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Star Wars The Old Republic is a different type of mmo


It's the type of mmos built for the people who love story. For the people who love choices that affect them and their decision making processes. For the people that like to get immersed in a universe that is Star Wars. For the people that just want to adventure.


It's the type of game that you must like story in your games to enjoy and....get. You must like story and get immersed in the story line and think of everything going on in your head at every moment. You must really think and get into it to enjoy it. Every time you start a new adventure, even though it's the same amount of choices each time, you get immersed in it. I do anyway, and know a lot of people that do also. Everytime it's different, not just because you can choose different choices each time to see the people's responses, but because you can immerse yourself in different ways throughout the story. You get attached to your character via your choices and dark/light alignment. Pertaining to what you have just chosen.


Just like Knights of the Old Republic. That's what the replayability is with BioWare's game. The story and responses. The type of responses you get from people depending on what you choose. The type of ways you can manipulate people or help them that you didn't before. I think it's even better knowing the story and say to yourself "hey..I didn't help this guy before, I'm going to help him now with the power stations" then you decide to help him and later on he sends some guy to someone else and you meet up with his dad or something on another planet. That's the cool thing about this game. Choice


BioWare has set a new standard I believe for ...this type of mmos. It's not the same mmo as wow, aion, rift or anything like that. BioWare came out with THEIR OWN type of mmo. Yes, the interface and tools are the same as those games because that's the type of UI and stuff people are used to and like a lot. Just the more customizable, the better. Every mmo has their own types of things in it that innovates in areas. TOR innovated in story, voice acting, decisions and companions. It was advertised as a story based mmorpg with voice acting set in the Star Wars universe. That's EXACTLY what we got.


All other things were just built on hype by the people. Yes, BioWare made themselves look better in some areas, but what company doesn't try to sell it? :) People wanted something different but...not TOO different. That is what I believe this game is. It is being it's OWN thing. Yes, it has things based off World of Warcraft but also other mmos because that's what mmos do. Build off the previous things that were successful and put their own spin on them to make them unique in their own way. It is then up to the players to decide whether they like them or not. It doesn't matter how subscriptions a game has. It matters the quality of the player base, the quality of the content, the quality of the customer service along with the quality of replayability along with the loyalty of the fan base and the IP.


BioWare, I believe is on the right track now. They don't seem to be slipping anymore because all these things that people want are coming to TOR in a good amount of time. The LFG tool which A LOT want..is going to be well done in 1.3 I think and be more defined in it's image than in other mmos. The game is just going get update after update after update and just keep growing and getting everything people want. We can only look to the future. It looks as though BioWare is delivering on a great many things.


I can't wait to see what the next months and years brings for this game. I can't wait to see guild ship battles. Standing on my ship and looking out the window at another who is close and choose whether to hail them and fire, or settle it peacefully. I can see it just how it happens like the Black Talon or Esseles. Standing looking at the enemy ship firing at you and the guild can board your ship and you board theirs. First one to destroy the other ship wins. Or you can run. That would be COOL. I believe that is all coming along with open space pvp . There will many planets in this game in the future with smuggling paths that smugglers can actually smuggle and being able to put bounties on people's heads. THAT would be fun. I think everyone would play a Bounty Hunter then :p I know I would. Make it like the EVE system! just...more refined. :)


Just keep taking your time BioWare. Lots of us have patience. Those who are playing this game know it's not a rush to level cap game to get a bunch of gear and do raid after raid after raid after raid to get...more gear. This is a game of story, immersion, no matter HOW LONG it takes to reach level cap, don't worry about it. I know it's hard because every mmo before this has been a rush to level cap to prove to everyone how awesome you are. You even like proving to yourself "ahhh..made it to level cap, this is cool" instead of just doing that say to yourself, "i wonder how I can change this up" or anything like that in the moment, in your story :) I love having my choices in mmos so I can choose to say something or not and have people like or hate me. Having IN MY HEAD a different set of decisions EACH TIME and have the story be different FOR ME each time.


