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Why oh why . . .


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Ok so here is my question .... Why oh why does pvp geer have to be so fricken uggly . I meen would almost ragher nerf myself then to have to use those but uggly pvp robe . Omg cant bio afford a fashion desiner . Not only that why the heck do we have to look just like every other person . So here is the end game you get to fifty then you grind for butt uggly geer .... I know its starwars and its only apearenxe but come on ya my maruader was mostly abon cause of the looks and now that my sage is almost fifty do I stop playing her to just cause I dont want that uggly crap .... Bump if you think pvp geer is but azz uggly
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I agree with you, PvP gear is atrocious,,actually most endgame gear looks horrible. I think BW should start drug testing their gear designing team, actually while they are at it, why no the whole PvP team.


lmfao! Yes, drug test the team, and make sure they are using them. (Not really, but that would make for some excellent lols)

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My main is a Sith Inquisitor and yes, the PvP gear is horrendous looking. The BM gear was bad enough but the WH gear is even worse!


I couldn't wear it. So I had a friend craft a chest that looks like a pulled up hood if you hide the head piece. I then stripped out the mods and put them in it. Bonus is it has an augment. I tried to find the Inquisitor Robe but never did. This looks as good and has the augment. Plus I kept PvP gear in 4 slots so kept set bonus. The new feature of matching the other gear with the chest made it all blend in well.


With the exception of the gloves that have big spikes on them. Oh well.


I know I shouldn't care that much how it looks, but hey this is Star Wars...all ya need it a hood and a light sabre.

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You know whats funny..........?


One of the top people that designed this ugly gear left a few months ago....Not sure if he was fired or quit, but he is no longer at Bio........



Basically, he helped design the ugliest gear in MMO history then POOF.........gone...




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Have you seen the Sentinal's WH helmet? Who in their right mind will actually let this thing appear. The Devs definaltely smoked a fatty together that day! Dude that looks awesome! "Cough, cough ROFL!
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