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Shadow vs Assassin


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I created an exact duplicate of my 50 Assassin in my new Shadow and i expected it to be the same thing in terms of playstyle and mechanics.


But ive noticed the animation of Project hindering the speed with which a Shadow deals damage to an enemy in comparison to an Assassin. If i attack something from stealth with Shock, the damage is instant. The same cannot be said about the Shadow equivalent, Project as its animation delays the damage by half a second.


It is probably not that big of a deal. I would just like to know how this is balanced between the two classes. If i hit a weak enemy with Shock from stealth, it is immediately stunned and has no time to attack before being stunned. If i attack a weak enemy from stealth with Project however, i take damage between the ''object'' hits and therefore stuns the target.


Is this difference balanced in some way with some other ability or talent? Perhaps some ability later on or talent further up one of the trees?

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Yes, including one epicly long thread that highlighted many of the imbalances found in game that favored the imps over the pubes.


Ahh but you misunderstand what i have said so far. It is ok, i will re-iterate. I am asking whether there is in fact balances already made to both classes so that the delay in Project does not make Shadow as a class imbalanced with Assassins.


I know the delay is there, and i am not asking for a ''fix'' or offering my own. I am asking IF it is in fact balanced with that delay.

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