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Stripping Cloumi Gear to place in Orange Helmet, does it keep set bonus?

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Long story short, I HATE the look of the Columi trooper helmet. I have kept every orange helmet I had in the bank and have one I would like to use instead


I dont want to lose my set bonus though as I am still working on gear. If I strip out the mods in the Coumi helmet will I still keep the set bonus?


Thanks in advance for any answers you may have.

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No, you won't keep the set. Tionese, Columi and Rakata pieces have the set bonus bound to the shell item, while Campaign and above will have the bonus bound to the armoring mod.




Well, I guess Ill have grind out and get that 5th piece so I can replace the helmet and no lose the 4 piece bonus.


Thanks for the quick answer.

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The nice thing about the armor bonus is you can swap out one peice for what ever you want. i swapped my head peice on my shadow. you get 5 peices total and only need 4 for the set bonus. just match the color scheme.
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Yeah, best thing to do is to put 61 mods in the tionese/columi/rakata until you get campaign pieces.. and then swap in the oranges.. but you can always have one orange major armor piece until then.


Like the chest piece for Juggernauts..../shudder Why are they all so ugly? And thank you for the "Hide Helm" option on top of it.

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