It is all in your head to everyone. Don't think of how many levels you just gained. Turn off your xp bar and just...enjoy the story. Now..I KNOW it's hard to not press the spacebar sometimes because ...something is there...just telling you PRESS ME!! DON'T. Trust me on this! You will thank me later. You will find the game MUCH MORE appealing than you ever did before. It is hard, but if you challenge yourself on this level. You will continue to want to challenge yourself on others within this game. (pst..why do you think they gave you the option to disable the xp bar in interface editor :p ) It is hard to for some, but just sit down, crack your knuckles, crank your sound up and just....let go. Don't think about anything else except TOR when you are in TOR. Just go with the flow. Zone out in the game.


That is what SWTOR is. A game ...not for your average mmo player. I believe it's for a unique breed of people who enjoy well written stories who want to select what they can say to see other people's reactions. It is for people who love single player games but still want that...feeling...of meeting new people in an mmo world. It is for people who like BioWare games and ESPECIALLY kotor people. I can play this game for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours locked in a room and it be a different experience each time I start a different character. SWTOR is it's own game. Just like every other game is. Look past what this game has from others, and see what it offers for itself, and for the future. :)


I love reading posts like this.


Touting that swtor is somehow some unique second coming.


I hate to tell you bud, but swtor is your typical dikumud style mmo. Hack, slash, loot. The "story" element of the game is a complete facade. The light and dark choices have no bearing on gameplay at all, no choice you choose takes you down any separate path. You can spam 3 or 1 or 2 during the entire playthrough of the character and achieve the same exact result. This game is wow in space.


Period. /Thread.



There was a ton of potential to do amazing things, but the game fell short.


I blame EA.


I also blame the fact that unfortunately since the ease of use of pc's has fallen down to idiot level, the target audience for games these days is ...well... idiots.






Here's a glaring example of how poorly this was executed.


The jedi knight story.


The entire playthrough the class stories give you this sense of urgency, as if, if you do not hurry, the galaxy is doomed. Its every quest, theres no time to waste according to the class quests.....but .....because the way the "writers" or "level designers" design the flow of leveling through the storyline like blind smoking monkeys, you have to play galactic janitor for days between some storyline quests. It breaks this thing us true fans of story call "immersion" to such a degree that I found my jedi knights story completely ruined. Add on to that with the fact that our companion romance was bugged right up until I hit lvl 50.........Ya? My story enjoyable?....not so much...

Edited by TrakonBazzaak
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I hate to tell you bud, but swtor is your typical dikumud style mmo. Hack, slash, loot. The "story" element of the game is a complete facade. The light and dark choices have no bearing on gameplay at all, no choice you choose takes you down any separate path. You can spam 3 or 1 or 2 during the entire playthrough of the character and achieve the same exact result. This game is wow in space.


You're obviously missing the point of a story if you think story should drastically alter game mechanics. And if that were indeed true, you would be complaining about it.

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You're obviously missing the point of a story if you think story should drastically alter game mechanics. And if that were indeed true, you would be complaining about it.


I wouldn't complain at all, If I could kill every companion I had and "nerf" myself I would gladly do so if these storylines(because thats what they are, straight , inalienable lines) would change in any way, or arch in any fashion. I would be glad to do so for the sake of immersion and reroll if it was that bad.


This is soooo immersive and enriching to my gameplay experience......


Master Satele:

"oh ya? you just murdered a bunch of folks?....oh well next mission......"

Edited by TrakonBazzaak
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Master Satele:

"oh ya? you just murdered a bunch of folks?....oh well next mission......"



Funny you should say that. A guildie rolled a Sith Jedi Consular Shadow that slaughtered everything and killed off the Jedi council but he was still accepted as a Master into the Jedi order.

The fact that I get pure light side title while romancing Kira and defying the Jedi Order astounds me.

