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Will Bioware bring playable races that doesn't look like colored humans?


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I would like to make an Ahsoka.. what race is she?


(I don't normally roll girls as I can't relate, being a guy and all.. but I would roll one to make an Ahsoka).



She is a Togruta. It was the one race I wanted to play most. Also the race selection is a fairly lazy choice on Bioware's part imo.

Edited by USMCjv
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In my opinion that's exactly the reason why it is not suited for rpg to gave story as the MOST important thing. When you role play with friends, in a table, you can develop the story because you can have some improvisation. You react to people choices, slightly guide them to the part you have designed better, and finally they look at all the wonderful content you have designed. When I gamemaster SW RPG, i have TONS of schematics, maps, npc characters designs (specially modified with photoshop) because I thnk it is worth the effort. Every person has ever played with me has enjopyed so much that they want to replay and replay. BUT in a videogame, you can't have such improvisation available, and you CAN'T have EVERY option in mind, so you have to be LINEAR and to do the players go where you want. That's why i feel like strong story in a videogame is against the whole concept of role playing. In an open world, you decide to do kill x or else. If you tie he players to story, then you have no feeling of choice.
Roleplaying is not purely about giving players and characters total choice though. While that's been the case for Roleplaying GAMES that's been the case since the D&D days, but role-playing overall has historically been the task of being assigned a character and a situation, and act it out. I argue that story is the most important thing in RPG's, wether its a video game or a tabletop, because it's the justification for doing whatever it is that you or the group is doing. Sure, the players have a say in the events of the game, but there is still a narrative to be had. Yes, a videogame rpg does not give the inherrent flexibility of tabletop games, but that is solely a limitation set by the technology of the times.


I mean come on, we've only just recently had fully voiced RPG's for a few years.


I know story makes this title GREAT, i have enjoyed a lot, but i see that story has been a problem with freedom of choices not only in the form of lack of aliens (that a lot of people regret) but to a lot more options that could have been included and they aren't. Character stats on rails, species related to allegiance, imposed companions, few and locked starships... I feel all this "restrictions" are because of the story point
You hit the nail right on the head sir.

To me (IMO, again) it is a matter of "balance". If you have to take out of a role playing game "options and freedom" (that are its MAIN characteristic) to include "great story" (most suited for other genres) the players would suggest you have chosen wrong. It happens that strong point of this videogame is what, in fact, gives it that solid aspect of not being able to do nothing more than what we are suposed to do
I know somebody is going give me **** for this, but it's the people who design the game that deside what you are "supposed" to do, not the players.

There's also an economic factor in this. People aren't going to buy and subscribe to an MMO that is WoW (or any other mmo) with Star Wars on the box. Game designers in particular don't WANT to make a game that is identical to something else on the market.

TOR is trying something different here, but it seems to me that alot of people just picked up the game because it was an MMO with Star Wars on the box, anticipating it was going to be just like (insert favored MMO here), and were shocked when it wasn't.


Soomeone would like it (the story is great) but others would complain about lack of whatever. If we don't have options and customization in a role playing game, should we look for options in another genre??
If that's what you think is the most important thing, than yes. It's easier for you to find the game that you like than for Bioware to change it into one that is.


Following the example of tabletop rpg, wonder if i did such a great adventure, so well done and so well balanced that when my friends come to play, instead of leting them choose their character i would say "no, i am sorry, you CAN'T rol a wookie today as i have not photoshoped any "white wookie" this time, instead take that bounty hunter because i have managed to modify GREAT photographs of Boba Fett with different colours, and it suits better my story". Fail. I can write the best story ever, but if my friends MUST have the character I want, i'd rather write a novel and let them read.
Believe it or not there are GM's out there that are like that.
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People who want to play exotic species is a minority, yet the work required to make all the gear and animations work on a single exotic specie simply outweighs the benefit. The majority of players prefer humanoid-species whom they can more easily relate with, as such more work is done of those species.


Had BioWare introduced species, chances are those species will have: 1. awkward animations, 2. nearly all the gear in the game do not show up, or only show up in a very limited number of forms, 3. no proper VO, only alien gibberish. Only in such circumstances can the amount of work be justified. Yet if that had happened then I'm certain there will be even more complaints. As a result BioWare chose the safer option of not introducing those species as playable characters at all.


I take it you are a spokesperson for Bioware yes?


