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What makes this class awesome?


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I have played all 8 Advanced classes and honestly, this is my least favorite. Maybe this is really shallow, but I just feel like the Vanguard doesn't have much in the way of uniqueness or coolness. He's pretty much just a Trooper base class, with Ion pulse, and AOE attack and stun, and whatever you happen to spec into. It's just not interesting to me at all. However, My goal is to level all 8 AC's to 50, and my Vanguard is just a lowly 22. So I have a long road ahead of me. However I saw alot of people saying that this was their favorite class by far, so I was hoping some forum-goers could sway me from "Meh-ing" at the Vanguard to loving it. So yeah, What makes this class so awesome?
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I'm not complaining, my bad if it sounded like whining. Well, I'm not "making" myself play it, I still enjoy it. I wouldn't waste my time playing something I didn't enjoy. I just find this class the least interesting, and I wanted to see if anyone could change my mind. I'm hoping someone does!
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Compared to my scoundrel and juggernaut, vanguard was arguably the late bloomer. The best skills that I used most often didn't arrive until 40s. Now at 50, it is by far my most favorite class in PVE and PVP as dps. I wreck people in PVP and I am in demand from my guild to participate in PVE. Plus I get to wear cool-looking armor :D
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If you aren't enjoying it now, you probably won't enjoy it at end-game either.


I enjoyed it because it meant hitting someone in the face with my gun while I was tanking. They do lack CC options, so that is my biggest gripe. But then again my main character on WoW was a Warrior (Fury or Protection), and it also didn't have any CC options, but it was still my favorite character.


It is just a feeling thing. If it doesn't feel good now, it just won't get any better for you.

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I generally play what people underestimate at the time. At the games start I was a Scrapper Scoundrel, when ppl thought Sents were crap in Feb I played one and destroyed. And now Assault VG, never expected, destroying everyone.


No fun playing whats popular or strong. I could just be a KC Shadow and obliterate everyone, but its too easy.


The element of surprise, that's what makes this class awesome. Pulling a sorc away from their side in Novare south node and putting down 11-12k dmg into them before they know whats going on is so precious.

Edited by ShiroRX
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What got me to play this class was the armor. What got me hooked was storm.


I got storm just before taking on Tavus.


"Oh, you think harpoon being on cooldown will save you? Think again! Trooper to face!"

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  • Harpoon. "You think Sprint will save you? HAH!"
  • "You have a lightsaber? Screw that. RIFLE TO THE FACE!"
  • Having so much awesome that we don't need the force (like those bathrobe-wearing pansies).
  • Awesome-looking armor.
  • Melee/range flexibility.
  • Mind-blowing amounts of AoE.
  • Huge spike damage (Battle Focus!).
  • AoE stun.
  • Ranged Taunts in PvP.
  • Challenging resource mechanic.



...what more do you need?

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You only need to play one huttball and with harpoon pull someone in the fire/poison or jump to a enemy with the ball and score to love it :)


Yup. My favorite moment of all time was just a huge pile of Vanguard awesomeness. We were on the goal line, about to score, and they killed our carrier. I harpooned the enemy carrier into the fire and passed, but like four enemy players spawned. I used Sonic Round as I ran up, and then Neural Surge once I got close. Our carrier had ~20% left but he just ran right past them. Only way it could have been more epic is if I had Storm, but I'm incredibly attached to Assault.

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In pvp, putting Assault Plastique on an enemy player at 20% or less health and they stealth to escape you and run away like a chicken only to see an explosion 10 meters away from you and watch a dead enemy fall to their knees and keel over dead out of stealth. I lol in real life every time.
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In pvp, putting Assault Plastique on an enemy player at 20% or less health and they stealth to escape you and run away like a chicken only to see an explosion 10 meters away from you and watch a dead enemy fall to their knees and keel over dead out of stealth. I lol in real life every time.


Denying wimps who escape into stealth with Stealth Scan is almost as fun. I get like 4/5 people that try to stealth away from me. Stealth Scan + Harpoon on a Shadow who cloaks and sprints is one of the best moments of denying an escape ever.

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Denying wimps who escape into stealth with Stealth Scan is almost as fun. I get like 4/5 people that try to stealth away from me. Stealth Scan + Harpoon on a Shadow who cloaks and sprints is one of the best moments of denying an escape ever.


Yeah stealth scan is pretty awesome. Was great in tank spec with the ability to make it root people. Was great when you catch someone trying to sneak up on someone or a node. You root them and reveal them and they just stand there like they got their pants ripped down to their ankles in front of everyone.

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10k + damage in 3 GCDs is enough for me. IR + HIB + AP + Ion + HIB = loads of damage specially if they all crit. IF AP HIB and ION crit its amazing damage. 4k on AP 4k on HIB 2k + another 500 to 1k for proc on ION.


I like them because roots and snares dont effect them as much as pure melee classes, and they are not as squishy as pure range classes.


But if you want the best melee dps you make a sentinel


If you want the best range dps you make a commando or sage


Vanguards are also cool because of their armor and that they use Rifles.

Edited by gofortheko
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In pvp, putting Assault Plastique on an enemy player at 20% or less health and they stealth to escape you and run away like a chicken only to see an explosion 10 meters away from you and watch a dead enemy fall to their knees and keel over dead out of stealth. I lol in real life every time.


+ 1 million

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Serious answer:


I like the versatilty, you can be a tank, mobile short range dps or a less mobile high burst dps just by changing spec.


I also like that when you get to 50 you still have empty slots on your hotbar. My first character was a Sentinel and the number of abilties you need to be effective is ridiculous.


I rolled a Vanguard to be different because I saw a list where it was 2nd last in popularity but now I've just turned 50 it feels like everyman and his dog is a Vanguard on my server.

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last night in huttball...


near dead sith runs from me to an air jet and is boosted into the air and away from me...




he drops to my feet....




knowing my vanguard ripped a sith out of the air and to his death was pretty priceless.


in another match...


kick in hold the line and charge a sith with others...


as he is near death, he hits the area knockback...


all get kicked back but me.....




Vanguard is very versatile, ranged and melee. Its also one of the most mobile classes. I can run a match, get points and kills all while never using a caste if I wanted.

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