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Generating interest for swtor


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I am starting to get real bored of swtor atm. And I have barely played recently trying to take a break to generate some interest, however before I pose a question... I would have to say pazaak, swoop racing, gambling, open world pvp and housing would be a huge thing for me right now.


I could right now play poker tournies for fake money and find some sense of entertainment and accomplishment from it. Why cant we implement the same in swtor when the lore is full of gambling and a planet with areas that is essentially dedicated to it?


So my question is, for those who are enjoying the game: what are some extra things that you do to make the game interesting in its current state?


Play the game with music

Play alts

Take breaks in between play sessions

Having to balance a demanding social life and swtor is a nice break

Play drunk or with other moods 'enhancers'



I would make a poll, just to see if a lot of people play this game drunk or with their own music as hardcore fans of swtor, and if I should at least try to get some of my music going or possibly playing drunk. I don't drink, but what the heck... I can handle a bit of a drink if it makes life/games more bearable.

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So my question is, for those who are enjoying the game: what are some extra things that you do to make the game interesting in its current state?



Paint the wall next to your computer and watch it dry. :cool:

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