The fact you can slaughter a whole bunch of Rep soldiers to save Jaxo as a Leader of your squad and still end up as a hero is beyond me.



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How is this a different type of MMO.


WoW had/has plenty of story. (I put "has" as I have not played in over a year). Most MMO's don't have a terrible story as they need at least a decent one to branch their quests off of.


The idea behind MMORPG's is to cater to many types of people. Not just those who love story.


So far the one ones they have catered to are those who wish this game was The Sims: KOTOR Addition. And those who want to level alts and do the same 4 man flashpoints the next 5 years. And how many people have left?


I'm tired of killing the same 4/5 bosses.

I'm tired of feeling like dailies are a requirement because Ops don't drop anything for credits to cover repairs, unless you're 1 shoting everything, every time.


They're finally catching up to the PvP and Sims players. After 6 months.


I've said it before and I'll say it some more. This game has a ton of potential. But they seem to lack the ability to use it.

-Why am I buying armor pieces that take a week to farm to pull out one mod? Why not just let me buy the mod?

-Why do they add more credit sinks? Reduce the effectiveness of dailies or put a cap on how many you can do.

-Why do they lower the willingness to play alts? They add ways to improve your alts with the legacy system by playing your main. I play alts to getaway from the main. Oh, and it's another credit sink.

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Funny you should say that. A guildie rolled a Sith Jedi Consular Shadow that slaughtered everything and killed off the Jedi council but he was still accepted as a Master into the Jedi order.

The fact that I get pure light side title while romancing Kira and defying the Jedi Order astounds me.

The fact you can slaughter a whole bunch of Rep soldiers to save Jaxo as a Leader of your squad and still end up as a hero is beyond me.



The sad part is that in order to make the stories arch in any meaningful way, they either have to recycle previously recorded lines(like they do for planet archs) or rehire the actors ( which they wont do).


All in all its a pretty poor experience if you care about having any control over your character(s) story.


Its rpg lite. it doesnt hold a candle to any rpg out there with a dialogue wheel, much less one with the Bioware brand on the box.


I refuse to sit back and "zone out" as the op suggests. My brain wont be fooled into thinking I have any control over my characters story when its so blatantly obvious that I dont.


Ill enjoy the meta game and theory crafting as long as they even have a skeleton of endgame.


Wanna know why?


I like lightsabers.


Its pitiful that thats the only draw for the game for me.

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All in all its a pretty poor experience if you care about having any control over your character(s) story.


It's enough for me that the choices made within the cutscenes affects the story in the cutscenes. I enjoy running alts of different races, classes, and genders of both factions and light/dark sides because they all get different dialogue reactions and options.


I think I understand that some people have to see persistant world changes to feel like their choices "made a difference" or unique events to feel like a hero. I am am quite satisfied with keeping the story within the story.

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I can't help but laugh when individuals deride this game for "lack of control" over the class story. Personally I'd like to see the kinds of games that they're playing, because the overwhelming majority of games (even RPG's) have just as much (or little) control over the narrative.


Even "sandbox" rpg's don't actually give any level of flexability in the narrative: you just have the choice to completly ignore it if you so choose.


Plus let's also consider the history of storytelling over the past millenia. At no point has the audience had more control than the storyteller over the outcome.

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I can't help but laugh when individuals deride this game for "lack of control" over the class story. Personally I'd like to see the kinds of games that they're playing, because the overwhelming majority of games (even RPG's) have just as much (or little) control over the narrative.


Even "sandbox" rpg's don't actually give any level of flexability in the narrative: you just have the choice to completly ignore it if you so choose.


Plus let's also consider the history of storytelling over the past millenia. At no point has the audience had more control than the storyteller over the outcome.


Dragon age origins ring a bell?

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while i agree on you 100% its a shame that 80% of the story is not class spesfic so if you play all the empire classes u end up doing and killing things u killed once allready and after beta and my agent warrior inquisitator my Bh has been stuck at the start of balmorra cause i cant face it again.


they are heading in the right direction with the 1.3 legacy updates thougth.

