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The only thing that makes me rage in this game....


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Facing a random grouping with 5 healers and the rest dps, so many cross heals you'd kill one healer and then you're never going to get through the other ones.


It was one of those freak groupings where everyone was well geared except for the republic players (surprise surprise)


I'd keep killing one healer every time only to be unable to kill the stupid paladin (oops BH).:confused::(

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Facing a random grouping with 5 healers and the rest dps, so many cross heals you'd kill one healer and then you're never going to get through the other ones.


It was one of those freak groupings where everyone was well geared except for the republic players (surprise surprise)


I'd keep killing one healer every time only to be unable to kill the stupid paladin (oops BH).:confused::(


... facing a random grouping with 5 DPS and the rest Tanks or Healers, so much focus damage you'd try to survive one DPS only for another one to leap at you and then you're never going to get through to the objectives.


I'd much rather have them all Tanks so I can at least outheal their damage. Annoying DPS... :p

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My pugs struggle with this too. It's a really challenging composition. All you can really do is stale mate or hold out- we can never get a real advantage. Anyone have any other strategies? Focussing down in this instance doesn't work. Maybe perfectly executed interrupts or stuns.


I also faced one group where everyone was a well spec'd and coordinated stunner. Literally they had it so that any player near the ball was perma stunned in consecutive turn. It was annoying more than anything but also a different composition that can be difficult to understand and beat. There was literally a trail of the stunned bodies of my team behind as the ball carrier merrily went on their way.

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