Everything you wrote is your strange, limited point of view.

Only a minority would play an alien species? You know that of course.

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I just want to know why when asked about new races, I meant species, Emmanuel starts talking about the Voss? Who in the Hell is asking to play as the Voss, who wants to be the rainbow splash humans? I coulda sworn the majority of the people asking to play as a new species want to play an alien that does not have a human shaped head.
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i would love droids for agents/smugglers and bounty hunters/troopers, and there are so many different types of droids in star wars that they have plenty to choose from.


make body type 1 the small droids like the army in episode 2, body type 2 something similar to the HK's, body type 3 the bigger battle droids like the ones R2 burned in the hanger in episode 3, and body type 4 could be the droideka's which could be awesome if they make the run animation them tucking into a ball and rolling haha.

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Roleplaying is not purely about giving players and characters total choice though. While that's been the case for Roleplaying GAMES that's been the case since the D&D days, but role-playing overall has historically been the task of being assigned a character and a situation, and act it out. I argue that story is the most important thing in RPG's, wether its a video game or a tabletop, because it's the justification for doing whatever it is that you or the group is doing. Sure, the players have a say in the events of the game, but there is still a narrative to be had. Yes, a videogame rpg does not give the inherrent flexibility of tabletop games, but that is solely a limitation set by the technology of the times.


I mean come on, we've only just recently had fully voiced RPG's for a few years.


mmm... don't understand. You say roleplaying historically are not about giving total choice to characters, (That's EXACTLY what they are about).




As the text shows, there is a narrative where the players evolve, and the setting has to give a sense of a narrative experience so it doesn't have to have a strongly-definded storyline So just like most rpg publishers and the author says:


INTERACTIVITY is the CRUCIAL difference between rpg and traditional fiction (reading a book, watching a movie or TELLING A STORY).


In THIS (mmo) role playing game the players have NOT a say in the events. And story IS NOT modified in any way. Other videogames that even aren't called rpg allow you to interact (Heavy Rain, for example, and of course, as STORY is the most important part in THIS other genre of movie-like videogames, they DON'T allow you to choose character, because are centered of story telling and how it evolves depending on YOUR decisions). In fact this ROLE PLAYING VIDEOGAME gives you limited choices in a moment when MOST videogames (even in OTHER genres) bet strongly for customization of all kinds. And still say that it is normal because the story is what really matters? Anyway, story doesn't have to be nothing about the species i can choose, It is not a MUST, a good story doesn't mean it has to have voices, and of course a good story doesn't mean i can't have the character i prefer most.

So if that particular way of rpg doesn't allow to evolve the story, the other critical characteristic is that some rpg (specially videogames) are about developing YOUR character. You say it is not important, and it is strictly what the videogame rpg has to offer, since the custom options in story are more difficult to obtain, and are only restricted to slightly changes or different endings (that this title doesn't have).

Then another characteristic of role playing videogames is that instead of promoting role-playing, as it is difficult in electronic version, they promote persistent worlds. of course persistent worlds CHANGE with interaction. swtor doesn't. And doesn't have a persistent world that is alive and changing while i am offline, and neither changes because players interaction.


I know somebody is going give me **** for this, but it's the people who design the game that deside what you are "supposed" to do, not the players.

There's also an economic factor in this. People aren't going to buy and subscribe to an MMO that is WoW (or any other mmo) with Star Wars on the box. Game designers in particular don't WANT to make a game that is identical to something else on the market.

TOR is trying something different here, but it seems to me that alot of people just picked up the game because it was an MMO with Star Wars on the box, anticipating it was going to be just like (insert favored MMO here), and were shocked when it wasn't.


Of course that's what they pretended, to sell a game only because it says star wars in the box, of course that's why they have not done nothing to improve gameplay, just their "innovation" of voices is enough to make it different, sure, nobody has ever designed a videogame that actually has voices... Since LucasArts Monkey Island 3 VIDEOGAMES DO HAVE VOICES. And if devs wanted to do something different from what it is on the market they should have take a look at other videogame called world of warcraft, perhaps they would have seen that most of what they designed in swtor was already there and perhaps they would have tried to change their gameplay, or you think that added voices have made everyone blind?. Perhaps even taking some good ideas of a dissapeared game, called star Wars galaxies, could have been a good idea. Not the whole concept, as they are not able to do such a deep and enriched universe that even didn't need a story to be developed, but some ideas. Because, you may find it incredible, but lots of players that PLAY videogames likes the way the videogame is PLAYED rather than the story. To enjoy a story you can read a novel, and of course most stories in books are much better than "oh, got my attention? go and kill x".


