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Idea for a Legacy add-on


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The Family business System (Legacy w/2+ lvl 50 members)


The family business system would be a multi level building or shop areas in cantinas that are (Story mode) areas, friends can only access them if your grouped. Every class would have their own. How they would work is, once you have reached level 50 with 2 characters you have the option to buy a family business; and area that the player can use to access the crew skills and items belonging to every character that is level 50 within your Legacy Family tree as well as the collective funds brought in and banked by all of the charcters, making it easier to save money and build alternate characters up to 50 and making them stronger and stronger as you add more crew skills to the family tree. If there is an Alternate character that is within another faction they can still access the family business with minimal limitations ( access to sith relics and sabers etc..). You would be able to pick 1 companion from each character to be in the store to represent each character and fill orders for whatever crew skills its home character has. On the social side, If you bring a friend into your family's store they can earn social points by placing and order at your store for anything they might need. You'd be able to purchase repair droids, mail boxes and various other things to decorate your store with to make it unique.

I think something like this would help raise the population playing the game and it would raise popularity. Of course the GTM would still be there and if you added free roam space fighting ( pvp) and pod racing. Your profitability would skyrocket. thank you for reading this and I hope you consider it. Maybe people would like it.:csw_yoda:

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After starting to read this i thought 'god forbid not another player housing thread' but as I read i realised you were talking more like 'a second ship' style instance that is a shop and thought 'hang on that could work' I think its a great idea. Good job mate.


Edit: although maybe just use the player ship for this? Travelling shop and half the coding is already there.

Edited by Razdek
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The idea about family business got me thinking that this could be a whole new aspect in the game: some sort of economy based mini game where you start up a business from a list of options at level 50, and the revenues and chance on success grow with each character in your legacy that reaches level 50. Possibilities on how to implement this are endless. An interesting idea would be to have a terminal on your ship(s) that functions like the Shadow Broker base terminal in ME2 DLC where you pick a number of missions to fund daily. Only these are related to the business type that you picked.


I loved the idea on ME2, and it would've been nice if there had been dozens more missions to fund there. Stuff like this gives more reason to log on the game every day, so please consider it! :)

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