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>> Hardest Raid Boss: Synchronized Que


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2 New Players join your group, now totaling 4 players.

1 of them was still solo qued.

You que the group, only 3 people are qued with you while the 4th is solo qued.

You tell everyone to Leave Que, that 1 person is afk or alt tabbed while waiting for que, but you don't know that.

You que again, 3 people out of 4 are qued with your party.

You type in CAPS like it means something.... LEAVE QUEEEEEEEE....wait 10 seconds

You que again, still 3 people in que, 1 guy afk.......OMG



Can we have a group que actually que the entire group?

// Make group que reset all current ques, then que everyone in party


Can you imagine this Nightmare Mode raid boss during 8 man ques? OH MY GOD ... so hard!

Edited by DkSharktooth
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