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Episode One: Lord Vivicar


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I just want to say hi to all the sages and Shadows out there first. Secondly I would like to address people who think Vivicar is too hard. I died 3 times and killed him the fourth time he was lvl 34 I was lvl 32 with orange lvl 31 armor and some lvl 27 pieces. He is not in my opinion a hard fight I think Sino was harder. A tip is to time his force choke and interrupt it while beating him senseless. One tip for Sages if you lose your melee companion just kite him. Force slow is there for a reason shield, rejuvenate yourself and run, mix in a few tele kin throws and he will drop. The key to the battle is to interrupt his force choke. On the broader term I am still enjoying this game rather some are not it took other MMOs a bit before they were where they are or once were before.
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