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[VEHICLE]Aratech Nightscythe


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Is it really necessary that I have to waste my weekly Nightmare-ID for KP to get this speeder?

Also it seems to have counted for Soa on Nightmare, he's the only one greyed out for me.


Do you want the speeder?

Edited by terminova
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If you're clearing the content for the achievement in Nightmare mode, how is that 'wasting' your ID?


It is not.

The achievements only count for Hard Mode. They don't count in Nightmare, therefore I'd have to waste one week's ID for the speeder.

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Ah, I understand now. I've done some raiding in Hard Modes, but haven't tried Nightmare yet, so I wasn't aware of the shared lockout. I thought that, since story and Hard had their own lockouts independent of each other, that Nightmare had it's own, independent lockout.


I was discussing this issue with a guildie last night. We haven't done story modes in a while, and we were wondering why we only had achievement towards the Hard Mode version.


So yeah, I hear you on this one. If you're clearing bosses towards a vehicle achievement quest, it's seems counter productive that higher difficulty levels don't count towards the easier quest criteria.

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I'm fine with Story and HM/NiM being two different achievements because they have different IDs, but NiM-kills need to count for HM-achievements as well.


Technically, they don't have to count for the other mode, so you really have to decide if you want the achievement speeder or not, and use your weekly lockout. That being said there's either a reason for the two modes sharing a lockout or it was simply an oversight.

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Technically, they don't have to count for the other mode, so you really have to decide if you want the achievement speeder or not, and use your weekly lockout. That being said there's either a reason for the two modes sharing a lockout or it was simply an oversight.


Fun fact:

Nightmare-Soa counts towards the Vehicle-achievement :)

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