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What to buy with warzone coms before valor 40?


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Title pretty much says it all, im a bit confused since im always nearly maxed at 2k coms and find nothing interesting to buy other than medpacks and expertise stims past level 20 gear.


Is there actually anything else needed or worth buying?

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Just stock up on medpacks and expertise adrenals.


Once you hit 50 you will regret not doing this.

Since you want to get gear. wich costs either ranked or normal commendations.


So you dont have to "waste" comms on medpacks or adrenals.

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buying the blue armor sets is mostly a waste.

first priority while leveling is getting a full set of orange moddable gear (you get an orange moddable weapon when you choose your AC)

after that, just keep the mods upgraded to always be wearing lvl equivalent gear.

this is easiest for light armor classes (social armor sets). pvp weapons are a great source of mods/enhancements (as already stated). armorings should be bought with planetary commendations.


so aside from the pvp weapons: wz stims and medpacks. fill your backpack. fill your cargo hold. you'll never have enough.

once you reach 40, max out your rated coms, then more stims/meds. keep your regular wz coms near maxed as much as you can. maxed before you ding 50

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If you do so much PVP that you literally have comms to burn, the lvl 40 armor sets and weapons arent bad, they'll be better than anything you find in drops, because if you are doing that much PVP, you will be way over-leveled to gear up on planet for PVE, (not that you need it if you are 10 levels over...) and you can get a full set for whichever companion you use the most. But other than that it's like veryone else said, WZ medpacs and stims. Ideally you want to hit 50 with 2000 comms and hopefully even more ranked comms (cap is 3500 I believe), but outside of that, consider you no longer get PVP boxes as your daily reward after 50. So however many medpacs/stims you have, that has to last you pretty much all the way through the Warhero gear grind. Edited by criminalheretic
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