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50 Powertech/Pyrotech 1119 exp (Video) (Not Huttball)


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Hi guys,


Just bought fraps a few days ago and was capturing a few matches today and yesterday and decided to make 3 very amateur pvp video's where I do pretty well against some weak competition. This isnt an epeen waving thread this is just a guy looking for some feedback and to hopefully get some tips/give some tips to other Powertech's out there.


I use a 7/3/31 spec, I consider biochem invaluable, and I solo-queued for all of my games except the 3rd which is with my healer friend.


Lord Adraas - RP server (in before RPers cant pvp)


Atha 3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJYomgCkjGg

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I so do hate the gema for blocking everything on youtube for germany...


Oh and just ignore people who make any conclusions based on your servertype. They usually s*ck.

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Never focus assassins / shadows when they glow white. Means they're immune to most of your damage, yet you seem to focus them as soon as they cloak, first PT mistake, dont waste your heat when you can't manage a decent DPH aka Damage Per Heat


Nice vid overall, though mostly baddies on the enemy team, lol.

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For losMartonos Ive tried the variation specs with and without TD and I feel best with TD as do alot of the better powertechs I know.


In case you dont respect anyone heres a link: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=402914 he agrees about the TD build. So since youve totally swung and missed on your spec advice, and UI advice is irrelevant if you know what your key bindings are I thank you for your totally useless post and life.


Too Shred, thanks, thats what Im looking for, that is my first 50 and I hit 50 about 2-3 weeks back. Ive never played assassin.

Edited by Darth_Intl
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