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Legacy is the reason we don't already have server transfers


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Yes, because dumping legacy will suddenly make the code for server transfers appear !!


I don't know why BW didn't think of that !!


Its a worthless feature and its tied to the server, not the character. It is the reason we've all been stuck playing a single player game the past 3 months.

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Yes, because dumping legacy will suddenly make the code for server transfers appear !!


I don't know why BW didn't think of that !!


the "code" already exsists!

or how was it possible to have chat transfer for ausstralian/pazifik players?

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So why not just get rid of legacy so the rest of us can actually play this game?


There is nothing wrong with the legacy system, it's great, it adds depth to the game, it is NOT simply a fluff feature. It is also not Bioware's fault you rolled on a server that had a lower pop then everyone else. It is not Biowares fault you stayed on that lower pop server either.

Edited by Zilrota
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Why, because of the char or legacy names? WTH, just offer a million credits and a special pet to the user who agrees to give up his legacy name.


Or even better, If BW would allow same naming and attach an internal code to it, who cares how many skywalker legacies there are.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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That's strange. I have raided 3 of the last 4 nights with my buds. Perhaps we are playing different games?


The majority of the servers are low pop. We have hour + pvp queues on Veela. 15 people on Fleet in prime time. Go visit any planet and you have it to yourself. Its a single player game.

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Why, because of the char or legacy names? WTH, just offer a million credits to the user who agrees to give up his legacy name.


Or even better, If BW would allow same naming and attach an internal code to it, who cares how many skywalker legacies there are.


I'd gladly give up all 32 worthless levels of legacy I have to play on a populated sever.

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