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Issues with Space Combat "Clouds of Vondoru"


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My issue is I destroy 3 of the 4 big turrets with my torpedoes. The 4th I used to be able to target easily with basic rockets. But lately I target it with my cursor, right click to fire rockets and nothing happens. Works fine on targeting enemy ships but those turrets it seems like it doesn't want to do it. 3 weeks ago this was a cut and dry win for me but now it just seems bugged. Anyone else have this problem?
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You have 4 torpedoes.


Just fire the 4th one at the last target and you're done.


Yes, I know the number says 3.


What isn't communicated in-game is that the number shows the amount of torpedoes (and missiles) you have as reloads, not currently able to be fired.


As long as the icon is purple, you still have a torpedo to use.

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