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You guys still don't get my post do you? :(


It's not about the gameplay being like wow or wow in space. It's about the stories being fed to you using narrative and you get to use choices in real time. Each time a different choice if you choose. I'm not talking about every single time you run another character you go "hmmm, how does this effect my endgame, how I can get crafting gear and raid gear" because it's not a pvp/raid/w/e game. It's a complete pve, rp, story experience for those that enjoy good story in games. That's all it is. Nobody is saying it's the second coming. Some people are just...weird when they say that. It is a VERY enjoyable game especially went you want to immerse yourself in a story that was built for YOU where your decisions reflect or should reflect who you are on the inside. If you can't do that while playing this game, then move on, stop bashing, stop wasting your time, and this game is NOT for you! No matter HOW MANY TIMES you tell yourself "omg! ive been waiting for this forever" just move on already.

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It's not an MMO. It's an RPG with online play. Just like Neverwinter Nights, Diablo, Fable, Guild Wars, etc.


Well, it's not an MMO, it's an MMORPG. Unfortunately, Bioware will cave and cater the other crowd :(, thus turning it into just your run of the mill queueing system MMO

Edited by Skidrowbro
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Star Wars The Old Republic is a different type of mmo


It's the type of mmos built for the people who love story. For the people who love choices that affect them and their decision making processes. For the people that like to get immersed in a universe that is Star Wars. For the people that just want to adventure.


It's the type of game that you must like story in your games to enjoy and....get. You must like story and get immersed in the story line and think of everything going on in your head at every moment. You must really think and get into it to enjoy it. Every time you start a new adventure, even though it's the same amount of choices each time, you get immersed in it. I do anyway, and know a lot of people that do also. Everytime it's different, not just because you can choose different choices each time to see the people's responses, but because you can immerse yourself in different ways throughout the story. You get attached to your character via your choices and dark/light alignment. Pertaining to what you have just chosen.


Just like Knights of the Old Republic. That's what the replayability is with BioWare's game. The story and responses. The type of responses you get from people depending on what you choose. The type of ways you can manipulate people or help them that you didn't before. I think it's even better knowing the story and say to yourself "hey..I didn't help this guy before, I'm going to help him now with the power stations" then you decide to help him and later on he sends some guy to someone else and you meet up with his dad or something on another planet. That's the cool thing about this game. Choice


BioWare has set a new standard I believe for ...this type of mmos. It's not the same mmo as wow, aion, rift or anything like that. BioWare came out with THEIR OWN type of mmo. Yes, the interface and tools are the same as those games because that's the type of UI and stuff people are used to and like a lot. Just the more customizable, the better. Every mmo has their own types of things in it that innovates in areas. TOR innovated in story, voice acting, decisions and companions. It was advertised as a story based mmorpg with voice acting set in the Star Wars universe. That's EXACTLY what we got.


All other things were just built on hype by the people. Yes, BioWare made themselves look better in some areas, but what company doesn't try to sell it? :) People wanted something different but...not TOO different. That is what I believe this game is. It is being it's OWN thing. Yes, it has things based off World of Warcraft but also other mmos because that's what mmos do. Build off the previous things that were successful and put their own spin on them to make them unique in their own way. It is then up to the players to decide whether they like them or not. It doesn't matter how subscriptions a game has. It matters the quality of the player base, the quality of the content, the quality of the customer service along with the quality of replayability along with the loyalty of the fan base and the IP.


BioWare, I believe is on the right track now. They don't seem to be slipping anymore because all these things that people want are coming to TOR in a good amount of time. The LFG tool which A LOT want..is going to be well done in 1.3 I think and be more defined in it's image than in other mmos. The game is just going get update after update after update and just keep growing and getting everything people want. We can only look to the future. It looks as though BioWare is delivering on a great many things.


