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LFG tool positive thread inc!


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So I was on my level 18 trooper, and one of my friends were online we decided to run some flash points.

He jumped on his level 50 knight, and we rolled some content. I have a level 50 shadow, we switched he got on his low level toon, and I ran him. We had a blast doing this!! I mean honest, and I guess sadly I could never find a grp to run one flash point my whole time leveling from around 17 to 50 on my shadow maybe it was the times i was one.. anyways no matter.


MY POINT!... I can't wait for the LFG tool and finally try and see these flash points with a real group.. athiss, and mando raiders was just a ton of fun! This game will be so much better for it!


Anyone else feeling that this?


Thanks for reading :)

Edited by KindarMosfet
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