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Is the suggestion box a place where thread go to die?

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So as the title states is the suggestion box a place mod's send post to die? In case you didn't know the suggestion box is where mods move threads but it's a special place. No one posts there, threads will fall regardless of new posts or not, and I highly doubt the developers really read that section.


The reason is many people i know, including myself, have had post moved there regardless of it being a new thread for discussion or ideas presented to community members to review/or discuss.


All i can hope is they don't move me to the forbidden suggestion box or another boring low traffic section on the forums. It'll be

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Lol you know I was thinking the same thing, I like to believe BW reads some suggestions but I can't say I've seen any indication of that. Most likely just a place for people to vent, many really good suggestions there and no response from BW.
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I don't get it, you're upset that the mods move suggestions to the suggestion box? :rak_02:


When it's something that should be out right discussed by the community as a whole, yes, they're probably upset that it gets moved there.


When people come to these forums they mainly hit two places: General Discussion // PvP forums. (going off views/replies.) When a moderator thinks something is just a suggestion, they move it into that disappearance box. However threads like one that I made SEEN HERE, which deliberately bunched up beta feedback and live feedback in order to get the community to back up changes that need to happen in order for this game to survive, are moved into the black hole where no one actually discusses anything.


And that's exactly why this game is going where it's going.

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As you can clearly already see, the General Forums attract all the trolls. The trolls don't know how to navigate to the Suggestion Box area of the forums, and thus it's quite evident that the Suggestion Box is ignored by most of this forums members.


As for your suggestions being ignored by the community management and development team. I can only hope it's untrue, but doubt it is.

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Hello everyone! We can assure you that we read the Suggestion Box very closely, as we do all forums. It is very common for us to move threads into their appropriate locations in an effort to keep the forums organized.


We will be closing this thread, however. We understand that moderation can be frustrating, but discussing it on the forums is not allowed. We ask that any feedback regarding moderation - both positive and negative - be emailed to communitysupport@swtor.com so your concerns can be addressed one-on-one. We have closed this thread, as discussion of moderation is not permitted, but we do encourage you to send us your feedback!



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