I can't wait to see what the next months and years brings for this game. I can't wait to see guild ship battles. Standing on my ship and looking out the window at another who is close and choose whether to hail them and fire, or settle it peacefully. I can see it just how it happens like the Black Talon or Esseles. Standing looking at the enemy ship firing at you and the guild can board your ship and you board theirs. First one to destroy the other ship wins. Or you can run. That would be COOL. I believe that is all coming along with open space pvp . There will many planets in this game in the future with smuggling paths that smugglers can actually smuggle and being able to put bounties on people's heads. THAT would be fun. I think everyone would play a Bounty Hunter then :p I know I would. Make it like the EVE system! just...more refined. :)


Just keep taking your time BioWare. Lots of us have patience. Those who are playing this game know it's not a rush to level cap game to get a bunch of gear and do raid after raid after raid after raid to get...more gear. This is a game of story, immersion, no matter HOW LONG it takes to reach level cap, don't worry about it. I know it's hard because every mmo before this has been a rush to level cap to prove to everyone how awesome you are. You even like proving to yourself "ahhh..made it to level cap, this is cool" instead of just doing that say to yourself, "i wonder how I can change this up" or anything like that in the moment, in your story :) I love having my choices in mmos so I can choose to say something or not and have people like or hate me. Having IN MY HEAD a different set of decisions EACH TIME and have the story be different FOR ME each time.


It is all in your head to everyone. Don't think of how many levels you just gained. Turn off your xp bar and just...enjoy the story. Now..I KNOW it's hard to not press the spacebar sometimes because ...something is there...just telling you PRESS ME!! DON'T. Trust me on this! You will thank me later. You will find the game MUCH MORE appealing than you ever did before. It is hard, but if you challenge yourself on this level. You will continue to want to challenge yourself on others within this game. (pst..why do you think they gave you the option to disable the xp bar in interface editor :p ) It is hard to for some, but just sit down, crack your knuckles, crank your sound up and just....let go. Don't think about anything else except TOR when you are in TOR. Just go with the flow. Zone out in the game.


That is what SWTOR is. A game ...not for your average mmo player. I believe it's for a unique breed of people who enjoy well written stories who want to select what they can say to see other people's reactions. It is for people who love single player games but still want that...feeling...of meeting new people in an mmo world. It is for people who like BioWare games and ESPECIALLY kotor people. I can play this game for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours locked in a room and it be a different experience each time I start a different character. SWTOR is it's own game. Just like every other game is. Look past what this game has from others, and see what it offers for itself, and for the future. :)

I guess you are talking of illusion of choice, because the wheel decission doesn't have any effect on any character story or the world. Everyone has the same class story with the same series of quests despite their "decissions" which, in the best case, just triggers one dialog or another (the guy is dead the guy is not dead) and gives light/dark points for allignment that has no meaning at all except how beautiful or ugly looks the character.


The whole game is railed. It takes you through a predefined path and you have no other choice than follow that path because is what the designers want you to do. If something lacks this game is freedom.


You are right, they made a new standard: railed MMO.


And forget get a system like EVE. That means turn the game into a sandbox and that goes against this new standard.

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I guess you are talking of illusion of choice, because the wheel decission doesn't have any effect on any character story or the world. Everyone has the same class story with the same series of quests despite their "decissions" which, in the best case, just triggers one dialog or another (the guy is dead the guy is not dead) and gives light/dark points for allignment that has no meaning at all except how beautiful or ugly looks the character.


The whole game is railed. It takes you through a predefined path and you have no other choice than follow that path because is what the designers want you to do. If something lacks this game is freedom.


You are right, they made a new standard: railed MMO.


And forget get a system like EVE. That means turn the game into a sandbox and that goes against this new standard.


You do realize that any game with a story is on rails, right? This includes FPS's, single player RPG's, RTS's. If games didn't have a backing story most players would quit because they'd have no clue what to do, hence why Eve has it's niche playerbase, your basic MMO'ers can't handle a game that wide open.