If that's what you think is the most important thing, than yes. It's easier for you to find the game that you like than for Bioware to change it into one that is.


And you may find more suitable Heavy rain or the new Walking dead series, they are centered about the story, the story even CHANGES with your decisions and even have different endings. Or perhaps you don't like interactive stories that actually have different ending? I like the game, but not enough to keep playing as the gameplay is boring, that's enough. If i had OTHER characters to investigate and evolve, and had characteristics that allowed me to do differnt things, like having a little wookie moving in my screen, i'd keep on playing, that is exactly THE ONLY ONE THING that i said when you began your long disertion about role playing game stories and your myth creation doctorate. It doesn't matter, if you want you are right, the game is still boring, even with the great story covering everything.


Believe it or not there are GM's out there that are like that.


And interactive and customizable videogames exist too, believe it or not. In fact the older I remember was Racing Destruction Set, A COMMODORE 64 VIDEOGAME (so perhaps it was 1982-83) whose main characteristic was that allowed you to choose several cars and even build your own racing circuit with modular pieces so you wouldn't ever repeat same race twice... know who did this game? yes, the developers were a little group of programmers called Electronic Arts.

Edited by rickyard
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I'll be honest, I played Star Wars Galaxies for like 1 month (the game was like 10 bucks with 1 month free) and there was something I really enjoyed: Playing as an Ithorian bounty hunter.


So I started playing this game like 1 week ago and I was kinda disappointed to see that the only playables races basically look like your average human with flashy colors and "alien" appendices.

There is also something else that kinda felt awkward to me, there aren't enough alien npcs wandering around, the whole game feels kinda "humans in space only" .


I haven't followed much what Bioware has in stock for the future, but I would really like to think they will bring a little more fantasy content instead of the 90% human population/10% "alien" races in this game lorewise, along with having the possibility of having an ithorian bounty hunter :p


Anyway, that was just my 2 cents, overall I'm having fun with this game, not the ultimate mmorpg, but fun nontheless.


I agree. Character creation is sorely lacking in the game. No real variety for customization. I'd like to see something like slider bars and more options and of course like you pointed out, more species. I would love to play a Togruta. Would also like to see Wookies, Doshans, Bothans, hell even Jawas. Think of it, a warzone full of lightsaber wielding Jawas. Not that it will ever happen, but it would be funny to watch.

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As much as i would love to see a few more alien species here, the ones we have are not used that often anyway.


if you type /human or /twi'lek in the who list, you get every player on that server who plays that species. Ill tell you now, both /human and /cyborgb make up for over 50% of the population. followed by purebloods and Miraluka (lets face it, the Miralukas especially are VERY close to humans).


Like i stated above, I'd love to see more alien species (gotta love the Twi'leks tho), but if the majority of species played are human (or cyborg and Miraluka), then what motivation is there for the devs to create any more? We have a few (not a great deal, i admit) but those few are being kicked to the side by us, the players.


Yes, some of the species do look like humans with a coat of paint, but at least they are that. But on that note, i would say (in my opinion) Twilek are the most alien looking of the playable species, but they are one of the least popular. It's a shame because as this post has rightly pointed out, this is star wars. But when over half the players play human (ish) characters, it feels more like LOTR with blasters.


If we did get some of the species suggested above (some great ones btw), I can't imagine many people going for them. And i'm ending this post on that sorry thought :(


Hope your day is brighter that this post,


Chime x

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As far is dialogue goes, I have no problem playing an alien race that doesn't speak Galactic Basic. If Wookie was a playable race and all my dialogue was in subtitles with him speaking his native tongue, heck yeah I'd play it!
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I noticed this the second I started playing, as well. The most non-human species are the Sith and Twi'Lekk


It's just a variation of horns, tattoos, and baldness. It's the same, like, ten faces over and over again just with different overlays. I can understand why. Graphically, it's easier to have mouth motions and facial expressions on creatures that look the same and have the same features.


That doesn't mean i wasn't disappointed. I would love to play a Nautolan. (But if you notice, in game, there are only two skins for the Nautolans, male and female) I would jump at the chance to play a Cathar. They're, by far, the coolest looking aliens in the game.


