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Discounts for high legacy level


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So, on Hoth last night, a few of us were talking about how to improve the legacy system, and I hit upon a great idea. What about lowering prices for legacy unlocks the higher your legacy level.


So, if it costs 1,000,000 credits for a repair droid at legacy 8, maybe at legacy 10 it only costs 900,000.


Just a thought...

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I support this, as someone who was beside himself when he discovered that there was any cost at all associated with legacy unlocks.


I thought it was ridiculous that nearly everything was unlockable at a low legacy level but cost a fortune. I would have preferred it has gone along the lines of the social system where everything took really high levels but cost little.

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I like it. Perhaps just make it a set number. Say for each legacy level you earn beyond the unlock required level you get a 1% price reduction or something. So say a Legacy unlock requires legacy level 15 and costs 1,000,000 credits. If were legacy level 20 you'd get a 5% discount, level 22 would get a 7% discount and so on.
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