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You do realize that any game with a story is on rails, right? This includes FPS's, single player RPG's, RTS's. If games didn't have a backing story most players would quit because they'd have no clue what to do, hence why Eve has it's niche playerbase, your basic MMO'ers can't handle a game that wide open.

Exactly. Lame you didn't catch the irony in my words.

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You guys still don't get my post do you? :(


It's not about the gameplay being like wow or wow in space. It's about the stories being fed to you using narrative and you get to use choices in real time. Each time a different choice if you choose. I'm not talking about every single time you run another character you go "hmmm, how does this effect my endgame, how I can get crafting gear and raid gear" because it's not a pvp/raid/w/e game. It's a complete pve, rp, story experience for those that enjoy good story in games. That's all it is. Nobody is saying it's the second coming. Some people are just...weird when they say that. It is a VERY enjoyable game especially went you want to immerse yourself in a story that was built for YOU where your decisions reflect or should reflect who you are on the inside. If you can't do that while playing this game, then move on, stop bashing, stop wasting your time, and this game is NOT for you! No matter HOW MANY TIMES you tell yourself "omg! ive been waiting for this forever" just move on already.


I get what your saying and for 3 year before the game was launched I was singing the same toon as you. I love Bioware games I love the story driven aspects of swtor but it ends there.


Actually the sad thing is swtor sort of lost its identity somewhere along the line, it wants so desperately to be the game you describe but in the end it just doesn’t matter if you hang on every spoken word and attentively listen to every cut seen or just space bar through it all because they stripped all consequence out of the story and any meaningful rewards.


Oh, and do you see those story fanatics and role players and the crazy gear they have running around the fleet …. No …me nether …because it all goes to the e-sport PvPer’s and gear grinder. And how about the crafting system isn’t all that cosmetic gear they can craft wonderful,… ya..no again they get the shaft with 5 or 6 models of the same generic looking gear with a different splash of paint on it.


So yes we had a wonderful story to take us on our journey of kill 10 rats in the end the stapled on single player Bioware’esk game falls away and its just another WoW clone with the standard….Dailies, Raids, Instanced PvP ….welcome to another lobby world endgame grindfest.


So ya,….it makes for a wonderfully entertaining single player game but between the personal story taking players in all different directions and the travel being a 12 step process of load screens, elevators, space stations and shuttle rides to get anywhere and words built like rat mazes, trying to play this as a MMO is a futile experience.


I’m sorry I don’t share in your outlook for the game, I really wanted to, but for a MMO there has to be more then just story with a façade of choice attached.


Yes, this is just my humble opinion, and sadly yes this is not the MMO for me for much longer.

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I guess you are talking of illusion of choice, because the wheel decision doesn't have any effect on any character story or the world. Everyone has the same class story with the same series of quests despite their "decisions" which, in the best case, just triggers one dialog or another (the guy is dead the guy is not dead) and gives light/dark points for alignment that has no meaning at all except how beautiful or ugly looks the character.


The whole game is railed. It takes you through a predefined path and you have no other choice than follow that path because is what the designers want you to do. If something lacks this game is freedom.


You are right, they made a new standard: railed MMO.


And forget get a system like EVE. That means turn the game into a sandbox and that goes against this new standard.


Obviously the world has forgot what the RP in RPG stood for. I don't need the game to show the effects of my actions. If I choose to kill someone, and it has no impact from the game itself, it still matters in my mind. I remember a time when role-playing was purely made up in my head. We humans have this wonderful thing called imagination. So what if it doesn't affect the game as a whole? People want everything spoon fed to them in the form of pretty cinematics and game changing decisions. Yeah, the main plots are all on rails. So what? Get over it. Yeah we have to use our little dialogue wheel, but ever stop to think about why you're making that choice? I personally turn my Alignment Gain off so that they don't affect my judgement, and I make decisions because all my characters have a personality of their own that I made up. My smuggler is an outgoing, danger seeking guy who just wants to be free. My bounty hunter is bound by honor. He doesn't kill women unless he has no choice, and always prefers to take his targets alive if he can. Are these personalities written into the game? No. I created them myself. The game merely provides the players with guidelines to shape our characters to become how we envision them. If you wanted a game that you create every aspect of the story, world, and character, then go make up your own game. If you thought this is what it was going to be then you didn't do your research before you started playing.