I recall a developer post here talking about the "Leia kissing rule". They will only have playable races that Princes Leia would seriously consider snogging.


This makes sense to me. Especially with the romances that are already put into place in the game. It would be weird if a non-humanoid-ish character were to be playable. Mon Calamari making out with Kira or Mako? Uhh. No thanks.


But still. My votes in for Cathar and Nautolans. They're probably saving the good playables for an expansion. That would be the smart thing to do on their part.

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This makes sense to me. Especially with the romances that are already put into place in the game. It would be weird if a non-humanoid-ish character were to be playable. Mon Calamari making out with Kira or Mako? Uhh. No thanks.


I'm pretty sure princess Leia wouldn't mind kissing some tentacle dude, espacially when the reward is greater, if you catch my meaning.


But more seriously, what a stupid rule, especially for a mmorpg, when you're pvping or doings raid who cares who you romanced, such a useless restriction for the player.

Edited by yoomazir
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There is something to be said for sticking to your guns, and while I'd love to be a nonsensical Jawa Sith or Ithorian Bounty Hunter, or Quarren Sith, that's something for a more typial MMO, or even a tabletop RPG, where you make the story up yourself.


Its worth noting that there IS a quarren sith, Darth Maleval. Who has an action figure.




Is it any more nonsensical than every inquisitor being a descendent of Kalliq?


Those asking for something other than a skittle colored human are likely going to accept a few less customization options. While race amounts to little more than the color of your hat, there are a LOT of people who keep wanting an for an appearance tab or better looking gear. We're fine with races being a different colored hat at the time being... but for those races/hats which are ready to go they should stop telling us we wont enjoy the option to wear em.

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The game also showed no difference what race your character was.

Is that how you "write for RPG's"? Just completly ignore anything about the actual character or the players decisions and let them down a one way road?


Its an apt description of the game we have now.

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I'm pretty sure princess Leia wouldn't mind kissing some tentacle dude, espacially when the reward is greater, if you catch my meaning.


But more seriously, what a stupid rule, especially for a mmorpg, when you're pvping or doings raid who cares who you romanced, such a useless restriction for the player.


Not to mention cross-species romances already occur in the Star Wars universe between to wildly differing species so there's a lore precedent as well.


The problem is that the players and Bioware are thinking of this from an Earth Human perspective where anyone not human is wild and freaky and strange, disregarding the fact that from a lore standpoint that these species have all coexisted and mingled together for thousands of years prior to this point.


From the point of view of a character in the Star Wars universe, a Rodian would be no more strange to them than someone from another country would be to one of us. The whole need to make Weird super-freaky custom storylines is really just overthinking it.

Edited by Bluerodian
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I'm pretty sure princess Leia wouldn't mind kissing some tentacle dude, espacially when the reward is greater, if you catch my meaning.


But more seriously, what a stupid rule, especially for a mmorpg, when you're pvping or doings raid who cares who you romanced, such a useless restriction for the player.


Particularly when many dont even have a viable romance option.

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Its worth noting that there IS a quarren sith, Darth Maleval. Who has an action figure.




Is it any more nonsensical than every inquisitor being a descendent of Kalliq?


Those asking for something other than a skittle colored human are likely going to accept a few less customization options. While race amounts to little more than the color of your hat, there are a LOT of people who keep wanting an for an appearance tab or better looking gear. We're fine with races being a different colored hat at the time being... but for those races/hats which are ready to go they should stop telling us we wont enjoy the option to wear em.


Do you understand that from a game designer's perspective... every race (species) in the game has the same mouth geometry, and therefore all follow the same scripts (story and aninimation), and so adding a race with an anatomy different than a human would require you to go back and edit every...single... piece of dialogue in the game for PCs. So it was either human-esk races with more dialogue and story, or more species which would sacrifice time and energy which would mean less in other aspects of the game.

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Do you understand that from a game designer's perspective... every race (species) in the game has the same mouth geometry, and therefore all follow the same scripts (story and aninimation), and so adding a race with an anatomy different than a human would require you to go back and edit every...single... piece of dialogue in the game for PCs. So it was either human-esk races with more dialogue and story, or more species which would sacrifice time and energy which would mean less in other aspects of the game.

That doesn't make any sense. You see Togrutas, Nautolans, Devaronians, Mon Calamaris and Cathars speaking with the same animation as the current species. At the very least, they could add those.

