it's all fine and dandy, unless you forget creatures like Jabba, Maul or even Grievous, sure they are not heroes, but they left they print on us, and I care more about them than I did for human republic soldier in episode 4, and we are only talking about the movies.

In a videogame, we should have the possibility of playing any of these species if we wanted to, and you know what? For other franchises (Alien vs Predator for example?) people LOVED it.

Maybe you can't grasp why people would want to play as a Trandoshan, who would speak non Basic, but hey, if it blows your mind, it blows your mind...


I will never understand how some people get so traumatized when somebody proposes something as playing a specie other than generic human, is this a complexion thing? a form of racism? Hopefully we're speaking about fictional species, imagine if people argued about the color of the characters.

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I will never understand how some people get so traumatized when somebody proposes something as playing a specie other than generic human, is this a complexion thing? a form of racism? hopefully we're speaking about fictional special, imagine if people argued about the color of the characters.


I said it blew my mind that you think that one of SWTOR's greatest aspects was one of it's greatest flaws. You didn't read what I wrote. If you did you'd know that I said...


I would accept more non-human species... but I (and a few other people in here) are trying to explain to you WHY it's rather unlikly. Don't get mad at me, I'm not trying to limit your character customization options...


And +1 for randomly throwing racism on the table...that's-- that's... relevant.

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