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Obviously the world has forgot what the RP in RPG stood for. I don't need the game to show the effects of my actions. If I choose to kill someone, and it has no impact from the game itself, it still matters in my mind. I remember a time when role-playing was purely made up in my head. We humans have this wonderful thing called imagination. So what if it doesn't affect the game as a whole?


Yes, I remember this argument from Runestone's ill-fated SEED, where literally all you did was rail-walk around this pretty station endlessly repairing hatches and eventually crafting, uh, hatch repair tools or something, and if you dared to mention this publicly you were reminded (like a ton of bricks) that it was really all about the ROLEPLAY. It felt like an MMO created by 6-year-olds.


It's silly to offer a bunch of what look like real story options and choices, which turn out to have no effect in-game, then say it should all be in your head. I can do that with 3 crayons and a piece of paper, I don't need an expensive game for it.


Fortunately TOR has other pleasures. The story part, which I'm sure BW is very proud of, is ultimately a weakness.

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"For the people that just want to adventure."

I think your definition of adventure, and my definition of adventure are different.

Going along a straight line isn't my sense of adventure. Many of the maps are designed so they are LITERALLY a straight line.

I stopped reading after that. I'll admit, I browsed it. You basically say that it's for people who like stories. I LOVE stories. Example, I love Final fantasy because of its stories.

This IS a bad game. There are so many flaws, I'm not going to begin to list them here. It's not a matter of opinion. This game is flawed, and it's a bad game. Look, I had fun while leveling and thought the story was the best part. But looking at it from an objective stance, it's a bad game.

Just because you have fun playing something, doesn't mean it can't still be a bad game.


What then does WOW have a better story to it than SWTOR? I have played WOW and it really didn't make any sense at all due to the fact that i hadn't been playing since it first came out. How does this game not immerse you into a story? How is it not an adventure?

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Me and my 2 RL friends (who have been playing MMOs since EQ) came to this game specifically because of the heavy story driven element like many previous Bioware titles like KotOR and Baldur's Gate.


For us the story lines are great and the VOs do indeed create a feel of immersion but...


The entire game as a MMO definitely lacks any feel of immersion and you get the feeling of being a observer more than a participant. SWG on the other hand, despite the lack of content, had a much greater feel of immersion and COMMUNITY.


Without the VOs and deep class stories, the game would have absolutely ZERO feel of immersion. Seriously, without the story lines you would never know you are in the SW universe.


They really should have made this game as a great single player like KotOR where you can play with a few of your RL friends.


As I have said, me and my friends LOVE story rich games and that is one of the biggest things we looked forward to in this game and that part of it has been impeccable. Unfortunately, that same strength also seems to be one of its flaws. It makes leveling with friends difficult or clumsy UNLESS you are exactly on the same point of progression on a given planet and even if you are, chasing around the class quests for everybody disrupts the flow of the story lines and hence, the immersion.


I have to say that the linear theme park design of the game actually detracts from a overall experience of being immersed in the SW universe and you need to look no further than SWG as proof. It is ironic that the game with a lack of story lines and content has a MUCH GREATER feel of immersion than the one that does. I believe the nature of a theme park and it's linearity and lack of real world options is what makes it feel like you're watching a story whereas in a sandbox, you are actually EXPERIENCING the story.


Even though sandbox designs are much more difficult to play and have a much steeper learning curve, the fact that you have complete freedom and no directions or steps that you must follow actually make you experience the world rather than being immersed by a TOLD story.


As they say in prose, it's always more effective to show rather than tell and this seems to be the case with immersion in MMOs.