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Do you understand that from a game designer's perspective... every race (species) in the game has the same mouth geometry, and therefore all follow the same scripts (story and aninimation), and so adding a race with an anatomy different than a human would require you to go back and edit every...single... piece of dialogue in the game for PCs. So it was either human-esk races with more dialogue and story, or more species which would sacrifice time and energy which would mean less in other aspects of the game.


Why would it require editing the dialogue again? Animation perhaps, but given that a quarren is just a human in a rebreather mask (that is itself animated), its far less than you are implying.


Moreover, they already have the face linking for speech done for trandoshans, mon cal, togruta, nemoidian (anything with significant cut scene time).

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Do you understand that from a game designer's perspective... every race (species) in the game has the same mouth geometry, and therefore all follow the same scripts (story and aninimation), and so adding a race with an anatomy different than a human would require you to go back and edit every...single... piece of dialogue in the game for PCs. So it was either human-esk races with more dialogue and story, or more species which would sacrifice time and energy which would mean less in other aspects of the game.


True and false. There are plenty of example of not-so-humanoid races in SWTOR speaking basic.

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That doesn't make any sense. You see Togrutas, Nautolans, Devaronians, Mon Calamaris and Cathars speaking with the same animation as the current species. At the very least, they could add those.

Why would it require editing the dialogue again? Animation perhaps, but given that a quarren is just a human in a rebreather mask (that is itself animated), its far less than you are implying.


Moreover, they already have the face linking for speech done for trandoshans, mon cal, togruta, nemoidian (anything with significant cut scene time).


True and false. There are plenty of example of not-so-humanoid races in SWTOR speaking basic.



Very true! I agree with you all...


....and I don't doubt they will add them all...eventually, but they have a respectable amount of species so far (more or less) as far as launch races go.


But these people want Jawas and Wookies and that kinda non-sense.

Edited by Lionflash
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mmm... don't understand. You say roleplaying historically are not about giving total choice to characters, (That's EXACTLY what they are about).
I'm talking about before Role-playing GAMES, which naturally leads to play-acting and so-on.


As the text shows, there is a narrative where the players evolve, and the setting has to give a sense of a narrative experience so it doesn't have to have a strongly-defined storyline So just like most rpg publishers and the author says:


INTERACTIVITY is the CRUCIAL difference between rpg and traditional fiction (reading a book, watching a movie or TELLING A STORY).

True, a well defined story isn't the only way to give a sense of a narrative experience, but it's probably the best way. More specifically, that's the only way Bioware makes games.

In THIS (mmo) role playing game the players have NOT a say in the events. And story IS NOT modified in any way. Other videogames that even aren't called rpg allow you to interact (Heavy Rain, for example, and of course, as STORY is the most important part in THIS other genre of movie-like videogames, they DON'T allow you to choose character, because are centered of story telling and how it evolves depending on YOUR decisions). In fact this ROLE PLAYING VIDEOGAME gives you limited choices in a moment when MOST videogames (even in OTHER genres) bet strongly for customization of all kinds. And still say that it is normal because the story is what really matters? Anyway, story doesn't have to be nothing about the species i can choose, It is not a MUST, a good story doesn't mean it has to have voices, and of course a good story doesn't mean i can't have the character i prefer most.

Heavy Rain is the oddball, in many ways. Most videogames, even other RPG's, do not give a great depth of options as to how the game ends or how the narrative moves.

To imply that one game should do something because of what all the other games are doing is fallacy of mass appeal.

Remember, Star Wars itself broke away from all of the normal conventions of cinema at the time.

Lets also keep in mind that while several games are trying to give players more customization, there are also just as many that are offering story into it. You'll be hard pressed to find a game that isn't a sim or a sports-game that doesn't have story in it.

On that same token, it isn't mandatory for a good story to be the species you want. It doesn't have to have the ending you want. The key to good storytelling is emotion and immersion, and in a videogame format, giving characters voice is key.


So if that particular way of rpg doesn't allow to evolve the story, the other critical characteristic is that some rpg (specially videogames) are about developing YOUR character. You say it is not important, and it is strictly what the videogame rpg has to offer, since the custom options in story are more difficult to obtain, and are only restricted to slightly changes or different endings (that this title doesn't have).
Your character does develop. The Seargent quickly ascends the ranks of the Republic Military. The former slave becomes a Sith Lord. The padawan becomes a Jedi Master.