Once again, the story lines are great and are really the only aspect of the game that is still keeping us. The sad part of it is that we cannot easily group together unless we have many alts (which I do) and keep them in stasis so that you are on the same exact steps on the side quests. If we cannot group together or it is a major hassle to do, we really don't have much reason to stay other than for the single player element.


For myself I want to finish two story lines before my time is up in about 45 days but my 2 friends have already lost a lot of interest and will most likely not stay as long.


When they go, so do I.


If this MMO doesn't immerse you then what MMO does??? I need to know about it! Because this one immerses me quite well.

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It seems most of players don't like Star Wars.


Then why you play here?


Big nonsense, as I played WoW few years when I should quit it time ago as I don't like much medieval things.


I love Star Wars and many players like me expected for such game like this: create your own story, show how heroic / badazz you're facing your challenges as a Trooper or Jedi, etc. Ye, I know this game is pretty much single player than a multiplayer one most of time, but that also depends on you (look for someone in a guild or in general chat, usually people will help ya, thanks the community is very kind in general. Many times asked some help in some difficult smugglers missions, and good persons helped me, even without need to pay them or else).


Also I perfectly know story doesn't greatly change w/e you decide... but did you ever think how much work could take that? Enough writing EIGHT stories while years of making this MMO. Ffs, EIGHT stories, also voiced all of them... and say thanks cause at least change pretty much the final arcs in almost all story classes at the endings of them.


In fact, for the incoming fourth arc for every class story, I am pretty sure how you ended the third one now will very influence about it (or how you mostly were as goodie-two-shoes or badazz Jedi Knight in its whole three story arcs, so that could change a lot the next events in the fourth arc). If they don't do that, now that could be very dissapointing.

Edited by EdrallXGSTAR
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If Dragon Age and WOW had a kid it would be SWTOR......


It's a OK MMO, but nothing special..... If you enjoy linear static game content and choices that have little to no meaning or consequence to your story or your companions then you should like this game...


Biggest mistake Bioware made was removing the consequence system, that pretty much removed any depth this MMO might of had....


If Bioware was shooting for mediocrity then they succeeded...

Edited by Monoth
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Back in my days we , the mmorpg players dont need a guy who told us what was our story. We create our own stories in open worlds that we can explore; and our actions was not for make us like all of the other 1,3 m of players that plays the game. very toon was unique and has his own story, some epic, some childish but was OUR story.


Back in my days when we does a mission, or kill a mob, it used to had a real impact in the world. Things was not a "themeparked road" with mobs that insta respawn as if nothing just happened.


Back in my days we decide how our character improve, not the gear.


Back in my days our bio was written by us , and we decide who was our friend, our son or our sister and didn't need a cut and paste thing called "legacy family". Also everyone could read our character bios and talk about. Our Bios even changed as we acomplish new goals and meet new people in game.


Back in my days, the mmorpgs was about epic and skill ... about travels around mystic worlds, full of mistery and epic monsters , not 3 random robots patrolling a road or a small cave. And of course not about b sitting in a fleet asking things like :"LFM DPS for HM" , dude belive or not back in my days we talk in game.


Back in my days, when a game was a complete screw (well you can insert here a louder word like crap or shi*) the people complain and the devs used to try to fix it. Dude people complaining not licking the devs ****es!!!


Back in my days mmorpgs was about world pvp where the factions fight each other for rule the lands. Not about stupid wz where you not even play vs the other faction.


But that was back in my days, when the movies used to have a plot, the music a message and books does'nt be about sparkling vampires.


I'm very sorry for all of you who still think this game is a mmorpg and even more for the ones who think is a good or different one.



Excuse me for my poor english and be critic .


And yes I'm leaving the game for 2nd time , just wasting my free days after the legacy fiasco.


I've been playing mmos since Ultima was released, tried just about every one released since. My advice to you and the others like you is take off those rose colored glasses. It was never like that.

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