You gain new abilities, you learn new talents, you gain new companions. Things do progress.

If you're looking at being unique, we've been over this at nauseum. Nothing that is mass-produced and mass consumed will allow the individual user to be different from the others.


Then another characteristic of role playing videogames is that instead of promoting role-playing, as it is difficult in electronic version, they promote persistent worlds. of course persistent worlds CHANGE with interaction. swtor doesn't. And doesn't have a persistent world that is alive and changing while i am offline, and neither changes because players interaction.
nearly all AAA MMO's being made are like this. Creating a "living" world is probably the most difficult thing you could do in an online enviornment.

Doing it in a game like Skyrim is compartivly easier because the game only has to worry about interaction from one variable, the end player.



Of course that's what they pretended, to sell a game only because it says star wars in the box, of course that's why they have not done nothing to improve gameplay, just their "innovation" of voices is enough to make it different, sure, nobody has ever designed a videogame that actually has voices... Since LucasArts Monkey Island 3 VIDEOGAMES DO HAVE VOICES.

Last I checked Monkey Island is not an MMO series. The fact that they brought it to this genre of gameplay is rather groundbreaking, wether you like it or not.

And if devs wanted to do something different from what it is on the market they should have take a look at other videogame called world of warcraft, perhaps they would have seen that most of what they designed in swtor was already there and perhaps they would have tried to change their gameplay, or you think that added voices have made everyone blind?
I think trying to be completly different from WoW is a tall order, considering most MMO's use the same control/ability setup that WoW uses.

Blizzard's design method is look at what other companies do and take the best pieces from each and put them together. By doing so, trying to do something that is completly different from Blizzard is nigh impossible.

No, I don't think adding voice and story has made people "blind". I do think though that its enough of a difference to most players to be worth playing.

What other MMO has the story options that The Old Republic does? none, and that's enough to stand out in the market.


Perhaps even taking some good ideas of a dissapeared game, called star Wars galaxies, could have been a good idea. Not the whole concept, as they are not able to do such a deep and enriched universe that even didn't need a story to be developed, but some ideas. Because, you may find it incredible, but lots of players that PLAY videogames likes the way the videogame is PLAYED rather than the story. To enjoy a story you can read a novel, and of course most stories in books are much better than "oh, got my attention? go and kill x".

Oh yes, lets take ideas from one of the biggest critical and commercial flops that ever graced the MMO genre. Lets take ideas from a game that had to constantly try to reinvent itself to stay solvent...

If you want Galaxies, go play it.



And you may find more suitable Heavy rain or the new Walking dead series, they are centered about the story, the story even CHANGES with your decisions and even have different endings. Or perhaps you don't like interactive stories that actually have different ending? I like the game, but not enough to keep playing as the gameplay is boring, that's enough. If i had OTHER characters to investigate and evolve, and had characteristics that allowed me to do differnt things, like having a little wookie moving in my screen, i'd keep on playing, that is exactly THE ONLY ONE THING that i said when you began your long disertion about role playing game stories and your myth creation doctorate. It doesn't matter, if you want you are right, the game is still boring, even with the great story covering everything.

You're right, I probably would enjoy those games. I enjoy this game too, so I'm going to continue to play it and continue to ask that it stay the way it is.


and interactive and customizable videogames exist too, believe it or not. In fact the older I remember was Racing Destruction Set, A COMMODORE 64 VIDEOGAME (so perhaps it was 1982-83) whose main characteristic was that allowed you to choose several cars and even build your own racing circuit with modular pieces so you wouldn't ever repeat same race twice... know who did this game? yes, the developers were a little group of programmers called Electronic Arts.

If the game is so great, than go ahead and play that and save your breath.

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I'm pretty sure princess Leia wouldn't mind kissing some tentacle dude, espacially when the reward is greater, if you catch my meaning.


But more seriously, what a stupid rule, especially for a mmorpg, when you're pvping or doings raid who cares who you romanced, such a useless restriction for the player.


Well, Erickson did quantify that discussion. Essentially, any species that Leia wouldn't kiss is out of the realm of possibilities for this game, but not BECAUSE of the romance option.


It all comes down to being able to relate to the character, and having one of those oddball species limits that. More specifically, the story is written from a human perspective. Assuming say, a wookie, is going to behave just like a human, is rather immersion breaking.

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